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Jack, Dana C. / Fairhaven
Jagdish, Vinit / Economics
Jancic, Mitchell / TESOL/Elementary Education
Janson, Carol / Art
Jantzen, Kelly J. / Psychology
Jantzen, McNeel / Psychology
Jaye, Cara / Art
Jelaca Jovanovic, Milica / Music
Jewett, Robert I. / Mathematics
Jimerson, Randall C. / History
Johnson, Brad L. / Physics and Astronomy
Johnson, Diane / Modern and Classical Languages
Johnson, James L. / Computer Science
Johnson, Jerry L. / Mathematics
Johnson, Mildred / Mathematics
Johnson, Nancy J. / English
Johnson, Paula / Elementary Education
Johnson, Vernon D. / Political Science
Jones, Diana / Human Services and Rehabilitation
Jongejan, Anthony / Instructional Technology and Educational Leadership
Jull, Pamela / Sociology
Jusak, Debra S. / Computer Science
Kamena, T.H. / Canadian-American Studies
Kanhai, Rosanne D. / English
Kanov, Jason M. / Management
Karlberg, Michael / Communication
Kasprisin, Lorraine / Educational Foundations; Secondary Education
Keppie, Christina / Modern and Classical Languages
Keiper, Robert / Secondary Education
Keiper, Timothy / Instructional Technology and Secondary Education
Keller, Jennifer / Journalism
Kelley, Bridget / Special Education
Kennedy, Kathleen A. / History
Kim, Ilhyung / Decision Sciences
Kim, Jongwook / Management
Kim, Jongwook / MBA
Kincaid, Susan / Human Services and Rehabilitation
King, Jeff / Psychology
King, Rosalie Rosso / Art
Kitto, Kathleen L. / Engineering Technology
Kleinknecht, Ron / Psychology
Knabb, Shawn / Economics
Knutzen, Kathleen / Physical Education, Health and Recreation
Koetje, Todd A. / Anthropology
Kong, Sophie / Finance and Marketing
Korsmo, John / Human Services and Rehabilitation
Krieg, John / Economics/Director, Office of Survey Research
Kriz, George S. / Chemistry
Krogh, Suzanne L. / Elementary Education/Early Childhood Education
Kuntz, Mark / Theatre Arts
Kuntz, Pam / Dance
Laffrado, Laura / English
Lambert, Michael Chuck / Special Education
Landis, Wayne G. / Environmental Sciences
Larner, Daniel M. / Fairhaven
Larsen, Donald / Educational Administration
Larson, Bruce E. / Secondary Education
Larson, Kristen / Physics and Astronomy
Lawrence, Molly / Secondary Education
Lay, William H. / Educational Foundations/Special Education
Leaf, David S. / Biology
Lee, Ee Lin / Communication
Leger, Janelle / Advanced Materials Science and Engineering
Lehman, Barbara / Psychology
Lemm, Kristi / Psychology
Leonard, Kevin A. / History
Leonhardt, Eric C. / Engineering Technology
Lewis, Arleen C. / Psychology
Lewis, L. Floyd / Decision Sciences
Liao-Troth, Matthew / Management
Lin, Ying / Engineering Technology
Li, Ying / Physical Education, Health and Recreation
Lindsey, Billie / Physical Education, Health and Recreation
Linneman, Scott / Geology
Livingston, Mary Morgan / Human Services and Rehabilitation
Lobeck, Anne / English
Lois, Jennifer / Sociology
Lopez, A. Ricardo / History
Lopresti, Robert / Library
Lorenzen, Michael / Library
Lortz, James E. / Theatre Arts
Loucky, James / Anthropology
Love, Edwin / Finance and Marketing
Lundeen, Kathleen / English
Luo, Baozhen / Sociology
Lyne, William / English
McClanahan, Lauren / Secondary Education
McCormick, Patrick F. / Art
McDonald-Miszczak, Leslie / Psychology
McDowell, Stephen / Mathematics
McInnis, Raymond / Library
McKell, Eric K. / Engineering Technology
McLaughlin, John F. / Environmental Sciences
McLean, Kate C. / Psychology and American Cultural Studies
Madsen, Leza (Elizabeth) / Library
Madunic, Marko / Management
Magee, Kelly / English
Mahoney, Kristin / English
Majors, Diane / TESOL/Elementary Education
Mana, Michael / Psychology
