Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-25 Western Washington University Catalog Program: Economics/Mathematics, BS Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Economics/Mathematics, BS

Combined major offered by the Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics and the Department of Mathematics, College of Science and Engineering

95 credits


The study of Economics will provide an understanding of economic concepts and the functioning of the economy in addition to the ability to apply economic analysis in problem solving. The Economics Department strives to provide a program which gives students rigorous training in both economic theory and applications.

“In addition to theorems and theories, Mathematics offers distinctive modes of thought which are both versatile and powerful, including modeling, abstraction, optimization, logical analysis, inference from data, and use of symbols. Experience with mathematical modes of thought builds mathematical power-a capacity of mind of increasing value in this technological age that enables one to read critically, to identify fallacies, to detect bias, to assess risk, and to suggest alternatives. Mathematics empowers us to understand better the information-laden world in which we live.” From: Everybody Counts: A Report to the Nation on the Future of Mathematics Education (c) 1989 National Academy of Sciences.

Why Consider an Economics/Mathematics Major?

A degree in Economics can be the gateway to many careers. Professional economists are employed as advisors and researchers in both business and government and as teachers and researchers in academic institutions. Employment as an Economist generally requires the completion of graduate studies beyond the bachelor’s degree. Western’s graduates in Economics hold a variety of jobs in business and teaching. In addition, Economics graduates have a high success rate for admissions to professional schools in law and business.

Empowered with the critical thinking skills that Mathematics develops, recent Mathematics graduates from Western have obtained positions in a variety of fields including actuarial science, cancer research, computer software development, business management and the movie industry, among many others. The skills acquired in our program have prepared graduates for further academic studies in Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Oceanography and Education.

 Contact Information

Economics Department Chair
Matthew Roelofs
Parks Hall 315A



Economics Major Information:
Academic Department Manager

Diane Brearley
Parks Hall 315

Mathematics Department Chair
David Hartenstine
Bond Hall 202A

Mathematics Major and
Department Information:
Academic Department Manager

Bond Hall 202

 Sample Careers

Actuary/Banking | Financial Planner/Analyst | Urban/Regional Planner | Economic Researcher | Corporate Attorney | Financial Economist | Real Estate | Business Management | Insurance Consultant

 Major/Career Resources

How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):

Students planning to major in Economics/Mathematics should declare their major as early as possible, preferably their first year at Western. Completion of the CBE (College of Business and Economics) foundation courses is not required to declare this combined major in economics.

Admissions: For admission as a full Economics/Mathematics major, a student must have completed the following requirements:

  • Confirmed admission to Western Washington University
  • Achieved a 2.5 cumulative college GPA (including transfer work)

Complete the online application form at:

Students will also need to meet the admission and declaration requirements of the Department of Mathematics.

Grade Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

❑ One course from:

ECON 206 - Introduction to Microeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
HNRS 209 - Colloquium in Microeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 207 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 303 - The History of Economic Thought
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 306 - Intermediate Microeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 307 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One course from:

ECON 406 - Topics in Microeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ECON 407 - Topics in Macroeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 475 - Econometrics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ Choose either:

MATH 124 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 125 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry II
Credits: 5
Credits: 5


MATH 134 - Calculus I Honors
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 135 - Calculus II Honors
Credits: 5
Credits: 5


MATH 138 - Accelerated Calculus
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ Choose either:

MATH 204 - Elementary Linear Algebra
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 331 - Ordinary Differential Equations
Credits: 4
Credits: 4


MATH 203 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations I
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 303 - Linear Algebra and Differential Equations II
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 MATH 224 - Multivariable Calculus and Geometry I
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
 MATH 225 - Multivariable Calculus and Geometry II
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 MATH 226 - Limits and Infinite Series
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 MATH 304 - Linear Algebra
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 M/CS 435 - Nonlinear Optimization
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One course from:

CSCI 140 - Programming Fundamentals in C++
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
CSCI 141 - Computer Programming I
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 307 - Mathematical Computing
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ Choose either:

MATH 341 - Probability and Statistical Inference
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 342 - Statistical Methods I
Credits: 4
Credits: 4


MATH 441 - Probability
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 442 - Mathematical Statistics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ 16 additional credits in upper-division courses in economics, under prior departmental advisement; 8 of these 16 credits must be at the 400 level.

❑ Take one Communication Focus - Economics (CF-E) or Communications Focus (CF) course within the College of Business and Economics and a minimum of three writing proficiency points in approved upper-division writing proficiency courses (WP-3 points) at WWU with a minimum grade of C-. The WP requirement can be met with courses from any of the combined major departments. These requirements can be completed as part of the above required and elective credits. Consult Browse Classes for the specific course sections that fulfill the CF-E/CF and WP requirements.

Note: MATH 101, MATH 112, MATH 114, MATH 115, MATH 118 and MATH 240 may not be counted toward this major.

Note: ECON 309, ECON 446 and ECON 447 may not be counted toward this major.

University Graduation Requirements

General University Requirements 2024-25
Writing Proficiency Requirement (WP)
180 Minimum Total Credits
60 Minimum Upper Division Credits
Residency Requirement
Minimum Grade Requirements
Final Quarter Requirement 
