Feb 11, 2025  
2014-2015 Catalog 
2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Anthropology/Biology, BA

Combined major offered by the Department of Anthropology, College of Humanities and Social Sciences and the Department of Biology, College of Science and Engineering.

89 credits


Biological or Physical Anthropology is the study of both present and past human variation relative to local ecologies and cultures. Biological Anthropologists specialize in Human or Primate Anatomy, Genetics, Disease Ecology, Growth and Development, Forensic Anthropology and Osteology, Medical Anthropology or Primate Behavior and Primatology.

Why Consider an Anthropology/Biology Major?

The Biology/Anthropology major is a concentration on Human Biology and Behavioral Science. This major is more flexible than the Biology/Anthropology B.S. but is also excellent preparation for the applied health careers and graduate programs in Biological or Physical Anthropology. Check the course requirements for your postgraduate applied health programs to make sure you take all the appropriate prerequisites.

 Contact Information

Anthropology Program Advisor
Joan Stevenson
Arntzen Hall 316

Anthropology Program Advisor
MJ Mosher
Arntzen Hall 324

Biology Program Advisor
Roger Anderson
Biology 311


Biology Program Coordinators
for Advising

Maren Brinson and Keeley Mathews
Biology 315

 Sample Careers

Applied Health Tracks | Physical Anthropology | Graduate Programs

 Major/Career Resources


How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):

Declare your Anthropology/Biology major as soon as you discover you are interested. Contact the Anthropology department and Maren Brinson in the Biology Department Office, BI 315 for details. Freshmen, your first quarter is not too soon!

This degree has a two-step process for admission. Phase I students are students who have declared their intent to major in biology, and are in the process of completing the introductory biology and general chemistry series. Admission to Phase II is based on academic performance in the introductory courses. Students must have achieved an average grade of 2.9 or higher in their introductory biology and general chemistry courses before they can advance to Phase II and begin taking upper-division coursework.

Consult Department advisors in Biology and Anthropology as early as possible. Early advisement will ensure appropriateness and proper sequencing of courses. Anthropology/Biology BA majors need to begin the chemistry/biology sequences required prior to declaring the major. This will assist them in shortening considerably the many quarters necessary for the anthropology/biology major.

Grade Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.
