Mar 10, 2025  
2023-2024 Catalog 
2023-2024 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]



Abedi, Amir / Political Science
Abel, Troy / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Acevedo-Gutierrez, Alejandro / Biology
Ahmed, Shameem / Computer Science
Airth, Paula / Design
Akinrinade, Babafemi / Fairhaven
Alamillo, Rudy / Political Science
Alcorn, Holly / Music
Alfers, Sandra / Modern and Classical Languages
Algeddawy, Tarek / Engineering and Design
Allen, Kerry / Outreach and Continuing Education
Aller, Warren / Special Education
Alqudah, Sura / Engineering and Design
Amacher, Jeanine / Chemistry
Amiran, Edoh / Mathematics
Amos, Colin / Geology
Amundson, Garth / Art and Art History
Anderson, Amy / Mathematics
Anderson, Charles / History
Anderson, Katherine / English
Anderson, Kristin / Sociology
Anderson, Victoria / Mathematics
Anthony-Cahill, Spencer / Chemistry
Antos, John / Chemistry
Araki-Kawaguchi, Kiik / English
Aranda, Blanca / Modern and Classical Languages
Araniva, Mauricio / Modern and Classical Languages
Arellano, Shawn / Biology
Armstrong Soule, Cat / Finance and Marketing
Arthur-Cameselle, Jessyca / Health and Human Development


Bach, Andy / Environmental Studies
Bajwa, Deepinder / Decision Sciences
Baker, Katherine / Decision Sciences
Baker, Mary / Canadian American Studies
Baloy, Natalie / Canadian American Studies
Bao, Ying / Chemistry
Barnard, Rick / Mathematics
Barnhart, Charles / Institute for Energy Studies
Baskentli, Sara / Finance and Marketing
Bauman, Jenise / Environmental Sciences
Beard, Lisa / Political Science
Beasley, Bruce / English
Bedi, Akanksha / Management
Bell, Michael / English
Bennett, Steve / Health and Human Development
Benson, Earl / Finance and Marketing
Benyi, Arpad / Mathematics
Berardi, Gigi / Environmental Studies/Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Berger, Robert / Chemistry
Berger, Spencer / Chemistry
Berget, Andrew / Mathematics
Bernardo-Hinesley, Sheryl / Modern and Classical Languages
Berzal de Dios, Jimena / Art and Art History
Bhattacharjee, Dharitri / History
Bianco, Christopher / Music
Bingham, Brian / Marine and Coastal Sciences
Binney, Elizabeth / Biology
Biswas, Bidisha / Political Science
Blanchard, Anne / Outreach and Continuing Education
Blietz, Diane / Communication Studies
Block, Erika / Music
Bodensteiner, Leo / Environmental Sciences
Boland, Elizabeth / Health and Community Studies
Borda, Emily / Science, Math and Technology
Bordoloi, Samit / Health and Community Studies
Borowski, Rebecca / Mathematics
Boudreaux, Andrew / Physics and Astronomy
Boujibar, Asmaa / Geology
Bourne, Patty / Music
Bowe, Brian J / Journalism
Bowers, Melanie / Political Science
Brennan, Carrie / Elementary Education
Brian, Kathleen / Honors
Brickham, Dana / Health and Community Studies
Brilla, Lorrie / Health and Human Development
Brodhagen, Marion / Biology
Brown, Nicole / English
Brown, Rich / Theatre and Dance
Bruce, Tim / Special Education
Bruna, Sean / Anthropology
Buckley, Patrick / Environmental Studies
Buddhadev, Harsh / Health and Human Development
Bulcroft, Rick / Sociology
Bunn, Andy / Environmental Sciences
Bunn, Rebecca / Environmental Sciences
Burgess, Don / Secondary Education
Burtz, Randall / Health and Human Development
Bushelle, Emi / History
Bushelle, Ethan / Global Humanities and Religions
Bussell, Mark / Chemistry
Byrne, Christina / Psychology


