Sep 23, 2024  
2010-2011 Catalog 
2010-2011 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500; 417, 445, 517, 545 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog. For more information about the courses and sections to be offered this year and next, please consult the online Timetable of Classes and the English department’s Website, for the English department course descriptions and information on majors and minors.

  • ENG 353 - Introduction to Poetry Writing

    Introduction to the techniques of poetry writing, including craft, practice and modeling.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 101

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 354 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction Writing

    An introductory course in writing nonfiction prose, such as personal essay, memoir, autobiography, travel writing, and other forms.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 101

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 364 - Introduction to Film Studies

    Overview of the conventions and techniques of narrative cinema with some readings in film theory.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 202

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 370 - Introduction to Language

    Overview of language structure and use. Topics include phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, how language is acquired, and how it changes over space and time. Emphasis on English as a global language.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 101

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 371 - Studies in Rhetoric and Rhetorical Analysis

    Selected issues in ancient and modern rhetorical theory; rhetorical analysis of a variety of texts.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 101 and junior status.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 401 - Senior Seminar in Writing and Rhetoric

    Senior writing seminar and inquiry into topics from the fields of composition and rhetoric.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 101; one course from ENG 301, ENG 302 or ENG 371, and senior standing

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 402 - Advanced Technical and Professional Writing

    Writing-intensive class focusing on advanced problems of technical communications and their solutions. Strategies for identifying target readers and meeting their informational needs. Special emphasis on a technical writer’s responsibilities and the ethical, social and technical issues surrounding electronic publishing.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 302

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 406 - Topics in Critical and Cultural Theory

    An advanced course that examines one or more critical or cultural theories.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 313 plus two from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 408 - Cultural Studies

    An advanced course that applies semiotic and/or textual approaches to a wide range of cultural issues. Repeatable once with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 313 plus two from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Repeatability: Repeatable once with different topics.
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 410 - Studies in Literary History

    A wide variety of studies in literary history. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 202 plus three from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Repeatability: Repeatable
    Maximum Repeatability: 10 credits
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 415 - Special Topics in National Literatures

    Studies in a variety of topics, canons or national literatures, such as Irish, Canadian, African, Native or Asian American. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 202 and three courses from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371; possible additional prerequisite relevant to topic.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Repeatability: Repeatable
    Maximum Repeatability: 10 credits
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 418 - Senior Seminar

    An advanced seminar offering an in-depth exploration of specialized topics. Requires students to develop scholarly projects integrating course material with their own literary, historical, and theoretical interests. This course is not repeatable.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Senior Status; ENG 313 plus two from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 423 - Studies in Major Authors

    Studies in the texts of a writer or writers in English or in translation. Repeatable once as an elective with different authors.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 202 and three courses from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371; possible additional prerequisite relevant to topic.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Repeatability: Repeatable
    Maximum Repeatability: 10 credits
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 436 - The Structure of English

    Introduction to English sentence structure. Topics include clause structure, modification, complementation, and syntactic principles such as movement, coordinating and pronominalization.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 370 or instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 438 - Cultural History of English

    Examines the cultural, linguistic and literary influences on the development of Old, Middle, Early Modern and present-day English.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 370 or instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 439 - Topics in Language and Linguistics

    Explores topics in language and linguistics of interest to students of English literature, creative writing and English education. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 370 or instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Repeatability: 1
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 440 - Teaching English Language Arts in the Elementary School

    Survey of theory and practice, resources and methods of assessment for teaching English language arts in the elementary school.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 202; ENG 370

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 441 - Children’s Literature for the Elementary and Middle School Teacher

    Examination of the variety and diversity of literature written for children and adolescents; exploration of book format, major genres, and works by notable authors and illustrators.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 202

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 442 - Studies in Literacy and Learning

    Focuses on a variety of historical, cultural, political and pedagogical issues regarding the nature and definitions of literacy and what it means to be literate in different contexts. Examines the role of schools in general and the English curriculum in particular for fostering the development of literacy/literacies.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    One course from ENG 301, ENG 302, ENG 370 or ENG 371.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 443 - Teaching English Language Arts in the Secondary Schools I

    Survey of theory, practice, resources and methods of assessment for the teaching of English language arts.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Senior status

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 444 - Teaching English Language Arts in the Secondary Schools II

    Continuation of the survey of theory, practice, resources and methods of assessment for the teaching of English language arts. This course may include a two-week, one period a day teaching practicum in a middle or high school.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 443

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 446 - Teaching Writing in the Elementary School

    Examination of how children learn to write, the process of writing, current issues in teaching writing, and methodology and strategies to teach writing in the elementary school.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 440, ENG 441; or instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 451 - Creative Writing Seminar - Fiction

