Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-25 Western Washington University Catalog Program: Economics/Political Science, BA Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Economics/Political Science, BA

Combined major offered by the Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics and the Department of Political Science, College of Humanities and Social Sciences.

94-97 credits


The study of Economics provides insights into decision-making, market outcomes and the functioning of the overall economy. Political Science is concerned with the structure and function of both domestic and international political systems, and engaging questions associated with American politics, international politics, public policy and political theory. The combined Economics / Political Science major provides students with rigorous preparation in both economic theory and applications, and political processes at the national and international levels. By combining coursework in Economics and Political Science, students gain an interdisciplinary perspective important to understanding both political and economic issues. Students are trained in research methods used in Economics and Political Science, giving them interdisciplinary tools for problem solving and policy making. Students in this program will gain insight into a variety of areas including trade, monetary systems, development, and the interplay between politics and economics within the U.S. and the international system.  

Why Consider an Economics/Political Science Major?

The curriculum prepares students for careers in public service-related occupations in both government and business. Many students majoring in Economics/Political Science go on to law school, graduate school and into the professions. By combining coursework in both Economics and Political Science, students gain an important interdisciplinary perspective to important political and economic issues.

 Contact Information

Economics Department Chair
Matthew Roelofs
Parks Hall 315A

Economics Major Information:
Academic Department Manager

Diane Brearley
Parks Hall 315

Political Science Department Chair
Amir Abedi
Arntzen Hall 415

Political Science
Program Coordinator

Jessie Tanksley
AH 415

 Sample Careers

Attorney | Financial Planner/Analyst | Law School | Politician | Economist | Banking | Real Estate | Entrepreneur | Campaign Worker | Insurance | Government Consultant

 Major/Career Resources

How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):

Students planning to major in Economics/Political Science should declare their major as early as possible, preferably their first year at Western. Completion of the CBE foundation courses is not required to declare this combined major in economics.

Admissions: Programs in the College of Business and Economics (CBE) are selective and based upon prior academic performance and other evidence of high promise. For admission to CBE as a full Economics/Political Science major, a student must have completed the following requirements

  • Confirmed admission to Western Washington University
  • Achieved a 2.5 cumulative college GPA (including transfer work)

Complete the online application form at:

Students interested in Economics Major Programs, please see the Economics Department in Parks Hall 315 for information.

Political Science Department: Students are eligible to declare a political science major and any majors combined with political science if they have completed any two of the following core courses: PLSC 250, 261, 271, 291, or an equivalent course(s) at another college or university. Due to high student demand and limited capacity, immediate access to specific courses cannot be guaranteed. Students who have no political science transfer credits: go to the Political Science department office, 415 Arntzen Hall, with an unofficial WWU transcript showing the two completed courses from the list above. Students with political science transfer credits from another institution: call 360-650-3469 to make an appointment to have credits reviewed, then visit the department office with the required documents as outlined above.

Study Abroad Transfer Credit

The Economics Department and the Political Science Department encourage students to participate in study abroad opportunities that further their academic studies.  Up to twelve (12) credits of approved study abroad coursework can be applied to the major requirements. Students can distribute those credits across both/either the Economics requirements or the Political Science requirements up to a total of 12 study abroad transfer credits.

Credit will not be awarded until Western has accepted the credits from the foreign institution. At that point, we will evaluate your study abroad coursework when you provide the following documents to both departments:

  • Transcript from the foreign institution showing completed coursework, a minimum grade of C– is required.
  • Syllabi/course descriptions of the classes completed or if a syllabus is not available then your work product (papers, tests & readings) from the class.

As a combined major, students are required to get approval from both departments for study abroad transfer credit. Please note that the amount of credit awarded towards the major is at the discretion of the Political Science and Economics departments, after review of the course materials, and may differ from credits awarded by the WWU Registrar.

Grade Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.


Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed

❑ Choose one from:

DSCI 205 - Business Statistics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 240 - Introduction to Statistics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 341 - Probability and Statistical Inference
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 206 - Introduction to Microeconomics (HNRS 209 - Colloquium in Microeconomics may be taken in place of ECON 206)
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 207 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 303 - The History of Economic Thought
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 306 - Intermediate Microeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 307 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 310 - Public Sector Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 PLSC 250 - The American Political System
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
 PLSC 261 - Introduction to Political Theory
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ One course from:

MATH 124 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 134 - Calculus I Honors
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 138 - Accelerated Calculus
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 157 - Calculus with Applications to Business and Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

(or AP Calculus Exam with a score of 3 or better)

❑ One course from:

PLSC 271 - Introduction to International Relations
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 291 - Introduction to Comparative Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ One course from:

PLSC 346 - Politics of Inequality
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 372 - International Political Economy
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 390 - The Politics of Development
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ One course from:

PLSC 427 - Politics of the Policy Process
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 462 - The Rise of Modern Political Economy
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One Course from:

ECON 491 - Issues in Political Economy
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 491 - Issues in Political Economy
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ 12 additional credits in upper-division economics courses, under departmental advisement

❑ 9 additional credits from the following American Politics and Public Policy field:

PLSC 311 - Introduction to Law and the Legal System
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 313 - Law, Courts, Politics, Society: Non-legal Perspectives of Law
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 314 - The U.S. Supreme Court: Law and Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 321 - Queer and Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 323 - Black Politics in the U.S.
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 327 - Urban Politics and Policy in the U.S.
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 345 - Women and Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

PLSC 346 - Politics of Inequality Credits: 5 GUR: ACGM

PLSC 347 - Race, Politics and Public Policy
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 348 - Environmental Justice
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 353 - State and Local Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 355 - Bureaucratic Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 366 - Research in Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 414 - Constitutional Law: Separation of Powers and Federalism
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 415 - Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 420 - Environmental Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 423 - The American Presidency
Credits: 3
Credits: 3

PLSC 427 - Policy-Making and Policy Analysis Credits: 4

PLSC 431 - Senior Seminar in American Politics and Public Policy
Credits: 3-5
Credits: 3-5
PLSC 449 - Politics and Social Change
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 450 - Parties, Campaigns and Elections
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 467 - Philosophical and Ethical Issues in Law
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 489 - Managing an International Ecosystem
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ 4 additional credits from the following Political Theory field:

PLSC 361 - Classical Political Thought
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 362 - Political Theory: Renaissance and Modern
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 364 - Contemporary Political Theory
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 432 - Senior Seminar - Political Theory
Credits: 3-5
Credits: 3-5

PLSC 462 - The Rise of Modern Political Economy Credits: 4

PLSC 463 - American Political Thought
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 469 - Feminist Political Theory
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 471 - Race and Political Theory
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 472 - Comparative Political Thought
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 473 - Politics and Culture
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
PLSC 480 - Politics, Government and Religion
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
PLSC 493 - Issues in Political Theory
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ 8-9 additional credits in upper-division political science electives, to complete the program.

❑ Take one Communication Focus - Economics (CF-E) or Communications Focus (CF) course within the College of Business and Economics and a minimum of three writing proficiency points in approved upper-division writing proficiency courses (WP-3 points) at WWU with a minimum grade of C-. The WP requirement can be met with courses from any of the combined major departments. These requirements can be completed as part of the above required and elective credits. Consult Browse Classes for the specific course sections that fulfill the CF-E/CF and WP requirements.

Note: ECON 309, ECON 446 and ECON 447 may not be counted toward this major.

University Graduation Requirements

General University Requirements 2024-25
Writing Proficiency Requirement (WP)
180 Minimum Total Credits
60 Minimum Upper Division Credits
Residency Requirement
Minimum Grade Requirements
Final Quarter Requirement 
