American Cultural Studies Program, Interdisciplinary Studies
27 credits
The program in Asian American Studies provides for a coherent, integrated and concentrated investigation of peoples of Asian heritage in North America. It also examines separate experiences of Asian Americans and their positions as ethnic minorities in American society and politics. This is accomplished through concentration on Asian American history and its place in North America, situating the literatures and other cultural publications of Asian Americans in a broad context, and engaging contemporary issues with appropriate analytical tools.
For more information contact Dr. Midori Takagi, coordinator of the Asian American Studies minor concentration, or Dr. Lawrence J. Estrada, Director of American Cultural Studies.
Why Consider an Asian American Studies Minor?
The Asian American Studies Minor is for students wanting a coherent, integrated and concentrated investigation of peoples of Asian heritage in North America. It also examines separate experiences of Asian Americans as well as their positions as ethnic minorities in American society and politics.
How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):
Grade Requirements
A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.