    An advanced course in the writing of fiction. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 351

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 10
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 453 - Creative Writing Seminar - Poetry

    An advanced course providing disciplined expression in a variety of modes of writing poetry. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 353

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 10
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 454 - Creative Writing Seminar - Creative Nonfiction

    An advanced workshop course in the writing of nonfiction, building on skills learned in prior courses. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 354

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 10
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 455 - Living Writers

    An advanced course that combines study of the craft of writing in contemporary works of poetry, fiction, and/or nonfiction and literary expression. May include oral performances and lectures by visiting writers.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    One from: ENG 351, ENG 353, ENG 354

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 456 - Special Topics in Fiction Writing

    Intensive reading, writing and workshops in one or more specific modes of fiction, such as fantasy, flash fiction, or adapting fictional works to other media.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 351

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 457 - Special Topics in Poetry Writing

    Intensive study of poetic texts in traditional and experimental forms. Opportunity to compose in a variety of poetic forms. Study of appropriate models.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 353

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 458 - Special Topics in Creative Nonfiction Writing

    Intensive reading, writing and workshop in one or more specific modes of nonfiction, such as memoir, travel writing, autobiography and the personal essay.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 354

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 459 - Editing and Publishing

    Focuses on a variety of professional editing and publishing procedures, opportunities and venues; politics of the literary marketplace; and careers available to writers.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 351, ENG 353 or ENG 354

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 460 - Special Topics I Creative Writing - Multi-Genre

    Intensive study of topics in creative writing that cross genre boundaries, or that critique those boundaries. Opportunities to compose experimental or hybrid works. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 351, 353 or 354

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 10
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 461 - Internship in English: Professional Identity

    Students will intern in a local organization and participate in weekly seminar meetings designed to contribute to their internship experience and their own professional identifies.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Senior status (135 credits) and Instructor approval.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 462 - Topics in Technical and Professional Writing

    A rhetorical examination of various specific topics confronting technical and professional writers in a rapidly changing technological world. Topics change annually. Repeatable once.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 302 or equivalent experience; senior standing

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 10
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 464 - Topics in Film Studies

    Examines various specific topics in film studies and theory. Repeatable once with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 364 or instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Repeatability: 1
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 501 - Literary Theories and Practices

    Examination of theories as they affect the practice of literary criticism and scholarship. Some attention to methods of research and documentation in English studies. Practicum in critical writing.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 502 - Seminar in the Writing of Fiction

    Individual projects in fiction along with examination of recently published works of fiction. May be repeated under advisement.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 504 - Seminar in the Writing of Poetry

    Individual projects in poetry along with examination of recently published volumes of poetry. May be repeated under advisement.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 505 - Seminar in the Writing of Nonfiction

    Individual projects in nonfiction along with examination of classic and modern models of nonfiction. May be repeated under advisement. NOTE: Graduate seminars in playwriting are available from the Department of Theatre Arts.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 506 - Seminar in Creative Writing: Multigenre

    Studies in the theory and practice of creative writing that can encompass more than one genre, create hybrid genres, or cross genre lines. May be repeated under advisement.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Repeatability: May be repeated under advisement.
    College of Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 509 - Internship in Writing, Editing and Production

    Under advisement, students may receive credit while working as interns in both on-campus and off-campus assignments appropriate to their career plans. Repeatable to 5 cr. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1 TO 5
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 5
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 510 - Seminar: Topics in Rhetoric

    Rhetorical theory and composition. Topics from classical tradition and modern developments. Applications for teaching of language, literature and composition. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 513 - Seminar in Teaching College Composition

    Offered once a year in the fall.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    appointment as a teaching assistant or instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 515 - Studies in Literary and Critical Theory

    Examines major theorists or movements in literary and critical theory. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 520 - Studies in Poetry

    Examines the characteristics, history, uses and criticism of poetry. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 525 - Studies in Fiction

    Examines the characteristics, history, uses and criticism of fiction. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 530 - Studies in Drama

    Examines the characteristics, history, uses and criticism of drama. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 535 - Studies in Nonfiction

    Examines the characteristics, history, uses and criticism of nonfiction. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 540 - Studies in Global Literatures

    Examines interrelations in global literatures, involving topics such as war, imperialism, religion, feminism, migration, and the politics of language. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 550 - Studies in American Literatures

    Examines writers, periods and topics drawn from the full diversity of literature written in America. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 560 - Studies in British Literature

    Examines writers, periods and topics drawn from the full diversity of British literature. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 565 - Studies in Post-Colonial Literatures

