College of Science and Engineering
Graduate Faculty
Amos, C. B., PhD, tectonics, surface processes
Caplan-Auerbach, J., PhD, geophysics, seismology
Clark, D.H., PhD, glacial geology
DeBari, S.M., PhD, petrology, science education
Foreman, B.Z., PhD, stratigraphy, sedimentology
Geary, E.E., PhD, igneous and metamorphic petrology, science education
Hansen, T.A., PhD, paleontology
Housen, B.A., PhD, geophysics
Linneman, S.R., PhD, geomorphology, science education
Mitchell, R.J., PhD, hydrogeology, watershed hydrology, environmental and engineering geology
Rice, M.S., PhD, planetary geology and geophysics
Schermer, E.R., PhD, tectonics, structural geology, geochronology
Stelling, P, PhD, igneous petrology, volcanology, geothermal research
Emeritus Faculty
Babcock, R.S., geochemistry, petrology.
Beck, Myrl E., Jr., geophysics, paleomagnetism.
Berg, R., remote sensing, surface computational studies.
Brown, E.H., metamorphic petrology, geochemistry.
Easterbrook, Don, geomorphology, glacial geology.
Engebretson, D.C., PhD, tectonics, paleomagnetism.
Talbot, James L., structural geology, tectonics.
Program Advisor: Dr. Bernard Housen, Environmental Studies Center 240, 360-650-3581
Program Description and Goals
Western Washington University offers a Masters program in Geology that aims to prepare students for professional employment in geoscience careers in the Pacific Northwest and beyond or for continuing graduate studies at the doctoral level. We specialize in structure/tectonics, petrology, volcanology, geomorphology, geophysics, hydrogeology and environmental/engineering geology, geothermal energy, sedimentology, planetary geology, and geoscience education.
This program normally leads to employment in consulting firms; in local, state, or federal government resource-based or planning agencies; and in teaching at community colleges or at a secondary level. The degree also serves as a foundation for graduate studies beyond the M.S. level, and for those interested in pursuing related careers, such as environmental law, natural resource management, or policy. The Department encourages an integrative, multi-disciplinary approach.
The M.S. program produces professional geoscientists with the ability to conduct original and meaningful scientific research. Graduates possess a broad grounding in geosciences and sophistication in their area of concentration.
Students with a bachelor’s degree and who meet the requirements of the Graduate School are invited to apply for admission to the graduate program in geology. Students with a BS/BA degree in geology, which includes a recognized geology field course, generally will be offered full admittance into the program provided they have the appropriate math, chemistry, and physics background. Prerequisite course work may be necessary, depending on the applicant’s chosen field of study. Applicants without a BS/BA degree in geology will need to take a minimum of 19 quarter credits, including physical geology, historical geology, stratigraphy/sedimentology, mineralogy, petrology, geomorphology, structural geology, geophysics, and a recognized geology field camp, up to a maximum of 42 geology credits, which may include additional prerequisites in chemistry, physics and math, depending on each individual situation. Students who have not completed these courses before entering the geology MS program must do so and maintain an average of B or better in prerequisite courses before being advanced to candidacy. Courses taken to make up these deficiencies are not counted toward the MS degree.
Application Information
Specific Test Requirements: Graduate Record Examination (GRE).
Deadline: The geology department prefers to admit students to enter in fall quarter. Admittance to the program also will depend on the availability of an advisor in the student’s area of interest.
TA Deadlines: To be considered for a teaching assistantship, application and supporting materials must be on file by January 15.
Supporting Materials:
- A statement of the student’s background and purpose
- Reference letters
- Official transcripts