Sep 23, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog 
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400; 417, 445 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • ECON 412 - Economics of Tax Policy

    Positive and normative analysis of tax policy; topics include the taxation of savings, taxation of labor income, taxes on risk-taking and wealth, and optimal income and commodity taxation.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306 and ECON 310

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Coll of Business and Economics
  • ECON 430 - Experimental Economics

    This course introduces experiments as a tool in economic analysis. The course will examine experimental methodology and provide a first exposure to various experimental results. The course will stress the interaction of theory and experiment, seeking to relate questions in the theory of markets, games, and decisions to issues in experimental design and the analysis and interpretation of those results.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306 or ECON 309; DSCI 205 or MATH 341.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 442 - Industrial Organization and Public Policy

    A study of firms and the markets in which they operate. Considerable emphasis placed on strategic interaction among firms. Topics include mergers, predatory pricing, advertising, patents, vertical relationships and antitrust.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306 or ECON 309

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 446 - Economics for the Teacher

    Presentation of basic microeconomic concepts including the operation and decision-making of households and businesses in a market economy. Special consideration is given to the development of classroom teaching strategies involving the use of games, simulations and audiovisual aids.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Teaching experience or current or expected enrollment in teaching education program

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 447 - Methods for Teaching About the National Economy in the Public Schools

    Forces affecting the overall levels of output, employment and prices in the U.S. economy. The economic effects of government policies involving taxes, spending and the money supply. Special consideration is given to the development of classroom teaching strategies involving the use of games, simulations and audiovisual aids.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 206 or 446 plus teaching experience or current or expected enrollment in teaching education program

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 448 - Methods for Teaching Personal Finance in the Public Schools

    This course is designed to provide educators with the background and training that they need to successfully integrate personal finance into their classes or to develop and present a new stand alone personal finance course. The on-site portion, typically conducted in a conference setting, will be supplemented by research and a project to be completed after the classroom portion of the course.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Currently certificated teacher.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter

    College Of Business and Economics
  • ECON 462 - International Trade

    The theory of international trade. Alternative approaches for explaining the pattern and terms of trade. An examination of the gains from trade and commercial policy. Includes issues of protectionism, economic integration and strategic trade policy.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306 or ECON 309

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 463 - International Finance

    Balance of payments, adjustment mechanisms, international monetary system and international interdependence. Topics include determinants of exchange rate policy, the relationship between domestic monetary and exchange rate policies, and international policy coordination.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 307.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Coll of Business and Economics
  • ECON 465 - Development Economics

    This course will study the special problems faced by the less developed countries of the world and the economic mechanisms that must be taken into account in raising living standards. Topics considered may include population growth, the demographic transition, savings and capital accumulation, education and human capital, health and human capital, institutions and the development process, the role of history and multiple equilibria, the role of expectations and multiple equilibria, and economic integration.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306, ECON 307; DSCI 205 or MATH 341.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 470 - Economic Fluctuations and Forecasting

    Theory and techniques of forecasting economic trends at the macro, micro and regional levels. Application of regression and time-series methods using PC econometric/forecasting software.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306 or ECON 307; ECON 375 or MATH 342

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 475 - Econometrics

    Further topics in econometrics. Coverage may include systems of simultaneous equations, discrete-choice models, time series analysis, panel data, flexible functional forms, and nonparametric methods.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306 or ECON 307; ECON 375 or MATH 342 or MATH 442

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 482 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Economics

    Examines an extended set of applications in environmental economics, with a focus on deepening the student’s understanding of the field. Applications involve current controversies in environmental policy and management, as well as methodological issues. Topics include climate change, solid waste management and recycling, water quality, and other issues of current interest.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 383 or equivalent

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 483 - Resource Economics

    Principles of efficient resource allocation over time, distributional equity and cost/benefit analysis. Examines minerals and other exhaustible resources; forests, fisheries and other renewable resources; and public goods such as water and wilderness.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ECON 306 or ECON 309

