Sep 24, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Coaching Development

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • CD 281 - Coaching Practicum - Volleyball

    A practical application of principles and techniques used in sport coaching, including program organization and administration, team building, teaching sports strategies, leadership principles related to sport performance, sport-related motor skill acquisition and performance principles, and the evaluation of coaching strategies and methods.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CD 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CD 343 - Sports Officiating/Track & Field

    Officiating techniques for individual and team sports.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CD 381 - Coaching Sports: Basketball

    Practical and theoretical aspects of coaching the sport with special emphasis on advanced skill development and current methodology and resource material being utilized.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CD 383 - Coaching Sports: Track

    Practical and theoretical aspects of coaching the sport with special emphasis on advanced skill development and current methodology and resource material being utilized.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CD 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CD 500 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply.

    Credits: 1-15

Communication Sciences & Disorders

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • CSD 210 - Communication and the Mind

    This course provides a basic overview of our knowledge of language and what it can tell us about the nature of the mind, and vice versa. It explores theories of cognitive and language development and traces development from infancy to adolescence. It covers the structure of sentences (syntax), words (morphology), and sound shape (phonetics, phonology), and how these are typically acquired, mentally represented, and processed by humans. In addition, students learn about the relationships between social cognition (theory of mind), language, and social competence, discuss communication disorders and differences, and the social cognitive affects of communication disorders on children and adults.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: SSC
  • CSD 251 - Introduction to Communication Disorders

    An introduction to communication sciences and disorders. This course provides a basic overview of our knowledge and understanding about language, speech, hearing, and cognitive processes underlying communication. The course also includes discussion about communication disorders and differences, and highlights how neurodiversity, disorders, and differences impact social and cultural interactions across the lifespan.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: SSC
  • CSD 253 - Speech and Hearing Sciences for the Liberal Arts

    Basic concepts of speech production, speech acoustics, hearing and speech perception. Includes lab.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: LSCI
  • CSD 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CSD 301 - Writing Lab

    Instruction and practice in writing; includes opportunities for multi-drafting, revision, and reflection. Repeatable up to 2 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 352 - Anatomy and Physiology of Speech Mechanisms

    Structure and function of organs concerned with respiration, phonation, resonation, and articulation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Junior or senior status, or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 353 - Speech Science

    Acoustic and articulatory characteristics of the speech signal and their relation to speech production and perception. Lab required.

    Prerequisites & Notes: junior standing, CSD 352, CSD 356, CSD 371
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 354 - Speech and Language Development in Children

    Typical speech and language acquisition; its impact on the developing child; origins and growth of symbolic processes, developmental norms; factors influencing learning of language and speech.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Junior or senior status or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 356 - Phonetics and Phonology

    Training in recognition and production of sounds of spoken English through use of the International Phonetic Alphabet. Explanation of phonology and phonological processes and clinical analysis of phonological processing errors. Lab required.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Junior or senior status, or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 361 - Developmental Language Disorders

    Etiologies of language learning disabilities in children from birth through school age; diagnosis and treatment procedures for children with language-learning impairments.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 354.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 370 - Adolescence and Young Adulthood in People with Autism

    This course explores adolescence and young adulthood in people with autism. It will be primarily a lecture format with contributions from current college students with autism. Too often, ‘experts’ in the field of autism dispense information about people with autism reflecting a neurotypical perspective focused on deficits. Although identifying deficits can be helpful initially to receive a diagnosis and early intervention services, there should be a conscious shift during later childhood that builds on areas of strength and emphasizes the gifts that people with autism bring to society. In order to understand how autism more accurately affects people, we will be reading books and articles that were either written by people with autism, have a person with autism as the narrator, or contrast the largely negative historical view of autism with a current, positive neurodiverse approach.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Junior Status; CSD 251 or PSY 101 or SPED 360.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 371 - Hearing Science

    Introduction to the nature of sound and its measurement. The structure and function of the auditory mechanism.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 352
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 372 - Anatomy, Physiology, and Disorders of Hearing and Balance

    Structure, function, and disorders of auditory and balance mechanisms.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 380 - Peer Mentorship for College Students with Autism