Mancuso, Susan K. / Adult and Higher Education
Mariz, George E. / History
Markosian, Ned / Philosophy
Markworth, Kimberly / Mathematics
Marrs, Lawrence W. / Special Education and Educational Administration
Marshall, Robert C. / Anthropology
Martin, LeaAnn / Physical Education, Health and Recreation
Mathers-Schmidt, Barbara / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Matthews, Geoffrey B. / Computer Science
Matthews, Robin A. / Environmental Sciences
Mears, Derrick / Physical Education, Health and Recreation
Medler, Michael / Environmental Studies: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography
Meehan, J. Michael / Computer Science
Melious, Jean O. / Environmental Studies: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography
Mendes, Sebastian / Art
Merrill, Rick / Dance
Metzger, Mary J. / English
Meyer, David / Music
Miles, John C. / Environmental Studies: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography
Miles, Scott / Environmental Studies: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography
Miller, Barbara / Art
Miller, Brenda / English
Miller, Kate / Women Studies, and American Cultural Studies
Miller, Matthew / Elementary Education
Mills, Perry F. / Theatre Arts
Miner, Benjamin / Biology
Miran, Jonathan / Liberal Studies
Mitchell, Robert J. / Geology
Mogford, Liz / Sociology
Montoya-Lewis, Raquel / Fairhaven College of Interdisciplinary Studies and American Cultural Studies
Mookherjee, Debnath / Environmental Studies: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography
Morris, Jason / Engineering Technology
Morrow, Kacey / Art
Morton, Todd / Engineering Technology
Mottner, Sandra / Finance and Marketing
Moulds, Cynthia / Women Studies
Moulds, Lisa / Women Studies
Moyer, Craig L. / Biology
Muller-Parker, Gisèle / Biology
Murphy, Amanda, / Chemistry
Murphy, Dennis R. / Economics/Dean Emeritus, CBE
Murphy, Sean / Liberal Studies
Myers, O. Eugene / Environmental Studies: Policy, Planning, Education and Geography
Naylor, Michael / Mathematics
Neem, Johann / History
Nelson, David M. / Economics
Nelson, George / Science Education and Physics and Astronomy
Nelson, Philip A. / Computer Science
Newcomer, Jeffrey / Engineering Technology
Nicholas, Trula / Human Services and Rehabilitation
Nielsen, Carolyn / Journalism
Nolet, Victor / Secondary Education
Norman, Arlan / Chemistry
Nyman, Adam / Mathematics
Ohana, Chris / Elementary Education
Olney, Thomas J. / Finance and Marketing
O Murchu, Niall / Fairhaven College
O’Neil, Gregory / Chemistry
O’Reilly, Maureen E. / Theatre Arts
Osborne, Martin L. / Computer Science
Oslapas, Arunas P. / Engineering Technology
Otto, Joann / Biology
Ousselin, Edward / Modern and Classical Languages
Paola, Suzanne L. / English
Paredes Mendez, Maria F. / Modern and Classical Languages
Park, Douglas / English
Parker, Jennie / Special Education
Parris, Kristen D. / Political Science
Partsch, Cornelius / Modern and Classical Languages
Patrick, David L. / Chemistry
Pearce, Scott / Liberal Studies
Penland, Diane / Teacher Education Outreach Programs
Perry, Tara / Communication
Peters, Kimberly / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Peterson, Andrea / Library
Peterson, Merrill A. / Biology
Pierce, George / Adult and Higher Education
Pilgrim, Tim A. / Journalism
Pillitteri, Lynn / Biology
Pine, Judith / Anthropology
Piper, Paul / Library
Poon, Cecilia Siu-Wah / Library
Prim, Merle M. / Psychology
Prody, Gerry A. / Chemistry
Pulver, Gregory L. / Theatre Arts
Purdue, Jeffrey / Library
Purdue, Seiko Atsuta/ Art
Purdy, John / English
Qualley, Donna J. / English
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