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 491 - Issues in Political Economy

    Discussion and analysis of selected issues of significant economic and political content. Also offered as PLSC 491.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Senior standing; ECON/PLSC combined major, or ECON major/PLSC minor or instructor permission.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter

    College of Business and Economics
  • ECON 493 - Senior Seminar: Economics, the Environment and Natural Resources

    Discussion and analysis of selected issues in the economics of the environment and natural resources.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    senior standing; ECON/ESTU combined major; also offered as ESTU 493

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter

    College of Business and Economics


Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500; 417, 445, 517, 545 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • EDUC 108 - Purposeful Learning

    Seminar course designed for enhancing student understanding and application of the meta-cognitive process of lifelong learning.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 109 - Scholarship of Teaching and Learning

    Survey of concepts foundational to effective teaching and learning from history, sociology, psychology, political science, communication arts and law. Explores the interdependent and synergistic relationship between various academic disciplines and the scholarship of teaching and learning.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    GUR Attributes: SSC

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 110 - Future Scholarship Seminar

    This course uses readings, videos, guest presentations, field observations and extra-curricular activities to more fully familiarize first quarter freshmen designated as Future Woodring Scholars with academic and student support programs, and to explore career opportunities in the fields of teaching and human services.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Appointment by Dean of WCE as a Future Woodring Scholar.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 301 - Educational Psychology I: Development and Individual Differences

    Principles of development and individual differences as they relate to both academic and non-academic functioning. Emphasis on implications for P-12 classrooms.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College of Education or permission of department chair.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 302 - Educational Psychology II: Motivation, Learning and Assessment

    Principles of human motivation and learning and their implications for P-12 classrooms; basic statistical and applied concepts used in assessment of student performance.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    EDUC 301.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 309 - Storytelling: Oral Narrative in History, Culture, and Society

    Current trends and interdisciplinary applications of storytelling. Selection, adaptation and presentation of stories for various settings and audiences, with focus on the history of oral narrative traditions, cultural perspectives, and societal impact.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    GUR Attributes: BCOM

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 310 - The Teacher and the Social Order

    Dominant aspects of society as they interact with schools and teaching.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College of Education or permission of instructor or department chair.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 320 - Reader’s Theatre in the Classroom

    Adaptation of fiction and nonfiction into script form for K-12 classroom. Emphasis on teaching creative writing, literature appreciation, teamwork and oral skills development.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 409 - Advanced Storytelling

    Training in public storytelling performance in community and educational settings. Emphasizes personal performance development, practical public experience, storytelling teaching methods, and advanced study of the history and current trends in the growing field of storytelling.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    EDUC 309 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 450 - Teacher Assistance Program

    Focuses on induction for first and second-year teachers on to the profession and supports professional practice known to support student learning. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Contracted first or second-year teacher.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 4
    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 451 - Professional Certification Pre-Assessment Seminar

    Candidates form a Professional Growth Team and develop a Professional Growth Plan in accordance with state guidelines. Through seminar discussion and alignment of professional practice with the researched knowledge base of the profession. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to the Professional Certification Program.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 452 - Professional Certification Core

    Development of portfolio evidence aligned with Professional Certification Standards and Criteria. Selection of elective credit courses/workshops that further professional development toward goals written in the prerequisite seminar. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Satisfactory completion of EDUC 451 and formal admission to the Professional Certification program.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 453 - Professional Certification Linking Class

    Create an organized and “at standard” portfolio of evidence to meet Professional Certification standards. S/U grading. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 3
    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 454 - Culminating Seminar

    Final course in the Professional Certificate sequence. Candidates discuss and present evidence of continuous student performance progress monitoring strategies. Formal presentation of professional development activities related to the goals written earlier in the program and identification of next professional development plans. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Successful completion of the Pre-Assessment and Core components in the Professional Certification Program.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 455 - Effective Teaching Module IV

