Jan 28, 2025
2019-2020 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
What’s New
Students from Cornelius Partsch’s GERM 331 “Civilization of Germany Through the Nineteenth Century” class hold minor declaration cards for the new Holocaust and Genocide Studies Minor in Red Square on Western’s campus. (Photo courtesy of Holocaust and Genocide Studies.) |
Catalog Policy Updates
Policies effective fall 2017
Policies effective fall 2018
Global Humanities and Religions
The Liberal Studies department has changed its name to Global Humanities and Religions effective 2019-2020 academic year. The reasons for the name change are to communicate more clearly the department’s mission, as well as to provide more focus in future development of curriculum and courses. This change also includes the creation of two new subject codes - HUMA (Humanities) and REL (Religion) - and the cancellation of the LBRL subject code, as well as substantive updates to the department’s programs of study. Go to the Global Humanities and Religions department page for more information.
Modern and Classical Languages
Nearly all courses in the Modern and Classical Langauges department have changed to 5 credits. Reasons for the change are to improve instruction in listening, speaking, reading and writing, and overall depth to the courses. This also has streamlined much of the department’s curriculum, including its programs of study. Go to the Modern and Classical Languages department page for more information.
New departments/programs (including name changes)
New programs of study/certificates
Programs of study with title changes
- Humanities: History of Culture, BA
(was Humanities — History of Culture Concentration, BA and Humanities — History of Culture Concentration, Thesis, BA)
- Humanities: History of Culture Minor
(was Humanities Minor)
- Kinesiology — Exercise Science Specialization, BS
(was Kinesiology — Movement Studies Specialization, BS)
- Professional Writing, Literacies, and Rhetoric Minor
(was Professional Writing Minor)
- Religion and Culture, BA
(was Humanities — Religion and Culture Concentration, BA and Humanities — Religion and Culture Concentration, Thesis, BA)
- Religion and Culture Minor
(was Study of Religion Minor)
- Recreation Management and Leadership, BA
(was Recreation, BA)
New courses
- A/HI 202 - Zen & the Art of Tea II
- A/HI 385 - African and Diasporic Cinema since 1960
- A/HI 391 - Topics in Art History
- A/HI 434 - Rococo: freedom, pleasure, decadence
- A/HI 446 - Aesthetics and Art Theory
- A/HI 451 - African Textiles: Shaping Culture through Cloth
- A/HI 491 - Advanced Topics in Art History
- ANTH 345 - Energy in the Global South
- ANTH 366 - Perspectives on Africa
- ART 140 - Ceramics For Non-Majors
- ART 160 - Fibers and Fabrics I for Non-Majors
- ART 316 - Studio Arts Internship
- ART 355 - Screenprinting
- BIOL 520 - Essentials for Biology Graduate Studies
- BIOL 521 - Introduction to Biology Research
- BIOL 522 - Research Proposal Development and Writing
- BIOL 523 - Research Presentation
- BNS 194 - Experience in Behavioral Neuroscience
- BNS 195 - Foundations of Behavioral Neuroscience
- CHIN 104 - Review of Elementary Chinese
- CLST 360 - Masterworks of Ancient Greek Literature
- CLST 370 - Literature of Rome and Her Empire
- COMM 100 - Introduction to Communication & Public Speaking
- CSCI 481 - Deep Learning
- CSD 440 - Augmentative and Alternative Communication for CSD and Related Disciplines
- CSEC 121 - Becoming a Student of Science
- CSEC 122 - Understanding Scientific Research
- DSGN 230 - Introduction to Typography
- DSGN 310 - Principles of Interaction Design
- DSGN 347 - Illustration Methods
- DSGN 348 - Visual Concepts in Illustration
- DSGN 357 - Narrative Illustration
- DSGN 358 - Digital Methods for Illustrators
- DSGN 367 - Commercial Illustration Concepts
- DSGN 368 - Professional Practices for Illustrators
- EDUC 201 - Systems for School and Community Renewal
- EDUC 311 - Understanding Washington State Tribal History, Culture, and Government: Since Time Immemorial Curriculum
- EDUC 465 - History of American Indian/Alaska Native Education and Policy Development
- ENRG 330 - Energy from the Earth
- ENRG 345 - Energy in the Global South
- ENRG 388 - Campus Energy System Analysis
- ENRG 421 - Energy Science Laboratory
- ENRG 461 - Mechanical and Environmental Systems in Buildings
- ENRG 466 - Life Cycle Analysis
