Department of Modern and Classical Languages, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
50 credits
In keeping with the aim of providing the skills needed to learn about a culture in depth, the Department of Modern and Classical Languages trains in two areas: language structure and literary analysis. Language structure is taught both holistically and analytically. Holistic language learning is facilitated by modern methods and multimedia technology, as well as study abroad opportunities. The department supports the analytical instruction of language structure through a full range of language skills courses, as well as a significant number of courses in linguistics. Literary analysis is essential to a student’s understanding of the highest achievements in aesthetic expression of a culture’s values.
The department provides instruction in history and culture, as well as literary theory, with an end to enabling the student to gain access to the intellectual life in the culture. The department imparts skills to future world language teachers so that they may similarly enable elementary school students to begin the acquisition of world languages.
Why Consider a French-Elementary Major?
The department provides students the skills to learn firsthand about major world societies. The department believes that the best way to understand a culture directly is through its language. The modern languages offered in the department are spoken natively by nearly two billion people. The multifaceted programs of the department provide an opening to the world through language, literature, culture and civilization. It is a meeting place for true diversity.
This major satisfies the academic major requirement for teacher certification with an endorsement in elementary education and must be accompanied by the professional preparation program in elementary education. See the Elementary Education section of this catalog for program admission, completion, and teacher certification requirements.
Modern and Classical Languages
Department Office
Miller Hall 223
French Advisor
Please see the department for the
most up-to-date information.
Miller Hall 223
Teacher Education Admission
Miller Hall 150
Elementary Education
Program Information
Miller Hall 300
Elementary Education Program Manager
Miller Hall 301D
How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):
Make an appointment with the language advisor.
When meeting with the advisor, you should bring:
- Submit a Major Declaration and Change Form.
- An unofficial WWU transcript
- Documentation for courses taken at other colleges or universities
- Documentation for any study-abroad credits earned
Grade Requirements
Students must earn a grade of C- or better for all courses in the language major. A GPA of 2.75 is required in major language. Students must earn a grade of C (2.0) or better in the elementary education professional program and in all courses required for the endorsement.