    Candidates complete program outcomes by submitting “at standard” performance indicators that are embedded in instructional and classroom management plans. Creation of an annotated bibliography of research-based effective teaching strategies, facilitated student use of technology and complete a draft of a Professional Growth Plan. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Alternate Certificate Modules I, II, III

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 456 - Alternate Route Internship

    A mentored teaching experience to develop and demonstrate the knowledge and skills learned in the accompanying EDUC 455 course. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Concurrent enrollment in EDUC 455.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 457 - National Board Preparation, Part I

    Development of the first National Board entry focused on professional accomplishments and outreach to families and community. Participation in cohort group discussions and group evaluation of entry drafts. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Candidacy for National Board Certification

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 458 - National Board Preparation, Part II

    Candidates participate in discussions of “at standard” performance, timelines and differences between analytic, reflective and descriptive writing. Submission of all entries to the National Board and completion of Assessment Center tests in a certificate area by a nationally established deadline. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Candidacy for National Board Certification

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 459 - Professional Certification Advanced Track

    Advanced Track Candidates for Professional Teacher Certification will complete Pre-Assessment requirements and present work sample evidence to verify that all Professional Certificate Standards have been met. Candidates who successfully present portfolio evidence will be affirmed as having met Professional Certificate requirements. Candidates without complete portfolio will complete Core and Culminating Seminar requirements. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    admission to Professional Certification Program, teaching certification from non-Washington State and 5 years of teaching experience before entering Washington

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 460 - Portfolio Development

    This is a standards-based program. Candidates will prepare a portfolio of evidence in alignment with Washington State’s ProTeach Portfolio assessment process based on Professional Certificate Standards and Criteria. A successful portfolio is a requirement in order to transition from a temporary Residency Certificate to a permanent Professional Certificate. A Professional Certificate or National Board Certification is a requirement for continuing employment in the public school system. Repeatable up to a maximum of 8 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Enrollment in the Professional Certificate Support Program.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Repeatability: Repeatable
    Maximum Repeatability: 8 credits
    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 501 - Introduction to Educational Research

    Introduction to the concepts and procedures of contemporary education research. Locating and interpreting research literature; formulating research problems and hypotheses. Selecting research designs, including quantitative and qualitative approaches. Use of correlational, causal comparative, quasi-experimental, experimental, single subject, descriptive, case study, and various qualitative methodologies.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Must take within first 12-16 credit hours under advisement.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 505 - Creating Classrooms for Learning

    Advanced studies in culturally responsive curriculum, instruction and assessment.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    EDUC 501.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 534 - Assessing Educational Quality

    Developing criteria and designing procedures for measuring input process and product resulting from special or innovative programs, community factors, options in administrative and instructional organization; for coordinators and research workers in the public schools.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    EDUC 501 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 690 - Thesis

    Research study under the direction of a faculty committee. Repeatable to a maximum of 5 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Advancement to candidacy and approval of the student’s committee.

    Credits: 1 TO 5
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 5
    Woodring College of Education
  • EDUC 691 - Research Seminar and Inquiry Project

    Research study under the direction of a faculty committee. Repeatable to a maximum of 5 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Advancement to candidacy and approval of the student’s graduate committee.

    Credits: 1 TO 5
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 5
    Woodring College of Education

Educational Administration

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500; 417, 445, 517, 545 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • EDAD 501 - Introduction to Educational Research

    Introduction to fundamental concepts and procedures of educational research and evaluation. Interpreting research and evaluation literature and assessing appropriateness of methodology and application of research and evaluation models; utilization of databases for K-12 application in curriculum and decision making.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 512 - Policy Studies in Educational Administration

    Introduction to philosophical, ethical, moral and legal bases of educational administration, policy decision-making, and formulation. Study of selected policy development and implementation models in relation to above perspectives.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 518 - Current Issues in Education

    Examination and discussion of several current and controversial issues in education. Repeatable with no maximum.