Calderon, Dolores / Fairhaven
Califf, Christopher / Decision Sciences
Camacho, Gustavo / Music
Camacho, Laura / Music
Cameselle-Pesce, Pedro / History
Camlin, Cynthia / Art and Art History
Campbell, Gerard / Decision Sciences
Campbell, Sarah / Anthropology
Carbajal, Amy / Modern and Classical Languages
Carroll, Jeff / Psychology
Cerretti, Josh / History
Chalmers, Gordon / Health and Human Development
Chan, Victor / Mathematics
Chandran, Devyani / Health and Community Studies
Chapman, Kamarie / Theatre and Dance
Chen, Hanmei / Accounting
Chen, Paul / Political Science
Chen, Shih-Fen / Management
Chen, Xiaofeng / Decision Sciences
Chmielewski, Kristen / Health and Human Development
Chu, Marilyn / Elementary Education
Ciao, Anna / Psychology
Clark, Catherine / Chemistry
Clark, Doug / Geology
Clauson, Aran / Computer Science
Cochran, Heather / Special Education
Cohen, Jessica / Mathematics
Colen, Elizabeth / English
Connell, Georgianne / Biology
Connell, Joan / Journalism
Cooper, W. James / Biology
Corbin, Hope / Health and Community Studies
Coskie, Tracy / Elementary Education
Costanzo, Susan / History
Coulet du Gard, Dominique / Anthropology
Coulter, Gail / Special Education
Covey, Kevin / Physics and Astronomy
Cram, Travis / Communication Studies
Cuban, Sondra / Health and Community Studies
Cueto, Desiree / Elementary Education
Cunningham, Mick / Sociology
Curgus, Branko / Mathematics
Currier, Deb / Theatre and Dance
Curtis, Emily / Linguistics
Cushman, Jeremy / English
Czopp, Alex / Psychology


Dade, Karen / Secondary Education
Dagnon, Paula / Elementary Education
Dahl, Aumony / Elementary Education
Dahl, Robyn / Geology
Dahlberg, Lina / Biology
Dales, Ryan / Accounting
Daniels, Rita / Communication Studies
Darby, Kate / Environmental Studies
Darling, Rieko / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Davidson, Heather / Communication Studies
Davies, Mark / Music
Davishahl, Jill / Engineering and Design
Dawson, Virginia / Linguistics
de Almeida, Cristina / Design
De Jonge, Bernadet / Health and Community Studies
DeBari, Susan / Geology
DeChaine, Eric / Biology
Deeney, Megan / Mathematics
Deguchi, Masanori / Modern and Classical Languages
Delker, Brianna / Psychology
D’Eloia, Melissa / Health and Human Development
Delucio, Kevin / Fairhaven
Deneke, Wesley / Computer Science
Denham, Kristin / Linguistics
Destler, Kate / Political Science
Devenport, Jennifer / Psychology
Deylami, Shirin / Political Science
Diedesch, Anna / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Diehl, Peter / History
Dietrich, Dawn / English
Dillard, Beth / Elementary Education
Dolar, Burak / Accounting
Donnellan, Grant / Music
Donovan, Deborah / Biology
Donovan, Todd / Political Science
Dorsey-Palmateer, Reid / Institute for Energy Studies
Dounas-Frazer, Dimitri / Physics and Astronomy
Dozier, Raine / Health and Community Studies
Drickey, Kirsten / Modern and Classical Languages
Drum, Dawna / Accounting
Du Rocher Schudlich, Tina / Psychology
Dubenion-Smith, Shannon / Modern and Classical Languages
Dudenbostel, Ryan / Music
Duffy, Erin / Chemistry
Dugger, Julie / English
Dunham, Janelle / Elementary Education
Dunn, Craig / Management
Dupont, Brandon / Economics
Durham, Yvonne / Economics
Dwyer, Sean / Modern and Classical Languages


Egner, Alex / Design
Ekromero, Jerry / Anthropology
Elglaly, Yasmine / Computer Science
Emory, Steven / Chemistry
Engelsing, Eduardo / Modern and Classical Languages
Enright, Michael / Chemistry
Ericksen, Lena / Psychology
Erickson, Mary / Communication Studies
Espina, Christine / Health and Community Studies
Eurich, Amanda / History
Evans, David / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Evans, Kelli / Communication Sciences and Disorders


