Sep 24, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Industrial Design

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • ID 110 - Industrial Design Foundation 1

    This studio course covers foundational drawing and visual skills pertaining to industrial design. The process of drawing is analytical, communicative and inventive. Classical drawing technique, drawing from life, objects, machines, architecture, human form, observation of light and shadow and composition are taught and practiced.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID Pre-majors during Phase I registration; Non-majors Phase II registration.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 120 - Industrial Design Foundation 2

    This studio course teaches color and three dimensional form theory and application as it relates to the practice of industrial design. Two-dimensional form, color structure, and composition are investigated here through various assignments and principles. The basic abstract components of form - line, plane, mass and space - are examined and explored through assignments and research.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID Pre-major during Phase I registration; Non-majors Phase II registration.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 130 - History of Industrial Design

    A historical overview of mass-produced products, the designers who created them, and their influence on our culture and society. International perspective covering significant events from the Industrial Revolution to the present.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 210 - Sophomore Industrial Design 1

    Industrial design model making using wood and other materials. Proper and safe use of tools. Craftsmanship, joining, shaping and finishing of finished design models, prototypes and finished objects.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENGR 104 or concurrent; ID Pre-major Phase I registration.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 220 - Sophomore Industrial Design 2

    Industrial design studio course explores the use of different media and techniques to create innovative solutions for two- and three-dimensional design problems. Emphasis on fundamental design principles, ability to express new ideas, and awareness of the consumer market.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 120 and ID 210.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 230 - Sophomore Industrial Design 3

    Industrial design studio course explores the use of different media and techniques to create innovative solutions for two- and three-dimensional design problems. Emphasis on fundamental design principles, ability to express new ideas, and awareness of the consumer market.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 220
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • ID 310 - Perspective and Rendering 1

    First half of course explores perspective systems, shadow construction, reflections and other aspects of technical drawing as they apply to industrial design. Second half applies perspective skills to realistic marker rendering of materials and products as well as rapid visualization as an informal means of expressing new ideas quickly.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 110 or ART 110 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 320 - Industrial Design CAD Skills

    Computer-intensive course focusing on solid modeling, advanced rendering techniques, vector-based drawing and raster-based image editing relevant to industrial design that will enable students to present and communicate product design concepts skillfully.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 110 or ID 310 or DSGN 220.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 340 - Perspective and Rendering II

    Advanced applications of perspective and rendering will include further exploration in various media including the use of computers in generating product images.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 310 and acceptance into Industrial Design Program.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 350 - Junior Industrial Design I

    Studio course work emphasizing a comprehensive design methodology which includes market research, problem identification, idea generation, implementation and presentation. Additional focus on a team approach.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Acceptance into Industrial Design Program.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 360 - Junior Industrial Design II

    Studio course work focusing on the development of a concept from the research phase to a three-dimensional model that is submitted to a national competition. Emphasis on concise project explanation, descriptive drawings and quality photo-documentation of model.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 350
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 370 - Junior Industrial Design III

    Studio course work focusing on a collaborative project with industry. Assignments are jointly directed by the instructor and industry. Students are expected to relate to the industry sponsor as their client and perform their work professionally.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 360
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 380 - Materials for Design

    Fundamentals of materials technology for industrial design majors. Properties and processing of materials with an emphasis on plastics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENGR 104 and acceptance into the Industrial Design Program.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • ID 410 - Senior Industrial Design I

    Studio course work with a strong focus on art and craftsmanship. Through the design of various products, a validation of artistic expression and technical skills will be realized.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 370
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 420 - Senior Industrial Design II

    Studio course work with a strong focus on the functional and engineering aspects of industrial design. Emphasis on manufacturability of products with importance placed on materials and processes.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 410
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 430 - Senior Industrial Design III

    Studio course work with a strong focus on entrepreneurialism. Business aspects of industrial design are explored and applied in the design projects.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 420
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 440 - Industrial Design Internship

    Faculty-supervised industrial design internship with an approved firm, manufacturer or design consultancy. The internship requires a total of 10 weeks (may be more than one internship) of practical application of industrial design skills in a business, public or industrial setting. Repeatable up to 12 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 370 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 450 - Industrial Design Internship Presentation

    A formal presentation of a recently completed industrial design internship which includes a visual presentation and report. Repeatable up to 3 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ID 440
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ID 460 - UX Design Capstone