    Service learning project designed to teach upper level neurotypical college students how to support and coach college students with autism. Areas of mentorship may include, but are not limited to: developing interpersonal relationships, understanding and coping with feelings of anxiety and stress, prioritizing academic coursework and assignments, navigating and accessing campus programs, support and advocacy on campus across academic, social and living environments. Mentors will generally meet once per week with mentees, as well as once per week with Director. A one-year academic commitment is required in order to develop a solid relationship with your assigned mentee and minimize transitions and disruptions to service. Repeatable up to 12 credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Junior Status; CSD 251 or PSY 101 or SPED 360; CSD 370 with concurrency.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 381 - Physiological and Psychological Bases of Hearing

    The study of the structure and function of the auditory system. Analysis of significant theories in speech acoustics and speech perception. Examination of the effects of hearing impairment on speech perception.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 353, CSD 371 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CSD 401 - Writing Lab

    Instruction and practice in writing; includes opportunities for multi-drafting, revision, and reflection.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 450 - Neuroanatomy for Speech Pathology and Audiology

    Normal and abnormal structures of the human nervous system as they pertain to speech, language and hearing. Particular emphasis on sensory and motor pathways, localization and lateralization.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 352 or equivalent; senior/graduate standing.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 453 - Introduction to Speech Disorders

    An introduction to the nature, assessment, and treatment of select speech disorders.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 352 and CSD 457.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 457 - Clinical Processes

    Current principles, methods and materials used in the assessment and treatment of a variety of communication disorders. Directed observation. Writing proficiency course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 354, CSD 361, CSD 373, CSD 451
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 458 - Application of Clinical Processes to CSD

    Application of the clinical processes to service delivery, documentation, administrative procedures, and professional writing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 457, permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 459 - Lab: Beginning Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Therapy

    Assistant clinician experience. Lab required. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 458; minimum 25 hours documented speech-language pathology, audiology and/or aural rehabilitation observation; CSD 458, CSD 459 concurrent with instructor permission.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 460 - Assess & Intervention in CSD

    Current principles, methods, and application of research-based theories to a dynamic clinical process which includes identification, prevention, assessment, and intervention for communication disorders. Lab required.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 354, CSD 361, CSD 373, CSD 451
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 462 - Audiometric Testing

    Introduction to the theory and application of pure tone, immittance and speech audiometry to the assessment of hearing function; implications for rehabilitation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 463 - Aural Rehabilitation

    Listening training, speech reading, orientation to amplification devices, and coping skills for the aurally handicapped.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 464 - Clinical Practice in Aural Rehabilitation

    Supervised clinical practice in the (re)habilitation of the deaf and hard of hearing. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD major with minor in audiology or instructor permission; CSD 458, CSD 459, CSD 463; minimum 25 hours of speech-language pathology/audiology/aural rehabilitation observation required.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 466 - Medical Audiology

    Pathologies of the hearing mechanism and their auditory manifestations. Discussion with physicians regarding diagnosis, referrals and report writing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371, CSD 462
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 468 - Clinical Practicum in Audiology

    Supervised clinical practice in audiological evaluation. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD major with a minor in audiology or instructor permission; CSD 371, CSD 462; 25 hours of documented speech-language pathology/audiology/aural rehabilitation observations.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 470 - Acquired Disorders of Language and Cognition in Adults

    An overview of acquired disorders of language and cognition in adult and geriatric populations. The course will introduce students to basic language and cognitive processes; etiology, characteristics, and neuropathology of aphasia, TBI, right hemisphere disorder, and dementia; and principles of evidence-based practice.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 352 and CSD 457.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 482 - Clinical Hearing Technology

    Study of history, development, and use of emerging technologies and special clinical instrumentation for the evaluation of hearing, auditory function, and balance.

