Sep 24, 2024  
2018-2019 Catalog 
2018-2019 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



Fairhaven’s 2014-2015 Curriculum. The courses and studies listed in this catalog will be offered during the 2013-2014 academic years. Additional classes will be announced and described in the Fairhaven College Quarterly Class Description booklet, available at Fairhaven College Office and at

At Fairhaven, new courses are constantly being developed by faculty and account for about one-half of the course offerings.

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • FAIR 212E - Coast to Coast on a Piece of Toast: Hoboism and the Great Depression

    Explores phenomenon of ‘riding the rails’ in America in the Twentieth Century. Examines the effects of ‘hoboism’ and the Great Depression on labor and politics as well as literature, music and art. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 213B - Topics in Popular Culture

    Introductory course looking at critical interpretations of popular culture theory as it relates to particular popular culture phenomena from an interdisciplinary perspective. Topics may include reality television, soap operas, celebrity and tabloid magazines, advertising, and more. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A or concurrent registration.
    Credits: 2-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 213D - Slave Narratives and Other Testimonies of the Old South

    An introductory, interdisciplinary approach to early African American history and the history of the Old South. Using slave autobiographies, WPA interviews, free black testimonies and memoirs in addition to contemporary historical works, we will reconstruct, analyze and deconstruct the history of Southern life and culture during the Antebellum era through the Civil War. S/U grading.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 214B - Interdisciplinary Topics in American Experience

    Significant events, movements, art genres, history or other phenomena in American society. Uses multiple approaches, not limited to the traditional disciplines, to interpret course material. Examples of topics include a particular art form, the Ku Klux Klan etc. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Credits: 3-4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 215F - The Asian-American Experience

    The history of Asians in the United States, the development of communities and the effects of the encounter between Asian cultures and the developing American cultural context. Also offered as AMST 205. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Also offered as AMST 205
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 216B - Testimonies of the New South

    An interdisciplinary, introductory-level course examining the social, cultural, economic changes that occurred in the South after the Civil War to the early 1900s. The primary source of documentation will be autobiographies, speeches, literature and commentaries made by black and white southerners who experienced these changes at that time. This course is a continuation of Fair 213D. S/U grading.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 218C - The Hispano/A-American Experience

    The development of the Hispano/a-American community, with emphasis on its history, its social and political institutions, and the effects of education, continuing immigration and economic stratification. Also offered as AMST 203. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Also offered as AMST 203.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 219D - The African-American Experience

    An overview of African-American history from an interdisciplinary perspective. Emphasis is on the struggle for social and political equality in a developing capitalist economy. The contemporary social, economic and political life of African Americans will also be examined. S/U grading. Also offered as AMST 204.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 221J - Interdisciplinary Writing

    Directed toward the student who wishes to improve expository writing skills. Theory, practice and criticism of student work. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 222G - Imaginative Writing: Poetry

    This course is an invitation to immerse yourself in the language of being: poetry. We will explore what it means to breathe, to live as creatures of rhythm, to delight in pattern, to illuminate images and moments, to sing, and to let words trip the light fantastic along our tongues. We will read ancient and contemporary poetry, listen to poetry, discuss poetry, cook poetry, eat poetry, make poetry, walk poetry, and discover poetry in strange and ordinary places in our lives. Be prepared to experiment, take risks, work hard, ask lots of questions, and write and write and write. Repeatable to 12 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 222H - Imaginative Writing: Fiction

    This class will look at fiction through both reading and creative writing, it will follow examples of fiction, non-fiction and poetry into that borderland of nets where the marvelous meets the real. Repeatable to 12 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 223G - Elements of Style

    An examination of the rules and principles of English composition, including grammar, punctuation, word usage, sentence construction, and strategies for proofreading and revision. Repeatable 3 times. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 226H - Words

    An etymological exploration of words: their origins, roots, history, evolution, connotations, and usage. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 227J - Walking

    A literary and experiential examination of walking. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: 0
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 230C - Active Lifestyles for Health

    This course combines the academic and practical study of active lifestyles. Classes will include the study of particular types of fitness activities combined with involvement in the activity itself. Repeatable up to four credits including original course. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A or concurrent.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 231N - Introduction to Applied Human Ecology: Sustainable Systems

    Study of relationships between human systems and the environment with an emphasis on the principle of sustainability. Study of models of sustainable development and appropriate technology complement practical applications in the Outback Farm/Wetland/Outdoor Learning Center. Student participation in instruction. S/U grading. Repeatable up to 9 credits, including original course.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 232P - User-Friendly Statistics

    Basic statistical techniques (sampling, distributions, graphing, hypothesis testing, test of correlation and significance) in the context of real-world issues of concern to nontechnical majors, along with skills for evaluating and critiquing statistical arguments and discerning statistical abuse. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 234P - Psychology and Society

    This class will take a social psychological perspective to understand the ways individual’s behaviors are influenced by the real or imagined presence of others, with a focus on social situations and construals as causes of behavior. The core areas of the field concentrate on attitudes, group processes, and interpersonal and intergroup relations. S/U grading.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 234U - Introduction to Cross-Cultural Psychology