    This course is the culminating multidisciplinary design project class for the User Experience (UX) Design Minors. Students representing each discipline, psychology, computer science, industrial design and graphic design, come together to design a user experience. This course incorporates all of their skills and knowledge together into a realistic project. The process will include: team management, problem discovery, design research, concept development, prototyping, user testing and development. It may be sponsored by industry and guided by UX professionals.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Acceptance into UX Design Minor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter

Industrial Technology-Vehicle Design

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • VHCL 260 - Vehicle Systems I

    An introduction to the vehicle design process with a focus on vehicle system engineering. The course provides an overview of vehicle systems including powertrain, suspension, and brakes. Students will compare and contrast potential power systems for vehicles including Otto, Clerk, Diesel, Wankel, Rankine and Sterling engine cycles in addition to electric and fuel cell systems. The course features a lab component in which students will assemble various engine components, operate an engine and work on vehicle projects.

    Prerequisites & Notes: MATH 124 or concurrent
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 261 - Vehicle Systems II

    Model, design and analyze machine elements with respect to vehicles. Principles and practices of mechanical transmission of power. Machine elements such as bearings, cams, gear drive, chain drive, belt drive, overrunning clutches, universal joints, synchromesh transmissions and limited slip differentials are covered in theory and practice. Introduce manufacturing skills such as machining and casting.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 260; ENGR 104; ENGR 170; ENGR 214; MATH 124; MATH 125; PHYS 161; MFGE 261 or concurrent; MFGE 231 or concurrent; ENGR 225 or concurrent
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • VHCL 320 - Vehicle Electronics

    Basic principles of automotive communication networks and control systems, operation and calibration of sensors and actuators, vehicle wiring harness design considerations, wiring diagrams, diagnostics and troubleshooting.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 261; PHYS 162
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 360 - Vehicle Design I

    Vehicle design process including packaging, ergonomics, and chassis design. Suspension design including vehicle dynamics, tire parameters, force-base analysis, spring rates, dampers and anti-roll bars.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 261; MFGE 231; MFGE 261; ENGR 225; MATH 204.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 361 - Vehicle Design II

    Advanced body design, ergonomics, aerodynamics, climate control, aesthetic design of automobile interiors and exteriors. Practical work includes wind tunnel model construction and testing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 360; ENGR 225
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • VHCL 491 - Capstone 1: Powertrain and Project Definition

    Engine design, modeling, analysis, and development. Calculate engine efficiency and power. Design and fabricate engine components such as cylinder heads and blocks. Development including dynamometer testing and airflow port development. Capstone project definition.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 361; PHYS 350
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 492 - Capstone 2: Emissions, Alternative Fuels and Project Fabrication

    Emission control strategies for spark ignition and compression ignition engines. Alternative fuels including natural gas, biomethane, hydrogen, biodiesel, ethanol and propane. Natural gas station infrastructure. Capstone project fabrication process is monitored within this course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 491 and CHEM 161.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 493 - Capstone 3: Project Implementation and Documentation

    Testing, implementation and documentation of a vehicle or fuel related component or system.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 492
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • VHCL 495 - Directed Research in Vehicle Technology

    Advanced study in problems chosen and conducted under supervision. Repeatable 3 times to a maximum of 9 credits, including original course. This may include research and development including powertrain, fuels, materials, vehicle systems or components. This may include a multi-disciplinary, team-based project.

    Prerequisites & Notes: VHCL 261
    Credits: 1-4
    Grade Mode: Letter

Instructional Technology

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • I T 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • I T 344 - Foundations of Technology in Teaching and Learning

    Students use critical thinking skills and apply digital tools to gather, evaluate, and use information. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • I T 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • I T 442 - Digital Decisions: Technology for Educators

    Examines theoretical perspectives of technology integration, digital citizenship, skills for professional learning, and tools to engage and inspire all learners.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 344
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 443 - Digital Decisions: Technology for Educators

    Examines theoretical perspectives of technology integration, digital citizenship, skills for professional learning, and tools to engage and inspire all learners. Successful completion satisfies the Woodring College of Education instructional technology education competency requirement.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 344
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 444 - Classroom Use of Instructional Technology (Secondary)

    Learn and improve skills necessary to effectively integrate technology for teaching and learning into professional teaching practices, including planning, assessment, and classroom management. Lab course tied to practicum experience.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 344.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 458 - Instructional Design

    Introduction to the process of instructional design. Topics include task analysis, competency specification, instructional strategies, media selection, user interface, rapid prototyping, formative evaluation and project management.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 459 - Distance Education: Theory and Practice

    Examines the concepts, technologies and issues related to the design, development, delivery, policy-making and evaluation of distance education courses and programs. Course includes online learning environment development.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444; IT 458; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 461 - Multimedia Tools and Applications

    An overview of the tools required for the creation of interactive multimedia. The tools are organized into three categories: authoring systems, hypermedia authoring environments, and media production (such as graphics production, video and sound).