    Prerequisites & Notes: satisfactory completion of CSD 462 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 483 - Amplification and Sensory Systems

    Study of history, development, and use of amplification and other sensory devices for treatment of hearing loss and auditory processing deficits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: satisfactory completion of CSD 462 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 485 - Children With Hearing Loss in School

    This course will introduce the student to the needs of the hearing impaired child in the public school environment, the public school laws affecting the placement of such children, and the types of remediation that occur in this setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 352
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 486 - Infants and Children With Hearing Loss

    Developmental milestones of auditory functions, implications of childhood hearing loss, and observation of pediatric assessment utilizing current evaluation techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371, CSD 462, or CSD 371 and permission of the instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 487 - Fundamentals of Hearing Conservation

    Noise as a public health hazard. The effect of noise on hearing. Noise abatement, control and protection. Federal and state noise regulations and compensation for noise induced hearing loss (NIHL).

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371, CSD 462.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 488 - Hearing Loss in Adulthood

    Study of the nature and implications of hearing loss across the adult age spectrum. Anatomic and physiologic influences of aging on the auditory system and how these changes influence auditory function and communication will be highlighted.

    Prerequisites & Notes: satisfactory completion of CSD 462 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 490 - Social, Political, Cultural Aspects of Communication Disorders

    Introduction to social, political, and cultural forces impacting communication and communication disorders. Overview of theories and research tools that guide our observations of these forces. Emphasis on becoming culturally competent in providing educational and health care services to diverse client population.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 251, CSD 353, CSD 354, CSD 361, CSD 373, and CSD 451
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 491 - Senior Research Project

    Research-based writing or field project under direction of faculty advisor. Must be taken Fall, Winter and Spring quarters of senior year for 2 credits each quarter. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: satisfactory completion of CSD major courses or advisor permission
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 499 - Field Placement/Observation in Speech-Language Pathology or Audiology

    Off-campus field experience in an approved setting designed to introduce students to management of communication disorders. Subject to availability of suitable site. Repeatable up to 6 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Completion of undergraduate major requirements and instructor permission.
    Credits: 1-6
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 500 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply.

    Credits: 1-15
  • CSD 501 - Counseling in Audiology

    Contemporary theories and techniques for counseling individuals with auditory and balance disorders.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 502 - Research Methods in Communication Sciences and Disorders

    Topics include research strategies and designs, measurement issues, evaluation criteria, treatment efficacy, and organization and analysis of data. Introduces students to group and single-subject research designs and qualitative research. Engages students in completing a research project.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 503 - Professional Development in CSD

    This course provides conference-based opportunities for practicing professionals to engage in learning about current research and treatment strategies on a variety of special education issues, including communication disorders. The courses are intended for the professional development of the conference attendee. The WWU credits may not be used as elective credits in a graduate degree program.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Entry level degree in professional area of specialization.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 504 - Audiology Grand Rounds

    Student presentations of patient cases and clinical topics in audiology. Repeatable up to 10 credits including original course. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 505 - Audiology Clinical Levels

    Clinical competency assessment at each of four successive clinical levels. Repeatable up to 8 credits including original course. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 506 - Seminar: Professional Issues and Practices

    Current and future audiology practice models and related professional issues. The course will be taught in seminar format and across multiple quarters. Different professional issues and practice patterns will be addressed each quarter. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 507 - Capstone Project/Research Project

    Research based project or non-research project (i.e. treatise on clinical procedures relative to diagnosis or remediation, informational materials relevant for community workshops, instructional videos, interactive software, etc.). Repeatable up to 9 credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 1-3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 508 - Audiology Research Methods

    Introduction to research in the field of Audiology.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 509 - Audiology Research Methods II

    Topics include the scientific method, research strategies and designs, data collection and analysis, and interpretation of results.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 508.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 510 - Assessment and Treatment of Resonance Disorders

    A review of the etiologies and nature of cleft lip and palate and communication disorders associated with cleft lip and palate; and diagnostic and intervention approaches for treating cleft and non-cleft resonance disorders.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 352, CSD 450, CSD 459 or equivalent, or instructor permission.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 515 - Seminar: Phonology

    Current topics and issues on typical and disordered phonology, and the phonological basis of reading and writing, with a special emphasis on clinical implications of recent research findings.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 373 and graduate status.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 540 - Essential Audiology for Speech Language Pathologists

    Essential knowledge and skills required of speech-language pathologists in providing optimal clinical services to clients with hearing loss and auditory processing issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 462 and CSD 463, or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 541 - Professional Issues in Speech-Language Pathology

