Feb 09, 2025  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Biology — Secondary Teaching Emphasis, BS

Department of Biology, College of Science and Engineering

97-100 credits


Biology, as the study of living things, is an academic endeavor with a basic research focus on seeking answers to questions rather than on applying biological knowledge to solve problems. As scientists, biologists have two prime motivations: (1) intellectual curiosity about biological systems, and (2) the philosophy that creating and disseminating reliable knowledge has intrinsic worth.

The broad biology curriculum for this major prepares students for a teaching endorsement in biology. The supporting courses for the major in math, physics, and chemistry, along with the biology core curriculum at the 200-level and 300-level, plus one 400-level course in evolution, fulfill the goals of a liberal arts education. The depth courses for this major provide students with a broad background in biology that includes laboratory courses in genetics, molecular and organismal biology as well as a course that examines the relationship between science and society.

A diploma granted under this major will indicate “Bachelor of Science”; official transcripts will indicate Biology and the area of emphasis.

Major requirements include 75-77 credits of foundational courses in biology, chemistry, physics and math, and 22-23 upper-division biology depth and elective credits. Biology Phase II status required for admission into 300- and 400-level biology courses for biology majors.

To receive a recommendation for state of Washington certification, students must complete a professional preparation program in secondary education. See the Secondary Education  section of this catalog for program admission, completion and teacher certification requirements for Woodring College of Education.

A Biology endorsement with a teaching certification will require taking SCED 481 and 491 after being admitted to Woodring College of Education. Students who elect to complete certification as an undergraduate while completing a Biology Bachelor of Science degree can count these two courses as electives for the BS. To receive a Science endorsement, take GEOL 211 and 212, and ASTR 315 in addition to the courses listed for the Biology endorsement.

Why Consider a Secondary Teaching Emphasis in Biology Major?

The B.S. Biology – Secondary Teaching Emphasis will allow a student to become a secondary school teacher while giving her or him the flexibility to pursue any other career in biology or continue to post-baccalaureate studies. A diploma granted under this major will indicate “Bachelor of Science”; official transcripts will indicate Biology – Secondary Teaching Emphasis.

 Contact Information

Department Chair
Dr. Joann Otto
Biology 315

Program Coordinators for Advising
Maren Brinson and Keeley Mathews
Biology 315

Biology-Education Advisor
Deborah Donovan
Biology 310

Biology-Education Advisor
Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez
Biology 309

Secondary Education


 Sample Careers

Biology Teacher

 Major/Career Resources


How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):

The Biology Department has a two-step process for admission into our degree programs. Phase I students are students who have declared their intent to major in biology and are in the process of completing the introductory biology (BIOL 204, 205, 206) and general chemistry (CHEM 121, 122, 123) series. Admission to Phase II is based on academic performance in the introductory courses. Students must achieve an average grade of 2.9 or higher in their introductory biology and general chemistry courses before they can advance to Phase II and begin taking upper-division coursework.

Grade Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major courses. Science courses required for state teaching endorsements must be completed with a grade of C (2.0) or better.




0-2 credits to make 97-100 total (75-77 credits of basic requirements plus 22-23 upper-division biology depth and elective credits). Additional elective credits can be taken to fulfill University graduation requirements.