    Examines post-World War II literatures of, for example, Africa, India and the Caribbean. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 570 - Topics in Cultural Studies

    Examines the relationship between culture and texts and applies semiotic and/or textual approaches to a wide range of issues in cultural studies. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 575 - Studies in Womens Literature

    Examines writers, movements and topics in women’s writing that may cut across genres and nationalities. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 580 - Studies in Film

    Examines the codes and conventions of cinema with attention to critical theory. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 98
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 594 - Practicum in Teaching

    Supervised teaching for MA candidates. Repeatable with different topics. Each topic repeatable to a maximum of 5 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ENG 501

    Credits: 2 TO 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 5
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 598 - Research in the Teaching of English

    Various announced topics in the teaching of language, literature, composition, technical writing, and creative writing. Repeatable with different topics to a maximum of 10 credits. Each topic repeatable to a maximum of 5 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    admission to MA program or teaching experience

    Credits: 1 TO 5
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Repeatability: Repeatable
    Maximum Repeatability: 10 credits
    Humanities and Social Sciences
  • ENG 690 - Thesis Writing

    Repeatable to a maximum of 5 cr.

    Credits: 2 TO 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Maximum Repeatability: 5
    Humanities and Social Sciences

Environmental Sciences

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500; 417, 445, 517, 545 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • ESCI 101 - Environmental Studies: A Scientific Approach

    An introduction to environmental studies which stresses a scientific approach toward understanding the nature and scope of contemporary problems in man’s environment. The course reflects application of physical, chemical, biological and geologic principles to define ecological change, both natural and man-made.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter

    GUR Attributes: SCI

    Huxley College of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 204 - The Oceans: Topics in Marine Science

    Introduction to marine life and environments from the polar regions to the tropics and from the near surface to the ocean depths. Examines the role of the ocean in controlling climate and supporting a great diversity of life forms. Considers all the major marine ecosystems, their use by humans and the impacts of humans.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    2 quarters college-level natural science courses; MATH 112

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    GUR Attributes: SCI

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 205 - Distinguished Scholar Program Seminar: DS

    Seminar and field course work with various Environmental topics. Equivalent to ESTU 205 and repeatable with different topics up to 4 credits combined. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Admission to Huxley College Distinguished Scholars Program

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 4
    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 302 - Environmental Pollution

    Examination of human-induced environmental perturbations of air, land and water occurring on local, regional and global scales.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    CHEM 115 or CHEM 121; one quarter of biology; MATH 114

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 306 - Introduction to Huxley College

    An introduction to Huxley faculty, programs, resources and community. Explains how the study of the environment is approached in and across disciplines at Huxley College. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Huxley major

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 309 - Exploring Environmental Data

    Principles of graphing and exploring environmental data. Class will cover data entry, verification, and quality control; univariate, bivariate, and multivariate graphic techniques; parametric and nonparametric summary and descriptive statistics, and an introduction to correlation analysis. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 320, ESCI 310, ESCI 325, or BIOL 325; MATH 114, MATH 156, or MATH 124

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 310 - Environmental Systems

    Interaction of biotic systems with earth’s physical systems; principles of ecology and natural systems; ecosystem structure, function and management. Should not be taken by students who have completed or intend to enroll in ESCI 325 or BIOL 325.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    CHEM 121; one quarter of biology; MATH 114

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 315 - Art, Science and Ethics of Flyfishing

    The goals of this course are to learn how to fly fish and to use fly fishing as a window into environmental studies and, more specifically, into the structure and function of river ecosystems and how people interact with them. Class format includes lectures, discussions, and laboratory and field exercises to gain insight into stream ecology and to understand relations of science, ethics, and environmental management. Offered summer only.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Knowledge of ecology or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 320 - Explorations in Environmental Studies

    Introduction to solving environmental problems in a social and scientific context, applications of analytical, written, verbal and quantitative skills to address environmental concerns in an interdisciplinary manner.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 321 - Oceanography

    Principles of oceanography, with emphasis on a description of the marine environment as an entity. Physics, chemistry and biology of the ocean.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    One quarter of biology; CHEM 121; MATH 115; physics recommended

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 322 - Oceanography Laboratory

    A laboratory course supplementing lectures in oceanography, especially ESCI 321 and GEOL 340. Emphasis on the coastal ocean as ecological habitat, and physical oceanography - waves, tides and currents.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    pre/co-requisite: ESCI 321

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Huxley College of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 325 - Fundamentals of Ecology

    Investigation of the complex interactions of organisms with each other and with their physical surroundings, explored in the context of populations, communities, ecosystems and landscapes.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    BIOL 204, BIOL 205 and BIOL 206; CHEM 121, CHEM 122 and CHEM 123.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 328 - Introduction to Ecosystem Management

