Feb 07, 2025
C/AM 369 - Settler Cities Settler Cities represent settler futures, settler ideals, and settler fantasies while attempting to erase Indigenous presence and Indigenous futures. Many North American cities were built upon Indigenous villages, actively removing Indigenous peoples to create settler spaces. As this class will demonstrate, the ongoing project of settler urbanization has not been successful, highlighting the resurgence of Indigenous communities across Turtle Island and the geopolitical extents of the North American settler-state. The course provides a cross-border assessment of Settler Cities between Canada and the United States demonstrating the pervasive systems of settler colonialism and the shared project of Indigenous Futures. Also offered as UEPP 369.
Prerequisites & Notes: One course from: ENVS 204, UEPP 261, UEPP 270, SALI 201, C/AM 331, ENVS 331, or UEPP 343; or instructor permission. Credits: 4 Grade Mode: Letter GUR Attributes: BCGM
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