    Current information regarding ethical and professional issues essential for Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) practice in today’s diverse and demanding work settings.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status in CSD.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 542 - Adult and Pediatric Dysphagia

    Pathophysiology and evaluation of swallowing disorders; diagnostic evaluation and management/rehabilitation in adults, infants, and children.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 352; CSD 450; CSD 546; CSD 585; or instructor permission
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 546 - Strategies for Assessment in CSD

    Discussion of the diagnostic processes including formal and informal assessment, report writing, and strategies for optimal assessment practices. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status. CSD 549 or concurrent.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 549 - Clinical Practicum

    Initial graduate experience in supervised clinical practicum.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD Graduate status
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 550 - Voice Disorders and Therapy

    Pathological and psychological states affecting voice production. Functional psychogenic and organic problems of pitch, quality and loudness. Experience in diagnosis and evaluation of voice disorders. Developing techniques and learning methods for treatment and therapy. An introduction to cancer of the larynx and post laryngectomy rehabilitation. Lab required.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 351, CSD 352, CSD 450 or equivalent
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 552 - Assessment Practicum in Speech-Language Pathology

    This class is an on-campus practicum using specialized methods, tests and instruments used in the assessment and evaluation of a variety of communication disorders.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 558; and instructor permission.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 553 - Seminar: Preschool Language Development and Disorders

    Current topics and issues on typical and disordered language in preschool children, as well as factors related to language development. Special emphasis on clinical implications of recent research findings.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 354, CSD 361, CSD 515
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 554 - Stuttering

    Analysis of current models and recent research on stuttering and cluttering disorders; chief rationale for therapy and evaluation of therapy procedures and results. Review and practice of clinical assessment and intervention.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 555 - Seminar: Language Disorders in the School Age Child

    Current topics and issues on typical and disordered language in school-age children, as well as alternate treatment approaches for older children. Special emphasis on clinical implications of recent research findings.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 451, CSD 553
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 556 - Assessment and Treatment of Aphasia & Related Acquired Language Disorders

    Facilitation of student knowledge and skill with multimodal acquired language impairments, including etiology, characteristics, neuroanatomical, psychological, linguistic, and cultural correlates. Includes differential diagnosis, assessment, and treatment methods. Focus on adult populations.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 558 - Graduate Clinical Practice in Speech-Language Pathology

    Supervised clinical practicum. Must be completed with a grade of B- or better. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Satisfactory completion of CSD 549 and permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 559 - Speech-Language Pathology Practicum

    Must be completed with a grade of B- or better.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 560 - Speech-Language Pathology Practicum

    Supervised clinical practicum. S/U grading. Offered summer only.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 549, CSD 558
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 561 - Advanced Audiology I

    Study of basic auditory correlates and advanced diagnostic audiometric procedures.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371, CSD 462; instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 562 - Advanced Audiology II

    Theory and application of advanced diagnostic audiometric procedures.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 561
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 563 - Seminar: Aural Rehabilitation

    This course provides an overview of the psychosocial impact of auditory disorders on adults and children and their families, rehabilitation available for adults and children who are deaf or hard of hearing, and the effects of technology on therapy and teaching.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 463 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 564 - Advanced Clinical Practice in Aural Rehabilitation

    Supervised practice in rehabilitation of individuals who are deaf or hard of hearing. Must be completed with a grade of B or better. Repeatable up to 16 credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 458; CSD 459; CSD 463; permission of instructor, and a minimum of 25 hours of documented speech-language pathology/ audiology and rehabilitation observation.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 565 - Psychoacoustics

    Application of standard psychophysical techniques and theory of signal detection to audiologic research.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 561 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 566 - Auditory Neurophysiology

    The ear as a transducer and analyzer; electrophysiological and mechanical properties of the ear.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 561; instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 567 - Seminar: Hearing Conservation

    Noise as a public health hazard; the effects of noise on hearing; noise abatement, control and protection; federal and state noise regulations and compensation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 562
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 568 - Advanced Clinical Practicum in Audiology