Farrand, Barbara / Outreach and Continuing Education
Fast, Anne / Psychology
Feinberg, Seth / Sociology
Feingold, David / Music
Feodorov, John / Fairhaven
Ferreras-Stone, Jessica / Elementary Education
Fiero, Petra / Modern and Classical Languages
Fillingim, Angela / Fairhaven
Finlay, Janet / Psychology
Fish, Russ / Fairhaven
Fisher, Josh / Anthropology
Fitzpatrick, Tim / Music
Fizzano, Perry / Computer Science
Fleischer, Svenja / Physics and Astronomy
Fleming, Caren / Elementary Education
Flittie, Michael / Decision Sciences
Flower, Aquila / Environmental Studies
Fok, Lillian / Decision Sciences
Folk, Holly / Global Humanities and Religions
Foreman, Brady / Geology
Foreman-Murray, Lindsay / Special Education
Forsberg, Geri / English
Forsythe, Jenny / English
French, Kristen / Elementary Education
Fretheim, Erik / Computer Science
Friday, Chris / History
Friedland, Yanara / Fairhaven
From, Milton / Physics and Astronomy


Galati, Nick / Biology
García, Hugo / Modern and Classical Languages
Garfinkle, Steven / History
Gialanella, John / Design
Giffen, Allison / English
Gilbert, Brennan / Psychology
Gilbertson, John / Chemistry
Gill, David / Engineering and Design
Gillham, Pat / Sociology
Gilliam, Jeffrey / Music
Glimm, Tilmann / Mathematics
Glosser, Deborah / Institute for Energy Studies
Gogrof, Andrea / Global Humanities and Religions
Goldman, Tristan / Honors
Gomez, Stephanie / Communication Studies
Gonzalez, Antonya / Psychology
Good, Andrew / Mathematics
Goodnow, Jasmine / Health and Human Development
Goodrich, Amber / Mathematics
Gosen, Joe / Journalism
Gossett, Gabe / Western Libraries
Goto, Stan / Health and Community Studies
Goulet, Gail / Health and Community Studies
Gour, Pierre / Art and Art History
Graham, Jim / Psychology
Green, Jennifer / Elementary Education
Green, Vincent / Music
Griffith, Jennifer / Chemistry
Grimm, Jeff / Psychology
Gruman, Diana / Psychology
Guess, Carol / English
Gulyas, Lee / English
Gupta, Dipu / Theatre and Dance
Gust, Korrine / Elementary Education
Gutiérrez Nájera, Lourdes / Fairhaven


Hagin, Dean / Outreach and Continuing Education
Haines, Susan / Theatre and Dance
Halka, Charles / Music
Hamilton, Bruce / Music
Hanania, Cecile / Modern and Classical Languages
Hanson, Richard / Special Education
Hanuscin, Debi / Elementary Education
Hao, Qiang / Computer Science
Hao, Yamin / Accounting
Hardesty, Jared / History
Hardin, Caroline / Computer Science
Hardman, Pam / English
Harris, John / Journalism
Harris, Kameron / Computer Science
Hart, Jeffery / Special Education
Hartenstine, David / Mathematics
Hartwell, Ernest / Modern and Classical Languages
Harvey, Korry / Communication Studies
Hatch, Marco / Environmental Sciences
Haug, Peter / Decision Sciences
Hayes, Nini / Environmental Studies
Hays, Jennifer / Communication Studies
Hearne, James / Computer Science
Heim, Stefania / English
Helfield, James / Environmental Sciences
Helms, Ron / Sociology
Henrichs, Debbie / Health and Human Development
Henson, Steve / Economics
Hixson, Amber / Mathematics
Hodges, Hart / Economics
Hoekstra, Nicole / Engineering and Design
Hoffman, Charles / Political Science
Hoffman, Joan / Modern and Classical Languages
Hollenhorst, Steve / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Hooper, David / Biology
Horne, Cynthia / Political Science
Housen, Bernard / Geology
Howard-Snyder, Dan / Philosophy
Howard-Snyder, Frances / Philosophy
Howie, Stephen / Journalism
Hsueh, Vicki / Political Science
Hua, Stella / Decision Sciences
Hudson, Hud / Philosophy
Hunt, Mary / Health and Human Development
Hunter, Joseph / Special Education
Hussein Abdelbaki, Tamer / Modern and Classical Languages
Hutchinson, Brian / Computer Science
Hutchinson, Penny / Theatre and Dance
Hyman, Ira / Psychology