- ENRG 482 - Greenhouse Gas Mitigation
- ENRG 486 - Electric Utility Resource Planning
- ENVS 314 - The Art of Cheese Making
- ENVS 467 - Power, Privilege, and the Environment
- ENVS 567 - Power, Privilege, and the Environment
- ENVS 599D - Seminar: Readings in Environmental Justice
- ESCI 225 - Beginning Ecology
- ESCI 314 - The Science of Cheesemaking
- ESCI 434 - Scientific Conference Preparation, Participation, and Evaluation
- ESCI 461 - Mechanical and Environmental Systems in Buildings
- ESCI 464 - Sustainable Building Analysis and Design
- ESJ 416 - Advanced Topics in Social Justice Education: Critical Race Theory in Education
- FAIR 471 - Neoliberalism & the Public School
- FIN 450 - Financial Analytics
- FIN 455 - Equity Analysis
- GEOL 195 - Mt Baker Geology and Volcanic Hazards
- GEOL 330 - Energy from the Earth
- GERM 330 - Topics in German Culture
- GERM 350 - Topics in German Literature
- HGST 301 - Topics in Holocaust Studies
- HGST 302 - Topics in Genocide Studies
- HGST 334 - Transitional Justice
- HIST 220 - Introduction to South Asian History
- HIST 326 - Immigration and Ethnicity in the Americas
- HIST 327 - Soccer in Latin America
- HIST 349 - History of the U.S. South
- HIST 362 - The Civil Rights - Black Power Era in U.S. History
- HIST 411 - Latin America & World War II
- HIST 468 - Borderlands and Frontiers of North America
- HIST 506 - Research seminar
- HNRS 390 - Honors Capstone Project Preparation
- HUMA 290 - Approaches to Cultural History
- HUMA 390 - Topics in Cultural History
- HUMA 490 - Seminar in Cultural History
- I T 520 - Introduction to Emerging Technologies
- I T 525 - Reading/Consuming in a Digital Environment
- I T 530 - Writing/Producing in a Digital Environment
- I T 535 - Leading and Learning with Technology
- ID 330 - Advanced Industrial Design CAD Skills
- JAPN 450 - Japanese Culture, History and Society
- JOUR 195 - Intro to Photo / Visual Journalism FYE
- KIN 514 - Applied Nutrition and Physical Activity
- KIN 555 - Professional Ethics in Sport and Exercise Psychology
- LDST 304 - Leadership & Career Preparation for Veterans
- LDST 451 - Leadership & Pedagogy II
- LIBR 239 - Writing & Research Workshop
- MACS 301 - Marine Physical and Chemical Processes
- MACS 302 - Marine Geological Processes
- MACS 303 - Marine Ecological Processes
- MATH 108 - Math Applications & Reasoning
- MATH 446 - Nonparametric Statistical Inference
- MATH 540 - Topics in Probability and Statistics
- MFGE 340 - Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers
- MFGE 350 - Introduction to Manufacturing Automation
- MKTG 499 - People and Money: Psychology and Behavior Perspective
- MSCI 195 - Introduction to the Science of Sustainable Energy
- MSCI 340 - Materials Science II
- MUS 109 - Iconic Music in Iconic Films
- MUS 110 - Electronic Music and Technology
- MUS 371 - Advanced Treble Chorale
- MUS 466C - Applied Music Pedagogy: Piano II
- MUS 466D - Applied Music Pedagogy: Voice II
- PA 101 - Beginning Conditioning
- PA 104 - Beginning Yoga
- PA 108 - Beginning Weight Training
- PA 125 - Zumba
- PA 134 - Beginning Pickleball
- PA 144 - Beginning Soccer
- PA 145 - Beginning Volleyball
- PA 149 - Beginning Ultimate Disc
- PA 168 - Beginning Martial Arts
- PE 109 - Strength & Yoga Fusion
- PE 118 - Intermediate Weight Training
- PE 180 - Kayak Touring II
- PLSC 395 - Politics of Latin America
- PSY 334 - Cognitive Development
- PSY 335 - Socioemotional Development
- PSY 336 - Personality Development
- RECR 260 - Introduction to Recreation Services
- RECR 261 - Inclusive Recreation Leadership
- REL 290 - Religion, Culture, and Society
- REL 390 - Topics in Religion
- REL 490 - Seminar in Religion
- SALI 201 - Introduction to the Salish Sea
- SALI 202 - Introduction to the Salish Sea - Lab
- SALI 490 - Salish Sea Studies Community Seminar
- SALI 590 - Salish Sea Studies Community Seminar
- SEC 514 - Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools I
- SEC 515 - Teaching and Learning in Secondary Schools II
- SEC 692 - Graduate Research Seminar I
- SEC 693 - Graduate Research Seminar II
- SOC 377 - Social Change and Latin America
- SPAN 195 - Introduction to Language and Cultures in the Spanish-Speaking World
- SPAN 404 - Spanish Linguistics
- THTR 111 - Basic Visual Design
- THTR 322 - Improvisation for Teaching Artists
- THTR 323 - Adobe Creative Suite for Entertainment Design
- THTR 324 - Projection and Media Design