2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
General Studies
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The general studies major is designed for students seeking a flexible academic focus that transcends disciplinary boundaries. Students may develop a personalized plan of study utilizing resources across multiple departments. The major affords students the opportunity to prepare themselves for work in a variety of areas. In consultation with the General Studies Advisor, students design their program of study under the general studies major guidelines.
The BA in General Studies is administered and awarded by the College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS). In keeping with the goals, mission, and standards for all students in CHSS, the general studies major aspires to graduate individuals who: can appreciate cultural differences and differences of opinion; have developed moral and aesthetic sensibilities; have mastered the basic tools of literacy, communication, and technology; have acquired levels of knowledge about the natural and social worlds, past and present, sufficient for responsible citizenship and the enjoyment of a civilized society, and are lifelong learners.
Students interested in pursuing the General Studies Major should contact the General Studies Advisor. See www.wwu.edu/generalstudies.
Declaration Process
A general studies major is available only through an application process.
- Students are required to meet with the General Studies Advisor to develop a plan of study.
- The plan of study for the proposed general studies major must identify educational objectives and the course planning should be linked to the objectives. A program theme should be developed and designed with advisement from the General Studies Advisor.
- Students must meet all of the prerequisites for courses in the proposed major. No plan of study will be approved if it is apparent that the student hopes to avoid course prerequisites or sequencing.
- Upper division courses in some departments may not be available due to competitive access with the departmental majors and cannot be included in the plan of study unless some prior arrangement and approval has been granted by the department.
- Students must obtain final approval of the plan of study from the College of Humanities and Social Sciences through the General Studies Advisor.
- Major declaration forms may be picked up from the General Studies Advisor. The original signed form must be returned to the Registrar’s Office.
NOTE: Fairhaven students cannot major in general studies. A general studies major cannot be earned concurrently with another major. Any major earned after the degree is awarded may not be based on essentially the same constellation of courses as the student’s general studies major. Students who have earned a baccalaureate degree at Western cannot major in general studies. A minor in General Studies is not offered.
Undergraduate Degrees
General Studies, BA
General Studies Courses
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