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442, IT 443, IT 444; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 463 - Techniques and Tools in Graphic Design

    Principle, techniques and tools used in the creation and manipulation of digital graphic elements and products. Topics include elements of design and photography, application of artistic concepts, issues related to graphic representation, and modes of delivery with an emphasis on web-based development.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444; IT 458 and IT 459; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 465 - Development of Web-Based Learning Environments

    Design and develop web-based instruction and materials; study various forms of web-based instruction with emphasis on online learning technologies. Integrates appropriate methods, curricular resources, assessments, and Internet delivery systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444; IT 458 and IT 459; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 466 - Authoring for Multimedia Development

    Techniques and procedures for authoring when developing multimedia. Scripting required in implementation of concepts.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 461 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 467 - Creating Modules for Electronic Delivery

    Design and develop technology-enhanced interactive learning objects for teaching and training. Focus on using multimedia and instructional design for online learning. Students explore concepts and findings identified in the multimedia and distance educational literature.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444; IT 458 and IT 459; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 468 - Interactive Multimedia Systems

    An introductory study of interactive multimedia systems. Includes videodiscs, computer interfacing, CD ROM and multimedia authoring software.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 470 - The Internet in Education

    Studies the use of the Internet and the World Wide Web in educational settings, including strategies for effective student and teacher use. Topics include e-mail, Web browsing, videoconferencing, implementation, ethics and issues. Examines alternatives in web development.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 500 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply.

    Credits: 1-15
  • I T 503 - Designing Instruction and Selecting Technologies for Learning

    Systematic analysis, design, development and evaluation of instructional practices. Class discussions and projects apply instructional design principles in P-12 classrooms and emphasize the appropriate integration of technologies at relevant stages of the learning process.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444 or equivalent; graduate status; EDAD 501; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 515 - Emerging Technologies and New Literacies

    This course focuses on emerging technologies and new, multimodal literacies. This course will provide students with theoretical and practical knowledge of new literacies with an emphasis on how these new literacies can be employed at the P-12 level. Students will work individually and collectively in a participatory culture to apply their theoretical understandings to practical experiences by way of producing media. Students will also do original research into emerging technologies and literacies, publishing their findings online.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate Status or permission of instructor
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 518 - Current Issues in Education

    Examination and discussion of several current and controversial issues in education. Repeatable with no maximum.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 544 - Instructional Technology and Education

    A study in the use of technological tools for instruction; for teaching, training, and student learning; for presentation and development; and for administration and management. Incorporates distance delivery procedures and effective planning for the use of Instructional Technology. Satisfies the Woodring College of Education instructional technology and education competency requirement. Emphasis on K-12 education.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 546 - Instructional Technology and Digital Literacy

    A study in the use of technological tools for instruction; for teaching, training, and student learning; for presentation and development; and for administration and management. Incorporates distance delivery procedures and effective planning for the use of instructional technology. Satisfies the Woodring College of Education instructional technology and education competency requirement. Emphasis on the Adult and Higher Education Master’s program.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to the AHE program or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 550 - Technology Leadership: Policies, Planning and Administration

    Problems and principles in establishing and maintaining the use of instructional technologies in educational institutions, including establishing school and district policies for technology, developing budgets, managing resources, maintaining facilities and technology infrastructure.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444, or equivalent; graduate status; IT 503 and IT 571 and IT 572; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 551 - Seminar in Instructional Technology

    Analysis of issues affecting present and future implementations of instructional technology.

    Prerequisites & Notes: 20 credits in the program; permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 552 - Instructional Design: Strategies

    Survey of strategies for delivering instruction, including large-scale strategies such as cooperative learning, lectures and technology; and microstrategies such as feedback, advance organizers, teaching procedures and questioning strategies.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 560 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 558 - Distance Education: Theory and Practice

    Examines the concepts, technologies and issues related to the design, development, delivery, policy-making and evaluation of distance education courses and programs. Course includes development of online learning environments.