Idriss, Tarek / Computer Science


Jagodzinski, Filip / Computer Science
James, Paul / Anthropology
Jantzen, Kelly / Psychology
Jantzen, McNeel / Linguistics
Jaye, Cara / Art and Art History
Jelaca Jovanovic, Milica / Music
Jiang, Xichen / Institute for Energy Studies
Jin, Meilan / Elementary Education
Joffrion, Elizabeth / Western Libraries
Johnston, Christine / History
Juarez, Melina / Political Science


Kahnamoui, Farrokh / Economics
Kamel, Nabil / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Kanov, Jason / Management
Kaplan, Josh / Psychology
Karlberg, Michael / Communication Studies
Kasper, Angie / Music
Kasprisin, Lorraine / Secondary Education
Kean, Eric / Mathematics
Kearsley, Paul / Engineering and Design
Keeler, Linda / Health and Human Development
Keith, Jack / Journalism
Keller, Jennifer / Journalism
Kelley, Bridget / Special Education
Kelly, Madeline / Western Libraries
Kelly, Ryan / Art and Art History
Keppie, Christina / Canadian American Studies
Kerman, Monique / Art and Art History
Khan, Alia / Environmental Sciences
Khan, Junaid / Engineering and Design
Kim, Ilhyung / Decision Sciences
Kim, Jongwook / Management
King, Jeff / Psychology
Klein, Andy / Engineering and Design
Knabb, Shawn / Economics
Kodner, Robin / Biology
Koehler, Abby / Western Libraries
Koetje, Todd / Anthropology
Kong, Sophie / Finance and Marketing
Korsmo, John / Health and Community Studies
Kowalczyk, Tim / Institute for Energy Studies
Krause, Miller / Modern and Classical Languages
Krieg, John / Institutional Effectiveness
Kuntz, Mark / Theatre and Dance
Kuntz, Pam / Theatre and Dance
Kusakabe, Madoka / Modern and Classical Languages


LaBorde, Pamela / Finance and Marketing
Laffrado, Laura / English
Laman, Tasha / Elementary Education
Lambert, Charles / Special Education
Landis, Wayne / Environmental Sciences
Laninga, Tammi / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Lapsansky, Janice / Biology
Larsen, Donald / Special Education
Larsen, Mike / Chemistry
Larson, Kristen / Physics and Astronomy
Larson, Nicole / Engineering and Design
Le, Thanh / Physics and Astronomy
Lee, Christian / Philosophy
Lee, Ee Lin / Communication Studies
Lee, Jean / English
Lee, Suzanne / Biology
Lees, Anna / Elementary Education
Leger, Janelle / Physics and Astronomy
Lehman, Barbara / Psychology
Lei, Yu / Modern and Classical Languages
Lemkau, Karin / Chemistry
Lemm, Kristi / Psychology
Lemmer, Jaime / Elementary Education
Lending, Claire / Finance and Marketing
Leonhardt, Eric / Engineering and Design
Lester, Mark / English
Li, Jiexun / Decision Sciences
Li, Shuo / Accounting
Li, Ying / Health and Human Development
Lin, Ying / Engineering and Design
Lind, Jason / Communication Studies
Linneman, Scott / Honors
Lippman, Leah / Institute for Global Engagement
Liu, Yudong / Computer Science
Liu, Zenghui / Accounting
Lloyd, Thomas / Fairhaven
Loar, Christopher / English
Lobeck, Anne / Linguistics
Lois, Jen / Sociology
Longoria, A / Secondary Education
Lonneman, Bill / Health and Community Studies
Lopez, Ceci / Fairhaven
López-Pedreros, Ricardo / History
Lortz, James / Theatre and Dance
Love, Brooke / Environmental Sciences
Love, Ed / Finance and Marketing
Lucchesi, Andrew / English
Lund, John / Engineering and Design
Luo, Baozhen / Sociology
Lyne, William / English
Lynn, Kimberly / Global Humanities and Religions