    Credits: 1 TO 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 538 - Case Studies in School Administration

    Studies to assist students in understanding school administration. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr.

    Credits: 2 TO 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 6
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 539 - Educational Leadership

    Roles and responsibilities of persons serving as members of the leadership team in public schools. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    teaching experience or instructor permission

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 540 - Political and Economic Forces Shaping Education

    A study of major forces and groups at the federal, local and state level which impact education through political and economic means.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 541 - Theory in Educational Administration

    The study of major administrative theories and the impact of management, leadership and decision making for school administrators.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 542 - Public School Organization and Administration

    Problems and potentials of the principalship.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 543 - Supervision in the Public Schools

    Supervision as educational leadership in continuous evaluation and improvement of school practice.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 544 - Collective Bargaining in the Public Schools

    Technical structure and protocol of collective bargaining as well as issues and practices.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 546 - Administrative Research Topics

    Identification, study and evaluation of research topics appropriate for building level administrators. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr.

    Credits: 2 TO 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 6
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 547 - Readings in School Administration

    Supervised study focusing on one or more selected topics. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr.

    Credits: 2 TO 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 6
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 548 - School Law

    Legal principles underlying statutes and court decisions related to the schools.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 549 - Seminar in School Personnel Administration

    Professional relationships among certified employees and other school personnel; development and implementation of policies.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    instructor permission

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 550 - Developing Staff and Community Relations

    Models for planning, implementing and evaluating professional development and school/community relations programs.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 551 - Systems Approach and Educational Management

    The systems approach as related to educational project planning and management.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 552 - Planning for Curriculum Administration

    Planning and decision-making process as related to development and administration of educational curriculum and innovations.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 553 - Administering Elementary and Secondary Schools

    Program articulation between elementary and secondary schools as well as unique aspects of these schools.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    instructor permission

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 554 - Administration and the International School

    An examination of the structure, organization and principles by which Western European schools are financed, staffed and administered. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    instructor permission

    Credits: 2 TO 6
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 6
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 555 - Seminar in Effective School Practices

    Review and analysis of research findings related to effective school practices.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 556 - Field Study in Educational Administration

    Design, implementation and evaluation of a field project (6 credits maximum/minimum).

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Advancement to candidacy, permission of instructor and submission of outline indicating scope of project.

    Credits: 2 TO 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 6
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 581 - Entry Seminar - Administrator Professional Certification

    Candidates conduct a self-assessment based on the ISLLC standards with a 360-degree review, and district evaluations, and develop a Professional Growth Plan. This is the first step toward Administrator Professional Certification required by the State of Washington. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Residency Principal or Program Administrator Certificate; two years contracted experience with current contract. Admission to Administrator Professional Certification Program

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 582 - Core Seminar - Administrator Professional Certification

    This course is designed to guide Administrator Professional Certification candidates in implementing their Professional Growth Plan and developing their portfolio. It is the core of a three-part series designed to assist candidates to meet State Leadership Standards. Repeatable for credit. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    pre/corequisite EDAD 581; admission to Administrator Professional Certification Program

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 583 - Culminating Seminar - Administrator Professional Certification

    This course is designed to prepare Administrator Professional Certification candidates for the final phase of the certification process. Candidates prepare and present their final Portfolio and future Professional Growth Plan (PGP). S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    EDAD 581 and EDAD 582; Readiness sign-off by University Supervisor and Mentor.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 592 - Field Experience in Administration for the Principal

    Applicants for the Washington State Administration Certificate. Repeatable with no maximum. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Permission of instructor.