    This survey course provides an introduction to understanding and developing an appreciation for cultural influences on the self, behavior, cognition, emotion, relationships, morality, and mental and physical health, with an emphasis on social psychological research. The course will focus on both international and U.S. perspectives. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 242R - The Art of Play: Reclaiming Imagination and Spontaneity for The Adult

    The practice of adult play with focus on methods to reclaim imagination and spontaneity. Providing an intellectual and interdisciplinary framework for understanding the nature of play through readings in philosophy, anthropology and psychology. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 243T - Awareness Through the Body

    An experiential introduction to the discipline of somatics and to traditions of somatic practice. Attention is paid both to theories and experiences of the body and its immediate environment. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 243U - Topics in Mind and Body

    An interdisciplinary exploration of the interface between mind, body and psyche; including, but not limited to, studies in somatics, movement, dance, sensory awareness, cross-cultural or integrative wellness paradigms, consciousness, death and dying. Approaches may be experiential, historical, education, theoretical, cultural, political and transpersonal. Repeatable with different topics to a maximum of 15 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 3-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 245 - Theory and Structure in Popular Music

    Examines the building blocks of various popular styles of music, including pop and rock, folk, jazz, and electronic genres. We will examine scales, harmony, melody, and form, and understand how those elements are used to make meaningful, creative music. This course is for those who actively write music, and for those who simply want to have a deeper understanding of the music to which they listen. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 246 - Mariachi Music Performance and Culture

    Students in this class will explore mariachi music and culture through both academic engagement and hands-on experience in creating this music themselves. S/U grading.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 252V - Introduction to Drawing

    Studio course introducing experimental drawing mediums and style. Assigned projects emphasize the possibilities of extending traditional concepts concerning the parameters of drawing. Students set and solve their own experiential creative problems. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 254X - Introduction to Relief Printing

    Introduction to basic relief printing techniques with emphasis on narrative image-making and composition. Woodblocks, linoleum blocks and plexiglass plates will be employed for understanding printing techniques. Repeatable up to 8 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 255Y - Folk Music Experience

    Focus on group performance of music from the American folk tradition, practicing instruments, learning songs, and researching folk music issues, performers, and/or songs and meeting weekly to play music together. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 257V - Topics in Studio Art

    An interdisciplinary exploration of specific topics in studio art, including painting, printmaking, sculpture, and mixed media. Approaches may include historical, theoretical, literary, cultural, or political readings. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Credits: 3-8
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 258W - Introduction to Acrylic Painting

    Acrylic painting techniques and elements of form composition and color using still life, photographs and live models. S/U grading.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 261E - Race In/To the Movies I: Race Relations on Film 1900-1950

    Explores race relations in America between 1900 and 1950 using film as one source of historical documentation. Films such as Birth of a Nation, Broken Blossoms and The Scar of Shame will demonstrate how movies both reflect and reinforce contemporary perceptions of inter- and intra-race relations. Readings will place the films into a broader historical context. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 263B - The American Indian Experience

    Pre-contact American Indian cultures and the impacts of colonization, primarily in North America. Focus on such aspects as sovereignty, treaty rights, health, education and economic development. Also offered as AMST 202. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Also offered as AMST 202
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 270B - Introduction to Digital Video Production

    This class will introduce basic camera use and video editing in the digital medium. Students will script, shoot, and edit 5 assignments using Final Cut Studio 2. Projects range from a 30-second commercial to a 3-5 minute final video on the student’s choice of topic. S/U grading.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 270H - Introduction to Audio Recording

    Introduction to Audio Recording explores the techniques, tools, and technology used in multi-track recording. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 280 - Practicum

    By arrangement: fall, winter and spring. Fairhaven College independent study proposal approval required for registration. Learning through practical involvement outside the classroom; general exposure and experience. Repeatable. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: approval by two or more Fairhaven faculty
    Credits: 1-6
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1-15
  • FAIR 303A - Core: Interdisciplinary Concentration Seminar

    Application of procedures and assistance in ordering one’s course of study into an effective concentration proposal. Credit awarded upon filing the proposal or declaration of a WWU major. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 101a, FAIR 201a, FAIR 203a and FAIR 305a. Required of students in the Interdisciplinary Concentration.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 305A - Core: Writing and Transition Conference

    Development of a portfolio of writing and demonstration of writing competency and readiness to pursue Concentrated Studies, in consultation with faculty. See Student Guide to Fairhaven College for procedure. Partially satisfies the all-University writing proficiency requirement. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 101a and FAIR 201a.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 308 - Hip Hop Music and Culture

    Students in this course will examine hip hop music and culture as an artistic and social phenomenon with emphasis on historical, economic and political contexts. Discussions will include the social, economic, and cultural conditions that led to the founding of the music in New York City in the 1970s, the historical and continuing co-existence of various hip hop styles and their relationship to the music industry and broader cultural issues, and controversies resulting from the expansion of hip hop music and culture as a commodity for national and global consumption. Our work in this course will focus on the history of social and cultural issues as they relate to hip hop music and culture—it is not meant to be a music appreciation class. It is also the aim of this course to enable students to more clearly understand their own participation in this global music culture and to more closely consider the role of music in their own lives and cultural practices as well as in the lives of others both at home and far away. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A; FAIR 203A with concurrency or equivalent social science coursework; or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 310N - American Indians in the Cinema