Magee, Kelly / English
Major, Julie / Psychology
Mallinckrodt, Brent / Psychology
Mana, Mike / Psychology
Mare, Shri / Computer Science
Markworth, Christopher / Chemistry
Marley, Tom / Mathematics
Marrall, Rebecca / Western Libraries
Mart, Paul / Outreach and Continuing Education
Martin, Darius / Economics
Martindale, Lori / Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
Mata, R. / Modern and Classical Languages
Maxwell, Caitlan / Western Libraries
Mayer, Aric / Fine and Performing Arts
Mc Lean Kesler, Christie / Elementary Education
McCabe, Jennifer / Psychology
McCarthy, Lisa / Music
McCarty, Jay / Chemistry
McClain, Lee / Decision Sciences
McClanahan, Lauren / Secondary Education
McCroom, Darren / Theatre and Dance
McDonald, Catherine / English
McDowall, Stephen / Mathematics
McGrew, G / Chemistry
McGuire, Simon / English
McLaughlin, John / Environmental Sciences
McLean, Kate / Psychology
McLeod, Maria / Journalism
McPhee-Shaw, Erika / Environmental Sciences
Medler, Michael / Environmental Studies
Meehan, Michael / Computer Science
Meier, Jeffrey / Mathematics
Melious, Jean / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Melton, Josie / Science, Math and Technology
Merrill, DeLisle / Theatre and Dance
Metzger, Mary / English
Miller, Barbara / Art and Art History
Miller, Brenda / English
Miller, James / Canadian-American Studies/Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Miller, Kate / Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
Miller, Matthew / Elementary Education
Miner, Benjamin / Biology
Miran, Jonathan / Global Humanities and Religions
Misasi, John / Engineering and Design
Mitchell, Robert / Geology
Miyake, Mark / Fairhaven
Mock, Janet / Mathematics
Mogford, Liz / Sociology
Monson, Tesla / Anthropology
Montano, Manuel / Environmental Sciences
Moore, Heather / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Moore, Jared / Accounting
Moore, Tom / Honors
Morgans, Brian / Decision Sciences
Morris, Jason / Engineering and Design
Morris, Julie / Sociology
Morrison, Whitney / Science, Math and Technology
Morrow, Kacey / Design
Morton, Todd / Engineering and Design
Moscato, Derek / Journalism
Mosher, M. J. / Anthropology
Moyer, Craig / Biology
Mueller, Evan / Theatre and Dance
Mulcahy, Sean / Geology
Mullane, Nancy / Health and Community Studies
Mullin, Casey / Western Libraries
Mullins, Carla / Health and Community Studies
Murphy, Amanda / Chemistry
Murphy, Seán / Global Humanities and Religions
Myers, Gene / Environmental Studies


Neem, Johann / History
Neff, Mark / Environmental Studies
Nelson, David / Economics
Nelson, Phil / Computer Science
Nelson, Suzie / Elementary Education
Newcomer, Jeff / Engineering and Design
Nielsen, Carolyn / Journalism
Nimtz, Jen / Mathematics
Noguchi, Kimihiro / Mathematics
Nolan, Charlene / Elementary Education
Nordin, David / Management
Nuckolls, Seth / Mathematics
Nyman, Adam / Mathematics


O Murchu, Niall / Fairhaven
Odabasi, Eren / English
O’Donovan, Betsy / Journalism
Oertel, Ronald / Economics
O’Hara, Dustin / Computer Science
Oleen, Jenny / Western Libraries
Olson, Brady / Biology
Olvera, Katie / Psychology
O’Neil, Gregory / Chemistry
Osborne, Melissa / Sociology
Oslapas, Arunas / Engineering and Design


Paci-Green, Rebekah / Environmental Studies
Pagh, Nancy / English
Paola, Suzanne / English
Parris, Kristen / Political Science
Parshall, Hans / Mathematics
Partsch, Cornelius / Modern and Classical Languages
Patterson, Charles / Modern and Classical Languages
Paul, Rachel / Political Science
Pearce, Scott / Global Humanities and Religions
Peden, Brandon / Physics and Astronomy
Pei, Yuan / Mathematics
Perry, Tara / Communication Studies
Perzigian, Aaron / Special Education
Peters, Kimberly / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Peterson, Andy / Western Libraries
Peterson, Merrill / Biology
Petrenko, Sasha / Art and Art History
Peyron, Mark / Engineering and Design
Pfeiffer, Allison / Geology
Picus, Daniel / Global Humanities and Religions
Pierce, Clayton / Fairhaven
Pihos, Peter / History
Pillitteri, Lynn / Biology
Pine, Judith / Anthropology
Piyadi Gamage, Ramadha / Mathematics
Pollard, Dan / Biology
Ponton, Camilo / Geology
Portugal, Luis / Modern and Classical Languages
Posthumus, Lee / Outreach and Continuing Education
Powell, Skylar / Management
Poynter, Lindsay / Health and Human Development
Price, Hunter / History
Prichard, Tony / English
Prody, Gerry / Chemistry
Purdue, Jeff / Western Libraries
Purdue, Seiko / Art and Art History
Purdy, Daniel / Finance and Marketing
Pyscher, Tracey / Secondary Education


