2021-2022 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Communication Studies
We focus on the centrality of human communication for understanding our relationships, our communities, and ourselves. Our teaching, scholarship, and service nurture inclusive discourse, critical thinking, and cooperative solutions in a diverse global community. We offer opportunities to develop communication skills and explore communication theories within a rigorous liberal arts program.
Our major program prepares students to speak proficiently in context, write proficiently at college level, explain communication theories, and work cooperatively in small groups. We focus on inclusive learning in a rigorous communication studies curriculum. We pride ourselves on working closely with undergraduate students to provide engaging and supportive academic experience. Our programs of study offer students rich opportunities to engage in courses in theory and application, academic advising and mentoring, independent study and research, internships, scholarships, workshops, and a nationally recognized forensics program.
As a department, we are committed to transformative education as a guiding principle for service oriented, civic engagement. We are committed to and respect individuals and groups, assuming the best of others’ intentions. We value social justice—the foundation of which is rooted in inclusive discourse among students, staff, faculty, and the broader community. We are dedicated to putting our values into action through departmental policies, procedures, and curriculum that consider all the perspectives in our community.
Communication Studies
The Department of Communication Studies offers a Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies with courses in interpersonal and small group communication, organizational communication, mass communication, intercultural communication, communication technologies, research methods, ethics, rhetoric, persuasion, public speaking, and debate.
EE LIN LEE (2005) Chair and Professor. BA, MA, Western Michigan University; PhD, University of New Mexico.
TRAVIS CRAM (2018) Director of Forensics, Assistant Professor. BA, University of Wyoming; MA, PhD, University of Kansas.
RITA DANIELS (2016) Associate Professor. BAE, MPhil, University of Education, Winneba, Ghana; MA, Ohio University; PhD, West Virginia University.
STEPHANIE L. GOMEZ (2019) Assistant Professor. BA, California Baptist University; MA, California State University; PhD, University of Utah.
MICHAEL KARLBERG (1997) Professor. BA, University of California; MA, PhD, Simon Fraser University.
TARA PERRY (2005) Professor. BA, Western Washington University; MA, PhD, Washington State University.
KAREN ROHRBAUCK STOUT (2000) Professor. BA, University of Puget Sound; MA, University of Montana; PhD, University of Utah.
RAE LYNN SCHWARTZ-DUPRE (2006) Professor. BA, University of Vermont; MA, Wake Forest University; PhD, University of Iowa.
JIANGLONG WANG (1989) Professor. BA, Fudan University; MA, PhD, Northwestern University.
STEVEN G. WOODS (2001) Professor. BS, MA, Kansas State University; PhD, Florida State University.
ZHENGYU (TRACY) ZHANG (2020) Assistant Professor. BA Zhengzhou University; BA MS Fort Hays State University; PhD University of Texas at Austin.
ProgramsUndergraduate MajorUndergraduate MinorCoursesCommunication Studies
Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies section of this catalog.