Department of Modern and Classical Languages, College of Humanities and Social Sciences
30 credits
The study of a language minor allows students to enrich their major program with language skills and cultural understanding. The department believes that the best way to understand a culture is through its language. Language structure is taught both holistically and analytically. Holistic language learning is facilitated by modern methods and multimedia technology, as well as study-abroad opportunities. Language courses are complemented by courses in areas such as culture, literature, and linguistics.
Why Consider a Chinese Minor?
The multifaceted programs of the department provide an opening to the world through language, literature, culture and civilization. To be able to communicate in a second language is a fundamental asset in any profession in an increasingly globalized world, from careers in education, translating and interpreting, to those in international studies, health, business or law. Many job listings include proficiency in a world language as a desirable or necessary tool. In addition, a language minor helps students acquire other types of abilities leading to success in the job market: cultural literacy, communication skills, analytical skills, interpersonal skills, a capacity for problem solving, and the ability to learn quickly.
Modern and Classical Languages Department Office
Miller Hall 223
How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):
Make an appointment with the language advisor.
When meeting with the advisor, you should bring:
- Submit a Minor Declaration and Change Form.
- An unofficial WWU transcript
- Documentation for courses taken at other colleges or universities
- Documentation for any study-abroad credits earned
Grade Requirements
A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors. A GPA of 2.50 or above in minor language is required.