    Credits: 2 TO 6
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 594 - Practicum in Action Research

    Field-based studies by entire school building staffs to resolve persistent and significant school problems. Course requirements include the development of an approved proposal for action research. May be repeated with different content. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Teaching experience, permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 9
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 640 - Current Topics in Education

    Studies of current topics in educational administration, personnel administration, interprogram topics. Repeatable with no maximum.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    master’s degree; instructor permission

    Credits: 1 TO 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 641 - Improving Student Learning

    Systematic examination of curriculum and instruction policy development, implementation and maintenance of curriculum models, and development of guidelines for curriculum governance.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    master’s degree; EDAD 552 or equivalent

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 642 - Effective School System Management

    Examination of important school system management theories and models. Development of strategies for management models implementation, evaluation and maintenance.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    master’s degree; instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 643 - Advanced Leadership Theory

    Examination of important leadership theories and governance styles as they relate to the role of the K-12 school superintendent. Key focus upon the ethics and fairness of reasoned decision making as a leader.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    master’s degree

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 644 - Public Policy Formulation and Practice

    Exploration of research-based approaches to the development and implementation of public policy. Examines successful approaches to implementation and dissemination.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    master’s degree

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 646 - Field Project in Educational Administration

    Repeatable to a maximum of 8 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Master’s degree, permission of instructor and submission of a one-page outline indicating scope of proposed project.

    Credits: 2 TO 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 8
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 647 - Seminar for School District Leaders

    Current problems and issues facing school administrators.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    master’s degree; applicant for Washington State Superintendant’s Certificate; instructor permission

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 690 - Thesis

    Research study under the direction of a faculty committee. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    advancement to candidacy; approval of student’s graduate committee

    Credits: 1 TO 9
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 9
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 691 - Research Seminar

    Research study under the direction of a faculty committee. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    advancement to candidacy; approval of student’s graduate committee

    Credits: 1 TO 6
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 6
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership
  • EDAD 692 - Field Experience in Administration for the Superintendent

    Applicants for the Washington State Administrative Certificate. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Master’s degree, permission of instructor.

    Credits: 1 TO 6
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Woodring College of Education
    Educational Leadership

Elementary Education

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500; 417, 445, 517, 545 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • ELED 370 - Introduction to Teaching

    Exploring theoretical and practical approaches to culturally responsive teaching and planning for instruction which engages diverse students in substantive, worthwhile learning. Includes practicum experiences in an elementary or middle school classroom.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    admission to elementary education; corequisite: ELED 380, IT 444A

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 372 - Introduction to Teaching Seminar

    Exploring theoretical and practical approaches to culturally responsive teaching and planning for instruction which engages diverse students in substantive, worthwhile learning. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 370.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College’s Elementary Teacher Outreach Programs. Co-requisite: ELED 373

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 373 - Introduction to Teaching - Practicum

    Practicum experiences in an elementary or middle school classroom related to the content of ELED 372. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 370. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College’s Elementary Teacher Education Outreach Programs. Co-requisite: ELED 372

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 380 - Literacy I: Foundations

    Terminology and concept development of the language of literacy; introduction to assessment, curriculum, and instruction of literacy teaching and learning.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Co-requisite: ELED 370, IT 444A

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 386 - Practical Assessment in the Elementary Classroom I

    Develop skills in using assessment methodology to enhance teaching. Topics include assessment models, basic premises, the value of sound assessment procedures, and an examination of the thought processes of educational evaluation.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College Elementary Teacher Education Outreach Programs.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 387 - Practical Assessment in the Elementary Classroom II

    Refine skills in using assessment methodology to enhance teaching. Topics include application of assessment models and analysis of student performance using sound assessment procedures.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College Elementary Teacher Education Outreach Programs; ELED 386.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 390 - Early Childhood Practicum and Seminar

    Observation, participation and related seminars in pre-kindergarten (infant, toddler, and/or preschool) sites. S/U grading

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Permission of Instructor.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 405 - Books and Materials for Elementary Schools

    Reading and evaluation of books and materials for elementary children; emphasizes wide reading, book selection, literary analysis, correlation with the curriculum, current content trends and innovative uses. Formerly offered as LIBR 405.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 407 - Books and Materials for Young Adults

