2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
American Cultural Studies
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American cultural studies allows students to concentrate on the Americanization process, American character, American cultural institutions and/or American cultural values, particularly as these shape our concepts and choices of vocation.
The program in American cultural studies serves those students and faculty who are interested in the study of such questions but find that important aspects of cultural institutions, cultural artifacts and cultural values are not fully revealed by the course of study within a single department or college. The program allows students the opportunity to study issues especially arising from the cultural diversity in American society. Whenever possible, the program takes advantage of the rich curricular offerings of the various departments and colleges of the University.
Students who want a liberal arts education of breadth and depth will find that, because of its flexibility, the program adapts well to their needs. It offers suitable undergraduate background for advanced study in law, domestic social services, public service, government service or education, and for graduate work in American studies, ethnic studies and the social sciences. It also offers unique ways to combine the study of the humanities and social sciences.
For further information and advisement about the program contact the director of the program, Dr. Lawrence J. Estrada, College Hall 203 or Fairhaven College 330.
LARRY J. ESTRADA, Fairhaven College. Director, American Cultural Studies program. Race and ethnicity in America; Chicana-Hispano studies; urban multicultural education; U.S.-Mexican relations.
JEANNE ARMSTRONG, Wilson Library. Research strategies, gender studies, postcolonial theory and comparative cultural and literary studies.
MARIE EATON, Fairhaven College. Minorities and education, gay/lesbian/ bisexual/transgender studies.
PAT FABIANO, Woodring College of Education. Multicultural issues in higher education; gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender people and studies; working class studies; feminist research approaches.
JOHN FEODOROV, Fairhaven College. New genre art, Native American Art, Art and Society
KRISTEN FRENCH, Woodring College of Education. Educational pluralism.
CHRIS FRIDAY, History. Asian American and Native American studies; immigration, labor, Pacific Northwest and U.S. West studies.
CAROL GUESS, English. Fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry writing, queer studies.
CECILY HAZELRIGG-HERNANDEZ, Fairhaven. Chicano/Latino studies, comparative cultural studies, immigration, social justice and the U.S. legal system.
STEVE HOFFMAN, American Cultural Studies. American Judaism and Jewish religious practices.
VERNON JOHNSON, Political Science. Culture and politics of African societies; African American studies; the civil rights movement in America.
ROSANNE KANHAI-BRUNTON, English. Feminist literary theory; postcolonial literatures; African American literature; imaginative literature by women of color.
KEVIN LEONARD, History. History of Latino and African Americans in the United States.
JAMES LOUCKY, Anthropology. Immigration policy, Native American cultures, Latin and Latin American cultures, United States-Mexico border policy.
BILL LYNE, English. African American literature, cultural studies, cultural theory.
KATE MILLER, Women Studies. Women studies, comparative racial and ethnic studies, multiracial identity, GLBT studies.
RAQUEL MONTOYA-LEWIS, Fairhaven College. Law, federal and traditional/customary Indian law, theories of jurisprudence, social welfare systems and social work practice, lesbian/gay/bisexual/transgendered studies, identity (racial, cultural, gender) studies.
DAVE OREIRO, Northwest Indian College. American Indian experience; contemporary American Indian issues; American Indian higher education
TARA PERRY, Communication. Communication cultural/critical studies; students with disabilities in higher education; service learning; issues of diversity in teaching and learning.
JOHN PURDY, English. Native American literature; ethnic perspectives on literary theory.
MARSHA RIDDLE-BULY , Woodring College of Education. Literacy and historically marginalized students; English as a Second Language; bilingual education.
DAN FIRST SCOUT ROWE, Fairhaven College. American Indian studies, veterans studies.
RAE LYNN SCHWARTZ-DUPRE, Communication. Communication cultural/ critical studies; rhetorical theory and criticism; visual rhetoric; feminist postcolonial theory and criticism.
TANIS S’EILTIN, Fairhaven. Art and creativity; American Indian art forms; American Indian issues.
MART STEWART, History. African American history, cultural history of science and the environment.
MIDORI TAKAGI, Fairhaven. United States History; African American History; comparative racial and ethnic studies.
NING YU, English. Asian American studies minor. Asian American literature; Asian mythology; 19th century American literature and science.
Undergraduate Degrees and Programs
American Cultural Studies, BA
American Cultural Studies Minor
African American Studies Minor
American Indian Studies Minor
Asian American Studies Minor
Diversity in Higher Education Minor
Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender Studies Minor
Raza Latina Studies Minor
American Cultural Studies Courses
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