    Prerequisites & Notes: I T 546; I T 560 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 560 - Instructional Design

    Introduction to the process of instructional design. Topics include task analysis, competency specification, instructional strategies, media selection, user interface, prototyping, formative evaluation and project management.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 561 - Designing Computer-Based Instruction

    Addresses the design, development and evaluation of computer-based instructional software. Covers the steps in creating an effective CBI lesson, designing effective displays, use of graphics and illustrations, use of color, analyzing questions, learner control, and storyboarding.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 560; IT 566 or IT 567; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 563 - Techniques and Tools in Multimedia Development

    Create digital media (e.g., graphics, video, audio); identify properties, strengths and weaknesses of digital media in different learning contexts; analyze its use in a variety of settings including distance delivery.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 544 or IT 546 or equivalent; IT 558 and IT 560; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 565 - Development of Web-Based Learning Environments

    Design and develop web-based instruction and materials; study of various forms of web-based instruction with emphasis on online learning technologies. Integrates appropriate methods, curricular resources, assessments, and Internet delivery systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 544 or 546 or equivalent; IT 558 and IT 560; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 566 - Authoring for Multimedia Development

    Techniques and procedures for authoring when developing multimedia. Scripting required in implementation of concepts.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 461 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 567 - Creating Modules for Electronic Delivery

    Design and develop technology-enhanced interactive learning objects for teaching and training. Focus on using multimedia and instructional design for online learning. Students explore concepts and findings identified in the multimedia and distance education literature.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 544 or IT 546 or equivalent; IT 558 and IT 560; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 568 - Advanced Design of Multimedia Instruction

    Advanced issues in the design and development of interactive multimedia instructional lessons. Covers design issues related to the use of multimedia for instruction and is organized around individual student projects. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 566 or IT 567 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3-6
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 571 - Implementing Technology-Enhanced Learning Activities

    Implement an instructional plan that integrates appropriate methods, curricular resources, assessments, and technology in a classroom setting; gather data to evaluate the plan’s effectiveness. Develop a learning object; do usability testing and analysis. Begin development of an electronic portfolio.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444 or equivalent; graduate status; IT 503; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 572 - Advanced Technology Tools and Classroom Applications

    Develop advanced skills in information and communication technologies, assistive technologies, and productive tools. Employ one of these technologies in creating a prototype to be used for research. Develop materials and methods for teaching of software applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444 or equivalent; graduate status; IT 503 and IT 571; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 573 - Emerging Issues: the Social, Ethical, Legal and Human Implications of Technology

    Consideration of a wide range of human and social issues relating to the use of technology, including equitable access, social and cognitive effects of various technologies, appropriateness of technologies for students with diverse learning needs, gender and cultural bias, copyright, and health concerns.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444 or equivalent; graduate status; IT 503 and IT 571 and IT 572; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 574 - Educational Technology Research, Evaluation and Assessment

    Research the effectiveness of technology products and processes, selecting appropriate technology tools for assessment, and evaluating learner and program outcomes.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444 or equivalent; graduate status; IT 503 and IT 571 and IT 572; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 575 - Designing, Implementing and Evaluating Professional Development

    Identify research-based models for professional development, implement them effectively in particular settings, and evaluate participant outcomes. Emphasis on diffusion of innovations and facilitating change.

    Prerequisites & Notes: IT 442 or IT 443 or IT 444 or equivalent; graduate status; IT 503 and IT 571 and IT 572; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 640 - Current Topics in Education

    Studies of current topics in learning resources/library science or instructional technology. Repeatable with no maximum.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Master’s degree; permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1-5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • I T 690 - Thesis

    Research study under the direction of a faculty committee. Repeatable to a maximum of 9 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Advancement to candidacy; graduate committee approval.
    Credits: 1-9
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • I T 691 - Research Seminar

    Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate committee or program advisor approval.
    Credits: 1-6
    Grade Mode: S/U

International Business

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • IBUS 370 - Introduction to International Business

    Introduction to the environment and challenges of doing business abroad. Topics include country-market differences, trade and investment patterns, the international financial environment, issues in business-government relations and strategies for international business.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ECON 206 or HNRS 209.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • IBUS 372 - Cross-cultural Management

    This course is concerned with various perspectives on, and elements of, differences in national culture, the relevance of cultural differences to key management issues, and applied issues associated with management in cross-cultural contexts. This means that the course considers various disciplinary approaches to understanding national culture, and relates them to key applied management topics such as motivation, leadership, decision making, and negotiations.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Open to CBE majors. IBUS 370 or MGMT 313. Students in other majors may request permission from instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • IBUS 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • IBUS 470 - International Business Operations

