2014-2015 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
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Seminar Courses and the FIG Program
The First-Year Interest Group (FIG) program offers entering students a chance to satisfy General University Requirements (GURs) at the same time that they participate in a learning community for freshmen only. FIG students co-enroll in two designated GUR classes and a small seminar (SMNR 101). FIG clusters are limited to first-year students and are available fall quarter only. While the GUR courses in a FIG cluster will usually be large, the attached SMNR 101 is limited to 25 students.
The FIG seminar provides first-year students with access to resources that can help with their transition to Western. The program emphasizes faculty-student and student-student interaction as well as deeper learning.
The FIG seminar uses the context from the linked GUR lecture courses as a context for fostering critical thinking and building academic competencies.
For more information, contact the FIG Director, Steven VanderStaay, Old Main 480B, 360-650-3004, or via e-mail at Steven.Vanderstaay@wwu.edu. CoursesSeminar
Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies section of this catalog.
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