Feb 15, 2025  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Music, Thesis, MMus

College of Fine and Performing Arts

Graduate Faculty

Bianco, Christopher, DMA, wind, ensemble, conducting, Chair.
Bourne, Patricia, Ed. D, music education.
Camacho, Gustavo, DMA, horn, brass, chamber music.
Donnellan, Grant, MMus, violin.
Dudenbostel, Ryan, DMA, conducting.
Feingold, David, MMus, guitar.
Fitzpatrick, Timothy, MMus, choral music education.
Friesen, John, DMA, cello, chamber music.
Gilliam, Jeffrey, MMus, piano, piano accompanying.
Guelker-Cone, Leslie, DMA, choral music, conducting.
Hamilton, Bruce, DMus, composition, theory/analysis, electro-acoustic music.
Jelaca-Jovanovic, Milica, DMA, piano, piano literature, piano pedagogy.
Roulet, Patrick, DMA, percussion.
Schwede, Walter, MMus, violin, chamber music.
Sommer, Lesley, DM, composition, theory/analysis.
Van Boer, Bertil H., PhD, musicology.
Woods, Kevin, MMus, jazz studies.

Program Advisor: Dr. Bertil Van Boer, Performing Arts Center 147, 360-650-2282.


The Master of Music degree consists of a core of courses which serve as a common foundation and a set of more specialized courses in one of five concentrations: composition, music history and literature, performance, conducting and music education. The degree may be used as a preparation for doctoral studies in music, or it may serve as a terminal degree. Minimum credits for each concentration is 45.

The composition concentration includes course work in composition, music history, and music theory as well as a thesis (original composition). Ensembles, studio instruction, and course work in conducting are also available.

The music history and literature concentration includes seminars in music history, work in notation, courses in music theory, performance (including the Collegium Musicum), and a written thesis.

The performance concentration includes vocal or instrumental studio instruction, work with small and large ensembles, and course work in music history and music theory. Pianists may emphasize solo performance, pedagogy, or accompanying. Studies in jazz areas are available.

The conducting concentration includes course work in conducting, music history, and music theory, and a conducting practicum to fulfill the thesis requirement. Ensembles and studio instruction are also available.

The music education concentration includes courses in music education, music history and music theory courses. Courses within the Woodring College of Education are permissible, as well. Ensembles and studio instruction are also available. The thesis can be a written project, a recital or a conducting practicum.


To prepare students for professional-level work in music, as performers (singers, instrumentalists or conductors), composers, scholars, educators, or in a combination of these areas.

Prerequisites and Examinations

Prerequisite for admission to the Master of Music program is a BM or BA in Music degree. In addition, each of the special concentrations has specific requirements for acceptance into the program, as follows:

Students in the Composition concentration must submit a portfolio of at least three original recent compositions for evaluation by the composition-theory faculty.

Students in the Performance concentration must pass an audition before members of the performance faculty. If a live audition cannot be done, a live link may suffice at the discretion of the faculty. Vocal performers must demonstrate competence in German, French and Italian diction.

Students in the Piano Performance, pedagogy emphasis, will audition with a half recital (a balanced program, presenting at least two contrasting styles, 30 minutes) plus a short paper (up to 5 pages) outlining the student’s philosophy of pedagogy, what they want to accomplish in a M.M. degree, etc.

Students in the History and Literature concentration must provide substantial scholarly work or term papers. Applicants should also demonstrate reading ability in French or German.

Students in the Conducting concentration must pass an audition with the appropriate faculty members. If a live audition cannot be done, a live link may suffice at the discretion of the faculty. Choral conductors should demonstrate competence in vocal pedagogy and in German, French, Italian, and Latin diction.

Students in the Music Education concentration are accepted following an interview, either in person or through an e-conference, as well as an audition indicating at least a 300 level of performance ability. This may be arranged with the appropriate studio faculty. Evidence for admission is based upon evaluation of written research in the field of music education on the undergraduate level, the completion of at least one year of successful public school music instruction, and evidence of an appropriate level of musicianship.

Placement examinations in music theory and music history must be taken prior to beginning the program. These will be sent to a proctor after admission to the program and will indicate whether there exist curricular deficiencies.

Courses necessary to remove deficiencies are not credited toward the degree.

Please note: Admission to the Master of Music program requires acceptance both of the general academic requirements of the Graduate School and by the faculty of the concentration within which the degree is to be undertaken.

Basic Requirements for All Concentrations (minimum 45 credits)


Requirements and Electives for Each Concentration


Composition Concentration


Performance Concentration


Conducting Concentration

Music Education Concentration