Jan 14, 2025
REL 424 - Exploring Apocalypticism This course seeks to understand the social phenomenon of millenarianism. Apocalyptic social movements typically hold beliefs that stand at odds with their culture, and often material reality. Outbreaks of cosmic expectation happen at moments of cultural encounter and rapid change. As a result, millennial expectation often is associated with social radicalism and extremism, and sometimes is a factor in religious violence. This course uses case studies from new religious movements and historic events in established world religions to explore these issues. By introducing students to a broad base of theorists and methodologies, this class cultivates an interdisciplinary understanding of the humanities and social sciences. Students in REL 424 will both engage in historiographic debate and pursue research projects of their own.
Prerequisites & Notes: HUMA 302 or instructor permission. Credits: 5 Grade Mode: Letter
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