I invite you to think of this catalog not as a list of classes but an invitation to discovery, the start of your personal adventure in learning. When I look through Western’s catalog and see the sheer breadth and quality of offerings, I’m reminded in a special way of what an exciting place Western is to explore the life of the mind.
Although we encourage all Western graduates to be independent, life-long learners, this catalog represents your opportunity to immerse yourself in a broad, innovative and interactive community of knowledge. This is your gateway to engage with the animating ideas of the future and the past, from the latest discoveries shaping the world of tomorrow, to the foundations of culture, sciences, mathematics, history and art that defined the world of today. At Western you not only have the chance to learn from some of the country’s finest faculty, but uncommon opportunities to collaborate and contribute your new ideas to challenge our understanding of ourselves and the world.
Beyond the classrooms, Western is recognized as a place where service learning, community engagement and love of the outdoors run deep. Part of what makes Western special is that our students strive to put their active minds to changing lives, whether out in the community, in the North Cascades or the other side of the world. I encourage you to consider this catalog as a map to discover those life-changing opportunities as well, and chart a course to becoming a leader for the positive difference you want to see in the world.
As you look through this catalog, and throughout your time at Western, I hope you will take advantage of these special opportunities to be adventurous and step outside your comfort zone. We learn and grow not only by building upon what we already know, but by keeping an open mind to explore new frontiers as well.

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