Qualley, Donna J. / English
Query, Jason / Economics


Radwan, Amr / Engineering and Design
Ragsdale, Kim / Mathematics
Rahmani, Armin / Physics and Astronomy
Ramasubramanian, Bhaskar / Engineering and Design
Rangel-Guerrero, Mary Anne / Modern and Classical Languages
Ray, James / Music
Raymond, Elizabeth / Chemistry
Rice, Melissa / Geology
Richardson, Andrew / Mathematics
Riddle Buly, Marsha / Elementary Education
Rider, David / Chemistry
Riemann, Andreas / Physics and Astronomy
Riggs, Anne / Psychology
Rindal, Hope / Chemistry
Rines, Ken / Physics and Astronomy
Ritter, Marian / Western Libraries
Rivera, Lysa / English
Robertson, Wayne / Special Education
Robey, Hillary / Health and Human Development
Robey, Nathan / Health and Human Development
Robinson, LeAnne / Special Education
Roehl, Tom / Management
Roelofs, Matthew / Economics
Roland, Emily / Geology
Rollins, Alyson / Anthropology
Rose, Jackie / Psychology
Rossiter, David / Environmental Studies
Roulet, Patrick / Music
Roxas, Kevin / Secondary Education
Rozendaal, Jay / Music
Ruiz Guerrero, Margarita / Elementary Education
Rupe, Kathryn / Mathematics
Russell, Keith / Health and Human Development
Rybczyk, John / Environmental Sciences


Saenger, Casey / Geology
Safavi, Farrokh / Finance and Marketing
Salazar, Debra / Political Science
Samant, Shantala / Management
Sampaio, Cristina / Psychology
San Juan, Jun / Health and Human Development
Sandelin, Kate / Physics and Astronomy
Sandelin, Steve / Engineering and Design
Sandoval, Jordan / Linguistics
Sapin, Julia / Art and Art History
Sarkar, Amites / Mathematics
Sass, Mary / Management
Sattler, David / Psychology
Saunders, Kathleen / Anthropology
Schade, Brittany / Design
Schaefer, Chris / Outreach and Continuing Education
Schermer, Liz / Geology
Scheuermann, Margaret / Chemistry
Schivitz, Beth / Mathematics
Schulze, Sandra / Biology
Schulze-Oechtering, Michael / Fairhaven
Schwandt, Hilary / Fairhaven
Schwartz, Greg / Mathematics
Schwartz-DuPre, Rae Lynn / Communication Studies
Schwarz, Carrie / Biology
Schwarz, Dietmar / Biology
Scollon, Christie / Psychology
Scott, Daphne / Mathematics
Seda, Takele / Physics and Astronomy
Sehman, Steven / Fairhaven
Seifert, Matthew / Psychology
Sekhon, Tejvir / Finance and Marketing
Seltz, Jennifer / History
Senger, Lucas / Fine and Performing Arts
Sennett, Jackie / Health and Community Studies
Serrano-Moreno, Jose / Biology
Sharmin, Moushumi / Computer Science
Shaw, Austin / Design
Sheahan, Annmarie / English
Sheikh, Imran / Institute for Energy Studies
Sherwood, Art / Management
Shewmake, Sharon / Economics
Shipley, Ely / English
Shull, David / Environmental Sciences
Sifuentes, Froylan / Institute for Energy Studies
Simon, Richard / Fairhaven
Singh-Cundy, Anu / Biology
Singleton, Ron / Accounting
Sirbu, Anca / Economics
Sladen, Douglas / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Slouber, Michael / Global Humanities and Religions
Smirnov, Serge / Chemistry
Smit Vega Garcia, Mariana / Mathematics
Smith, Aaron / Psychology
Smith, Lindsey / Modern and Classical Languages
Smith, Steve / Accounting
Smith, Todd / Music
Smith, Zachary / Music
Sobocinski, Kathryn / Environmental Sciences
Sofield, Ruth / Environmental Sciences
Sowell, Shaun / Psychology
Spiegel, P. Clint / Chemistry
Spira, Tamara / Fairhaven
Spracklin, Emily / Western Libraries
Springer, Mark / Decision Sciences
Stanger, Nick / Environmental Studies
Stangl, Paul / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Staton, Mark / Finance and Marketing
Stayskal, Byron / Modern and Classical Languages
Stephan, Elizabeth / Western Libraries
Stephenson, Norda / Chemistry
Sternberger, Lee / Institute for Global Engagement
Stewart, Mart / History
Stickley, Beth / Special Education
Stout, Karen / Morse Institute for Leadership
Strachan, Steph / Elementary Education
Strecker, Angela / Environmental Sciences
Su, Sue / Decision Sciences
Sula, Ozan / Economics
Suprak, Dave / Health and Human Development
Swisher, Joel / Institute for Energy Studies
Symons, Larry / Psychology