    Identification of non-market ecosystem values required of ecosystem management. Site specific inventory and assessment of resource values, methods of collecting, storing, displaying and interpretation of resource data. The use of GIS as a resource management tool. Laboratory time will focus on identifying resource values of parks, natural preserves and other areas with high resource values. Course offered only at Huxley on the Peninsulas.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 302 or ESCI 310 or one year of biology or instructor permission

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 330 - Natural History of the Pacific Northwest

    A field-oriented introduction to the geology, climate and ecosystems of the Pacific Northwest, with a focus on the biology and the ecology of important organisms.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 310 or one year of biology or instructor permission

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 333 - Introduction to Environmental Toxicology

    Explore the foundations of how environmental pollutants affect biological health. Topics include source and exposure routes of pollutants, basics of quantitative toxicology, effects of exposures, risk perception, and environmental regulations as they relate to toxicology.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    One course general biology, one course general chemistry, or instructor permission

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 340 - Biostatistical Analysis

    Study, at an introductory and intermediate level, of data analysis and statistical tests commonly used in the biological and environmental sciences. Descriptive statistics, hypothesis testing, analysis of variance, regression and correlation, experimental design. Calculator required.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    BIOL 204, BIOL 205 and BIOL 206; CHEM 121, CHEM 122 and CHEM 123.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 361 - Water Quality

    Water quality principles, problems, and issues; standard methods of assessing water quality; practical approaches in solving water-related problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    One year general biology and one year general chemistry, or one quarter biology and CHEM 115 and ESCI 310 or ESCI 302

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 362 - Water Quality Lab

    Standard laboratory methods of water quality analysis including physical parameters, dissolved oxygen, biological oxygen demand, phosphorus, nitrogen, total and fecal coliform, and heavy metals. Techniques include Winkler titrations, spectrophotometric methods, bioassays, linear regression analysis, and use of computer models.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 361; or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 380 - Energy and Environment

    How do our choices in energy production impact the global and local environment? What does the future hold in terms of human use of energy? This class emphasizes the physical principles behind energy and the effects of energy on the environment. We will explore the interdependence of world economies and environment as well as look at individual opinions and choices on energy related issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    BIOL 101, CHEM 121, and MATH 114

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Environmental Science
  • ESCI 392 - Introduction to Global Change

    There are six and a half billion people and we are changing the global environment at a pace unknown to history. We will unravel some of the linkages between biophysical systems, ecological responses, and human activities. We will cover changes to the climate, but also take a step back to appreciate the incredible suite of simultaneous global changes taking place in biotic diversity, hydrologic and chemical cycles, and human assimilation of Earth’s energy.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    CHEM 121, BIOL 101, MATH 114

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 402 - Topics in Environmental Studies

    Presentations by WWU faculty, researchers from other institutions, and Huxley College graduate students on a wide variety of topics in environmental studies. A written critique of selected presentations required. Questions, discussions and interactions encouraged. Informal brown bag lunch format. Repeatable to a maximum of 3 cr. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Huxley major

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U

    Maximum Repeatability: 3
    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 407 - Forest Ecology

    Ecology and analysis of forest ecosystems. Investigates the interactions of ecosystem components, specifically soil, plant and animal processes, with an emphasis on Pacific Northwest forests. Includes investigative field and lab studies of local ecosystems.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325; ESCI 340 or BIOL 340; or equivalent

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 408 - Field Methods in Wildlife Ecology

    Rationale and practice of methods to study vertebrates in the field. Emphasis on terrestrial environments. Students design and conduct field research projects.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325; ESCI 340; or equivalent

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 410 - Forestry-Fish Interactions

    Examination of the ways in which forestry and fisheries management practices interact, with emphasis on Pacific Northwest ecosystems. Topics covered include basic principles of watershed and riparian ecology, habitat requirements and ecology of salmonid fishes, effects of forest management and other land use practices on stream habitat, and strategies for mitigating adverse impacts.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 310 or ESCI 325 or BIOL 325, or instructor permission.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 411 - Forest and Fish Assessment

    A project-oriented course based on laboratory and field investigations of riparian and in-stream habitats and their fish communities. Small groups will undertake investigations of local streams through the use of commonly accepted assessment practices.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Enrollment in ESCI 410 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 421 - Fisheries Management Lab

    Field and laboratory experience in typical fisheries management techniques. Especially directed toward marine and freshwater sampling, population identification and quantification, and estimation of management parameters.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 423 - Past Environments of the Pacific Northwest