    Strategic and operational issues that firms face when they do business abroad. Themes include the competitiveness challenge, country-market analysis and entry strategies, negotiations and diplomacy, cooperative ventures, design and control of international operations, and various functional area issues.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Majors Only. IBUS 370 or another international course in the College of Business and Economics.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • IBUS 473 - International Trade Operations

    Operations of firms using exporting as a means to serve foreign markets. Focus on export operations (documentation, transport, support services, financing), practical aspects of contract negotiations, alternative methods of export business arrangements.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Majors Only. IBUS 370 or MKTG 486.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • IBUS 474 - Topics in International Business

    Varying topics in international business. This could include courses on business in specific areas of the world, specific international business topics (e.g. negotiation), or currently important topics in the international business field. May Be Repeated for Credit on a Different Topic (up to 8 credits).

    Prerequisites & Notes: Majors Only. IBUS 370 or equivalent of permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • IBUS 490 - Internship in International Business

    Practical application of international business skills and theories learned in the classroom through work or special projects experience in private or public organizations. Repeatable up to 12 credits including original course. Also offered as MGMT 490.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Majors Only. Business administration students only.
    Credits: 1-4
    Grade Mode: Letter

International Studies

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • INTL 105 - Education Abroad

    Credit through international exchanges, academic programs offered through universities or consortia, cosponsored programs. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 106 - Education Abroad: Direct Exchange 1

    Credit through international exchanges. Direct Exchange 1 – Direct Exchange Two Semesters or Three Quarters. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 107 - Education Abroad: Direct Exchange 2

    Credit through international exchanges. Direct Exchange 2 – Direct Exchange Semester. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 108 - Education Abroad: Direct Exchange 3

    Credit through international exchanges. Direct Exchange Plan 3 – Direct Exchange Asia University. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 109 - Education Abroad: AHA

    Credits earned through academic programs offered by faculty teaching for AHA International or a similar consortium. Repeatable to a maximum of 30 credits, including original course. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 115 - Global Internship/Field Study

    International internships, independent research projects, work experience approved by departments or colleges. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 130 - Education Abroad: ISEP 1

    Credit for an international exchange through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a consortium of universities. ISEP 1 – Fall Quarter Only. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 131 - Education Abroad: ISEP 2

    Credit for an international exchange through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a consortia of universities. ISEP 2 - Two Semesters or Three quarters. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 132 - Education Abroad: ISEP 3

    Credit for an international exchange through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a consortium of universities. ISEP 3 – Winter/Spring Quarter Only. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 201 - Introduction to Global Studies

    Introduction to contemporary global issues, drawing on the integrated knowledge and methodologies of multiple disciplines.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: ACGM
  • INTL 205 - Education Abroad

    Credit through international exchanges, academic programs offered through universities or consortia, cosponsored programs. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 206 - Education Abroad: Direct Exchange 1

    Credit through international exchanges. Direct Exchange 1 – Direct Exchange Two Semesters or Three Quarters. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 207 - Education Abroad: Direct Exchange 2

    Credit through international exchanges. Direct Exchange 2 – Direct Exchange Semester. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 208 - Education Abroad: Direct Exchange 3

    Credit through international exchanges. Direct Exchange 3 – Direct Exchange Asia University. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 209 - Education Abroad: AHA

    Credits earned through academic programs offered by faculty teaching for AHA International or for a similar consortium of universities. Repeatable to a maximum of 30 credits, including original course. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 215 - Global Internship/Field Study

    International internships, independent research projects, work experience approved by departments or colleges. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 230 - Education Abroad: ISEP 1

    Credit for an international exchange through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a consortium of universities. ISEP 1 – Fall Quarter Only. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 231 - Education Abroad: ISEP 2

    Credit for an international exchange through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a consortia of universities. ISEP 2 - Two Semesters or Three quarters. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 232 - Education Abroad: ISEP 3

    Credit for an international exchange through the International Student Exchange Program (ISEP), a consortium of universities. ISEP 3 – Winter/Spring Quarter Only. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Approval from Education Abroad.
    Credits: 1-30
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • INTL 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • INTL 301 - Global Principles

    Pre-departure orientation, ethics and intercultural communication issues for study, service work or internships abroad. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U

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