Tag, Stan / Fairhaven
Tag, Sylvia / Western Libraries
Takagi, Midori / Fairhaven
Taylor, Audrey / Accounting
Taylor, Michael / Western Libraries
Ten Eyck, Toby / Sociology
Thibou, Shurla / Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
Thistle, Jennifer / Communication Sciences and Disorders
Thomas, Paul / Geology
Thompson, Roger R. / History
Thorndike, Tracy / Special Education
Timmons Flores, Maria / Elementary Education
Tognazzini, Neal / Philosophy
Tomasi, Massimiliano / Modern and Classical Languages
Treneer, Stephanie / Mathematics
Trueblood, Kathryn / English
Tsikerdekis, Michael / Computer Science
Tsunokai, Glenn / Sociology
Turner, Lisa / Art and Art History
Tuxill, John / Fairhaven
Tyran, Craig / Decision Sciences
Tyran, Kristi / Management


Vajda, Edward / Modern and Classical Languages
Van Boer, Bertil / Music
VanderStaay, Steven / English
Vargas, Chris / Art and Art History
Velez, Veronica / Secondary Education
Villicana, Adrian / Fairhaven
Vohs, Rosemary / Communication Studies
Vulic, Kathryn / English
Vyvyan, James / Chemistry


Waldo, Tyson / Environmental Studies
Wallin, David / Environmental Sciences
Walowski, Kristina / Geology
Wang, Adrienne / Biology
Wang, Grace / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Wang, Jianglong / Communication Studies
Wang, Xi / Institute for Energy Studies
Warburton, Theresa / English
Ware, Molly / Secondary Education
Warren, Meg / Management
Washburn, Nick / Health and Human Development
Wasserman, Ryan / Philosophy
Watt, Peggy / Journalism
Waxman, Barbara / Secondary Education
Webb, Sheila / Journalism
Wehrly, Eric / Finance and Marketing
Wehrwein, Scott / Computer Science
Weld, Kathryn / Music
Westhoff, Kami / English
Whitcomb, Dennis / Philosophy
Whitley, Cameron / Sociology
Widrig, Judith / Music
Wiggins, Joy / Elementary Education
Wineinger, Cathy / Political Science
Winkler, Fred / Music
Winter, Julie / Modern and Classical Languages
Wise, Christopher / English
Wolff, Michael / Political Science
Wonder, Nicholas / Finance and Marketing
Wong, Jane / English
Woods, Kevin / Music
Woods, Steven / Communication Studies
Wright, Adam / Economics
Wright, Suzi / Elementary Education
Wu, Julian / Modern and Classical Languages


Xing, Zhiqun Janet / Modern and Classical Languages


Yeasting, Jeanne / English
Yip-Hoi, Derek / Engineering and Design
Youmans, Greg / English
Young, Jeff / Biology
Young, Kathleen / Anthropology
Youngblood, Felicia / Music
Ypma, Tjalling / Mathematics
Yu, Ning / English
Yu, Yeon Jung / Anthropology


Zaferatos, Nicholas / Urban and Environmental Planning and Policy
Zaidi, Batool / Sociology
Zarrow, Sarah / History
Zavislak, Kay / Music
Zhang, George / Decision Sciences
Zhang, Jianying / Mathematics
Zhang, Zhengyu / Communication Studies
Zhao, George / Elementary Education
Zimmerman, Sarah / History
Zinkgraf, Matthew / Biology