    Reading and uses of books for adolescents and their curriculum; multicultural and self-concept literature; realistic and mystical fiction and poetry; literary analysis.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 424 - Language Arts in the Elementary Curriculum

    Functions and programs of language arts in the curriculum including reading, writing, speaking, listening.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    SPED 420

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 425 - Social Studies for the Elementary School

    Social studies methods, resources, multicultural literature, curriculum, objectives, planning and exposure to contributions of social sciences. Includes practicum experiences in an elementary or middle school classroom.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ELED 320

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 426 - Social Studies Methods

    Social studies methods, resources, multicultural literature, curriculum, objectives, planning and exposure to contributions of social sciences. No practicum experience is included in this course.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    SPED 420

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 435 - Child Abuse and Neglect

    Development of skills for working with children from abusive or neglectful home environments. Content deals with helping educators help children increase their self esteem and cope with their environments.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 438 - School-Home-Community Relationships

    Problems of communication and interaction among teachers, parents, and paraprofessionals, administrators, and community; conferencing, planning meetings, community survey. PR publications, use of mass media.

    Credits: 1 TO 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 456 - Literacy Assessment

    Explores classroom-based literacy assessment, with a focus on reading, writing, and oral language; includes 20 hour practicum.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ELED 480 and ELED 481 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 464 - Multicultural Education for Teachers

    Preparation for teaching in a multicultural society. Participants will learn how to design a curriculum that reflects diversity and an instructional methodology that promotes the learning of diverse students.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 470 - Developing Teaching

    Strengthening teaching understandings, skills, and dispositions with an emphasis on learners and learning in classroom contexts, subject matter knowledge and pedagogy, and developing and sustaining a productive and inclusive classroom culture and organization. Includes practicum experiences in an elementary or middle school classroom.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ELED 370

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 471 - Documenting Teaching

    Capstone experience for the preparation of a Teacher Work Sample documenting the candidate’s ability to design and implement standards-based instruction, assess student learning and reflect on the teaching and learning process. Includes practicum experience in an elementary or middle school classroom and participation in a collegial learning community.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ELED 470

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 472 - Developing Teaching Seminar

    Strengthening teaching understandings, skills, and dispositions with an emphasis on learners and learning in classroom contexts, subject matter knowledge and pedagogy, and developing and sustaining a productive and inclusive classroom culture and organization. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 470.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College’s Teacher Education Outreach Programs; ELED 372 and ELED 373; Co-requisite: ELED 473

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 473 - Developing Teaching - Practicum

    Practicum experiences in an elementary or middle school classroom related to the content of ELED 472. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 470. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College’s Teacher Education Outreach Programs; ELED 372 and ELED 373; Co-requisite: ELED 472.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 474 - Documenting Teaching Seminar

    Capstone experience for the preparation of a final electronic portfolio documenting experiences in learning to teach and the ability to impact elementary student growth and learning. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 471.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College’s Teacher Education Outreach Programs; ELED 472 and ELED 473; Co-requisite: ELED 475.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 475 - Documenting Teaching - Practicum

    Practicum experiences in an elementary or middle school classroom related to the content of ELED 474 and participation in a collegial learning community. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 471. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College’s Teacher Education Outreach Programs; ELED 472 and ELED 473; Co-requisite: ELED 474.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 478 - Literacy: Fluent Communicators Seminar

    Understanding the components and structure of a comprehensive literacy program for addressing reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the elementary classroom, with a particular focus on developing and supporting fluent communicators. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 481.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College’s Teacher Education Outreach Programs; ELED 380; Co-requisite: ELED 479.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education
  • ELED 479 - Literacy: Fluent Communicators - Practicum

    Practicum experiences in an elementary or middle school classroom related to the content of ELED 478. Not open to students who have received credit for ELED 481. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Woodring College Elementary Teacher Outreach Programs; ELED 380. Co-requisite: ELED 478.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Woodring College of Education
    Elementary Education

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