Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2024-25 Western Washington University Catalog Program: Economics/Environmental Studies, BA Minimum Credits Required:__________________

Economics/Environmental Studies, BA

Combined major offered by the Department of Economics, College of Business and Economics and the Department of Environmental Studies, College of the Environment.

98-105 credits (including foundations courses and major)


Economics deals with how people living in a world of scarcity make choices. These choices inevitably involve costs. Questions examined in environmental economics include efficient resource use, preservation of wilderness and biological diversity, local and regional air pollution, global climate change, and treatment of toxic substances. Students learn how to use economic principles to help understand the causes of environmental problems and to identify potential remedies.

Environmental Studies draws on basic knowledge of how natural systems work and is applied to solving problems largely created by human activities. Often these problems are represented by disturbances in the functioning of natural systems. In addition to the study of the natural environment, a study of laws and policy related to the environment provides a foundation for solving environmental problems.

Why Consider an Economics/Environmental Studies Major?

A combined major in Economics/Environmental Studies is available to students having a strong interest in the economic aspects of environmental studies and natural resources. The degree awarded is a B.A. in Economics.

 Contact Information

Economics Department Chair
Matthew Roelofs
Parks Hall 315A


Economics Major Information:
Academic Department Manager

Diane Brearley
Parks Hall 315

Environmental Studies
Department Chair

Rebekah Paci-Green
Arntzen Hall 206

Environmental Studies Information:
College of the Environment Undergraduate Advisor

Kathryn Patrick
Environmental Studies 539

 Sample Careers

Environmental Consulting | Economics/Environmental Researcher | Environmental Advocacy for Non-profits | Environmental Affairs-Business | Environmental Protection-Government

 Major/Career Resources

How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):

Students planning to major in Economics/Environmental Studies should declare their major as early as possible, preferably their first year at Western in both the College of Business and Economics (CBE), and College of the Environment (CENV).

Admissions: Programs in CBE and CENV are based upon prior academic performance and other evidence of high promise. A student must complete the following requirements for admission to the Economics/Environmental Studies major:

  • Confirmed admission to Western Washington University
  • Achieved a 2.5 cumulative college GPA (including transfer work)

Students apply for admission by completing the online application form at

The Economics/Environmental Studies major is a degree shared between the CBE and CENV. For students to gain access to the environmental studies’ major coursework, students need to complete ENVS 203 and MATH 114 or MATH 156.

Students should see the admissions advisor in CENV in Environmental Studies Building 539 or call 360-650-3520. Students who are admitted to this major will have an advisor in CBE and another in CENV.

Grade Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.


Economics/Environmental Studies Foundations (22-23 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
 ENVS 203 - Physical Geography
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ENVS 303 - Introduction to Environmental Studies I: Human Ecology and Ethics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
 ENVS 305 - Introduction to Environmental Studies II: History and Policy
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ One course from:

ESCI 204 - The Oceans: Topics in Marine Science
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ESCI 225 - Beginning Ecology
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One course from:

MATH 114 - Precalculus I
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 156 - Algebra With Applications to Business and Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

Economics/Environmental Studies Depth and Specialization (76-82 credits)

Course NameCredits:Term TakenGradeGen Ed
 ECON 206 - Introduction to Microeconomics (HNRS 209 - Colloquium in Microeconomics may be taken in place of ECON 206)
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 207 - Introduction to Macroeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 303 - The History of Economic Thought
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 306 - Intermediate Microeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 307 - Intermediate Macroeconomics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 383 - Environmental Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 384 - Energy Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
 ECON 483 - Resource Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One course from:

ECON 375 - Introduction to Econometrics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ECON 482 - Advanced Topics in Environmental Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ECON 484 - Economics of Alternative Energy
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One course from:

ENVS 342 - Geography of the World Economy
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
UEPP 355 - Environmental Law and Policy
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One course from:

ENVS 450 - Science in the Policy Process
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ENVS 451 - Public Land Conflict & Collaboration
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ENVS 453 - Climate Politics and Governance
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ENVS 456 - Governing Innovation, Technology, and the Future
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
ENVS 458 - Environmental Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
or  PLSC 420 - Environmental Politics
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ One course from:

ENVS 326 - Climatology
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ENVS 392 - Introduction to Climate Change
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
or  ESCI 392 - Introduction to Climate Change
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ESCI 393 - Our Coastal Seas and Climate Change
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
ESCI 417 - The State of the Salish Sea Ecosystem
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
or  SALI 417 - The State of the Salish Sea Ecosystem
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ One course from:

DSCI 205 - Business Statistics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 240 - Introduction to Statistics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4
MATH 341 - Probability and Statistical Inference
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

❑ One course from:

ENVS 493 - Environmental Impact Assessment
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
ESCI 493 - Environmental Impact Assessment
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
UEPP 493 - Environmental Impact Assessment
Credits: 5
Credits: 5

❑ One course from:

MATH 124 - Calculus and Analytic Geometry I
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 134 - Calculus I Honors
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 138 - Accelerated Calculus
Credits: 5
Credits: 5
MATH 157 - Calculus with Applications to Business and Economics
Credits: 4
Credits: 4

(Or AP Calculus exam score of 3 or better)

❑ Electives under advisement (15-18 credits)

ECON 300- and 400-level

ENVS 300- and 400-level

❑ Take one Communication Focus - Economics (CF-E) or a Communication Focus (CF) course within the College of Business and Economics, and a minimum of three writing proficiency points in approved upper-division writing proficiency courses (WP-3 points) at WWU with a minimum grade of C-. The WP requirement can be met with courses from any of the combined major departments. These requirements can be completed as part of the above required and elective credits. Consult Browse Classes for the specific course sections that fulfill the CF-E/CF and WP requirements.

Note: ECON 309, ECON 446 and ECON 447 may not be counted toward this major.

University Graduation Requirements

General University Requirements 2024-25
Writing Proficiency Requirement (WP)
180 Minimum Total Credits
60 Minimum Upper Division Credits
Residency Requirement
Minimum Grade Requirements
Final Quarter Requirement 