    Introduction to the concepts of paleoecology techniques used to study ancient environmental and ecosystems and current research. Focus on changes in the northwestern United States during the Holocene. Lecture/lab format. Students will reconstruct past plant assemblages of the Pacific Northwest, examine fire regimes and build tree-ring chronologies using ancient trees.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    CHEM 121, CHEM 122, CHEM 123; BIOL 204, BIOL 205, BIOL 206; MATH 124.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 425 - Environmental Biology of Fishes

    An examination of the physiological, morphological and behavioral adaptations of fishes to the wide array of aquatic environments as demonstrated by various taxonomic and ecological groups.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 426 - Marine Invertebrates and Their Environment

    Classroom and field study of marine invertebrates and adaptation to their environment. Emphasis on identification and study of the diverse Puget Sound marine fauna.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    BIOL 206 or equivalent.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 428 - Freshwater Algae Bioindicators

    Introduction to the taxonomy and ecology of freshwater algae, with an emphasis on the role of freshwater algae as bioindicators of environmental pollution. Offered alternate years.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325, and ESCI 361 or permission of instructor

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 429 - Stream Ecology

    Ecology and analysis of streams with emphasis on physical and chemical properties in relation to biotic communities. Processing of organic matter by stream invertebrates and fish communities. Perturbation by high organic loading or chemical pollutants and recovery processes. Reservoirs as hybrid systems. Field and laboratory exercises in sampling and analysis of stream ecosystems.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325; ESCI 361 and ESCI 362.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 430 - Limnology and Limnology Lab

    Ecology and analysis of lakes and standing water bodies, with emphasis on the physical, chemical and biological factors that determine biological productivity. Human impacts on lakes.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325; ESCI 361 and ESCI 362.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 431 - Watershed Biogeochemistry

    Transfer, cycling, and interaction of carbon, nutrients, and other elements within and between terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems. Physical, chemical and biological influences on transfers. Computer simulation modeling of processes in an ecosystem context.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325; ESCI 361A or EGEO 432

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 432 - Topics in Marine Ecology

    Primary literature is used to introduce students to important and current topics in marine ecology.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 321

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 433 - Population Biology

    Introduction to theory and application of population biology, with emphasis on population ecology. Study of structure, distribution, and dynamics of populations. Applications to population conservation and management.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325; MATH 124; ESCI 340; MATH 125 recommended.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 435 - Landscape Ecology

    The study of landscape patterns across temporal and spatial scales; emphasis on their organization, functional interactions and dynamics. Application of landscape principles to land management problems.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325; ESCI 340 or BIOL 340; or equivalent

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 436 - Environmental Impact Assessment

    Objective evaluation and formal description of a real natural system or geographic region. Class preparation of a unified document summarizing physical, biological and social aspects of a study area. Review of pertinent laws and EIS documents. Also offered as ESTU 436.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Senior status.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 439 - Conservation of Biological Diversity

    Examination of causes and consequences of declines in biodiversity due to human activities. Review of conflicts arising from multiple-use management of natural resources. Survey and evaluation of conservation efforts directed at single species and at ecosystems. Optional field trips.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 325 or BIOL 325

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 440 - Wetlands Ecology

    An ecosystem approach to investigating the hydrologic, chemical and biological interactions that are unique to wetland systems. Students will take several field trips to bogs, swamps, marshes and estuaries in the area to become familiar with diverse wetland habitats and to illustrate the principals covered in class.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 340 and ESCI 325 or concurrent

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 441 - GIS and Environmental Modeling

    An overview of statistical and simulation models and their use to address applied problems in ecology and natural resource management. Geographical Information Systems are used as a tool for these models and for the display and analysis of model output.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    one 300-level or above statistics course; one natural resource management or ecology course; one GIS course

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 442 - Introduction to Remote Sensing

    An introduction to remote sensing concepts and techniques for monitoring the earth’s surface features. Special emphasis on mapping land use and land cover and on quantifying aspects of vegetation structure and composition. Labs are based on the use of data from airborne and spaceborne multispectral scanners and LIDAR.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    Completion of a 300-level course in either ESCI, ESTU, EGEO, BIOL, GEOL, ANTH, or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 444 - Biogeochemistry of Marine Sediments

    Introduces concepts in chemical oceanography and methodology of studying sediments and their chemistry.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 321

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences
  • ESCI 455 - Environmental Toxicology I

    Physiological and biochemical effects of common pollutants found in our environment. Mechanism of action of individual pollutants, including cellular damage at molecular level.

    Prerequisites & Notes:
    ESCI 302 or ESCI 333 or permission of instructor.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: L

    Huxley Coll of the Environment
    Environmental Sciences

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