Feb 14, 2025
2012-2013 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Art History, BA
Department of Art, College of Fine and Performing Arts
72 credits
The art history major gives students the opportunity to address social, cultural and transnational issues through an engagement with visual culture objects, images and ideas and to imagine critical intersections in the arts, humanities, and sciences by means of innovative course instruction. Art history classes are catalysts through which students make cross-connections between their major areas of study and the diverse perspectives found in visual forms of communication. To apply to the art history major students must have taken A/HI 275 and two 200-level art history surveys or pre-approved equivalent courses (students can be enrolled in the second survey when applying). As students enter the program they will be assigned an advisor to develop an individualized course of study. This plan becomes an outline of the degree requirements but should be revised yearly in consultation with an advisor.
Admission and Declaration Process
Declaration Process
Grade Requirements
A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.
Departmental Honors
In addition to the general requirements for all honors students, an art major who wishes to graduate with honors must complete an honors senior project in art. |