    To be taken in sequence; must have a minimum of 25 hours of documented speech-language pathology/audiology and rehabilitation observations. Clinical practicum designed to advance skills in audiology. Must be completed with a grade of B or better. Repeatable up to 16 credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371, CSD 462 or permission of instructor; to be taken in sequence; and a minimum of 25 hours of documented speech-language pathology/audiology and rehabilitation observations.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 569 - Advanced Clinical Practice in Aural Rehabilitation

    Supervised clinical practicum. S/U grading. Offered summer only. Repeatable to 4 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Satisfactory completion of CSD 458, CSD 459, CSD 463, and permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSD 570 - Medical Audiology

    Pathologies of the hearing mechanism and their auditory manifestations. Discussion with physicians regarding diagnosis, referrals and report writing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371, CSD 462, CSD 561.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 571 - Hearing Aids I

    History, development and description of hearing aids and other amplification devices. Research into the electro-acoustic characteristics of hearing aids.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 462 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 572 - Hearing Aids II

    Evaluation procedures and fitting techniques for dispensing hearing aids and other amplification devices. Auditory training and counseling techniques covered as well as special instrumentation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 571
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 573 - Seminar: Speech Acoustics

    In-depth study of the acoustic speech signal. Analysis of significant theories in speech production/acoustics. Application of relevant acoustic principles in the evaluation and remediation of communicative disabilities.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 353 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 574 - Seminar: Speech Perception

    Critical analysis of current issues in speech perception. Examination of the effects of communication disabilities on speech perception.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 353, CSD 573 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 575 - Counseling in Communication Disorders

    Contemporary theories and techniques of counseling individuals with communication disorders and their families.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 576 - Cognitive Communication Disorders

    Processes and theories of cognitive functions; assessment and management of cognitive disorders associated with acquired brain injury.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 450 and CSD 556; or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 577 - Pediatric Audiology

    Developmental milestones of auditory function, implications of childhood hearing loss and supervised testing of pediatric patients utilizing basic and advanced testing techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 371, CSD 462, CSD 568; instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 578 - Seminar: Electrophysiological Testing

    Current topics and issues in specialized areas of averaged electro-encephalic audiometry and otoacoustic emissions; research trends and problems. Lab required.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 561, CSD 568 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 579 - Aging and the Ear

    Anatomical and physiological influences of aging on the auditory mechanism and how these changes influence overall auditory function and communication.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 561, CSD 562
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 580 - Communication Disorders in the Public Schools

    Role of the professional in organizing and directing a speech-language therapy or audiology program in the public school setting. Required for public school certification.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Second year graduate standing or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 581 - Advanced Electrophysiologic Testing

    Assessment of the auditory system via early, middle, late, and cognitive auditory evoked potentials.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 578.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 582 - Medical Speech Pathology

    Current topics and issues related to the practice of speech pathology in a medical/clinical setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Second year graduate standing or instructor permission
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 583 - Advanced Medical Audiology

    Focus on advanced level audiologic protocols for diagnosis and management of congenital and acquired disorders of the auditory and vestibular systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 570.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 584 - Advanced Amplification

    Focus on hearing assistive technologies and sensory devices for treatment of hearing loss and auditory processing deficits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 572.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 585 - Neuromotor Speech Disorders

    Current literature review and discussion of the nature of neurologically based speech disorders (dysarthrias and apraxia). Examination and practice of clinical intervention methods.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 450, CSD 556 or equivalent
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 587 - Cochlear Implants

    Focus on the cochlear implant, including technology, patient candidacy, medical process, post-implantation aural (re)habilitation, and controversial issues surrounding cochlear implantation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 588 - Seminar in Augmentative and Alternative Communication

    Focus on evaluation and intervention for children, adolescence and adults with moderate to severe congenital or acquired disorders in speech and language who require augmentative and alternative models for oral or written communication.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 552, CSD 553, CSD 555, CSD 558 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 589 - Auditory Processing Disorder Assessment and Management

    History, definition, and the role of audiologists in assessment, diagnosis, and management of patients with (central) auditory processing disorder.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSD 562.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSD 590 - Educational Audiology

    This course will focus on the role of the audiologist in the school system, audiologic services, and service delivery models to assist school-aged children who are deaf or hard of hearing, and children who have auditory processing difficulties.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the Clinical doctorate in Audiology (AuD) program.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter

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