Feb 11, 2025  
2024-25 Western Washington University Catalog 
2024-25 Western Washington University Catalog
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MACS 110 - Marine Habitat Diversity

This course will be an exploration of the biological and physical properties of the diverse marine habitats characteristic of Salish Sea environments, including eelgrass and other soft-sediment sites, the rocky intertidal, the plankton and deep-sea sites. Habitats will be studied with respect to their physical properties, the impacts on them of factors such as tides and exposure, typical biota, and oceanographic processes that characterize them. Instruction will include lectures, laboratory exercises, field trips and group projects. The course includes a residential component at Shannon Point Marine Center just before the start of regular fall quarter instruction. During fall quarter, the course will continue with regular meetings on main campus in Bellingham.

Prerequisites & Notes: Admissions to the Marine Science Scholars Program or instructor permission for MACS transfer student fall cohort.
Credits: 3
Grade Mode: Letter

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