    Explores portrayal of American Indians in the cinema and the effects of racist images and perpetuated stereotypes on Native identity, self-esteem and cultural survival. S/U grading.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 310W - American Indian Celebrations

    Cultural background and history of some American Indian celebrations. Films, readings, discussion, and sharing individual research. Will attend several Native celebrations in the area. This course is offered during the Summer quarter. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: AMST course or instructor permission
    Credits: 3-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 311B - The American Legal System

    The American legal system and how it affects individuals and society. The structure and evolving nature of the legal system, legal reasoning and the role of courts in government. Skill development in reading and analyzing court opinions. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or Social Science GUR or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: SSC
  • FAIR 311C - Alternatives in Education

    Exploration of various alternative education and school reform movements including philosophy, politics, implementation, financing and historical context. Some of the models which may be discussed include: Montessori, Steiner (Waldorf), home schooling, free schools, single culture or gender school programs, New American Schools Development Corporation. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 312 - DIY Music Business

    The music business has undergone staggering changes in recent years. Funding, production, promotion and distribution have become largely the artist's responsibility. While this has democratized music making in exciting ways, it has also placed new responsibilities on the musician. This course will begin with an examination of the traditional aspects of the music business, such as copyright, royalties, distribution, licensing, publishing and record contracts. We will follow that with an extensive study of the new DIY music business. We will look at the practical methods required by today's musician, including engaging with listeners, creating an effective online presence, self-promotion, and successful methods for releasing music (i.e. singles/EPs/LPs; physical vs. digital media formats). We will also examine the complex social and artistic issues that are a result of the changes in the music business, such as the value society places on music and musicians in the digital age, and the strain placed on the creative process as a result of self-production and promotion. Throughout the quarter, we will perform case studies of current artists, analyzing successful, notable and creative techniques currently being used in the music business. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A; FAIR 203A with concurrency; or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 312D - Global Culture & World Society

    Explores topics in global culture and world society. Linked to World Issues Forum speaker series. Examples of topics include global popular culture in music or cinema, global health practices, transnational social movements, the diffusion of human rights, and  borderlands cultures & literatures. Repeatable with various topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or any SSC GUR.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: ACGM
  • FAIR 312F - Globalizations since 1870

    Overview of the global political economy and the expansions of the capitalist system from the late nineteenth century to the early twenty-first, from the era of globalization before World War I to our current era of globalization since 1973, via Two World Wars, the Great Depression, decolonization, and the Cold War. Examines facets of the history, politics, economics, sociology, and culture of globalization, the increased mobility of goods, people, capital, and ideas around the world. S/U grading. Also offered as INTL 312.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or INTL 201 required; FAIR 212C or ECON 206 or HNRS 209 recommended.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: SSC
  • FAIR 313D - Slave Narratives and Other Testimonies of the Old South

    This is an upper division course that examines the history of African and African-American slavery in the U.S. Starting from 1619, we will be exploring the development of the slave system, also referred to as the ‘peculiar institution,’ from the view point of enslaved African Americans, to the final collapse and destruction of slavery during the Civil War. While the predominant source of documentation will be narratives and other testimonies written during the 19th century, we will also pay attention to how scholars have approached slavery over the years.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Any lower division U.S. history course or AMST 204 or FAIR 203A; or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 314 - Field Recording, Podcasting, Digital Radio, and Social Activism

    From pirate radio to commercial mass media operations, the airwaves have always been a way for individuals to communicate their ideas to the community. The current wide dissemination of digital radio formats can and does play a central role in the self-identity, external identity, and informed nature of large and small communities focused on a wide range of social and political issues. In this course, students will learn foundational technical aspects that are involved with field recording and editing as well as aspects specific to the production of audio programs and individual shows/podcasts. We will also learn about the current rules, regulations, and policies for internet broadcasting, and consider the impact of radio on a range of social and political issues from its past and onwards to the future. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A; FAIR 203A with concurrency; or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 314B - Advanced Interdisciplinary Topics in American Experience

    Study of events, movements, art genres, or other phenomena in America. Employs interdisciplinary approaches and social theory to deeply explore topics. Topics might include the art deco movement, nativist movements, or war. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 314E - Critical Pedagogy

    This course helps students, who may or may not be looking toward a professional career in schools, develop the knowledge and skills necessary to critically examine and evaluate various classroom practices using the theories and practice of critical pedagogy. Analyses will focus on those practices which are conceptually sound, ethically responsible, and culturally responsive, or will consider the various ways to make them so.

    Prerequisites & Notes: AMST 301 or FAIR 366E.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 319B - Current Issues in Law

    A look at one or two current legal issues being addressed by US courts (including federal, state and/or tribal) today. Study of the cases surrounding the legal issue, popular opinion about the issue, and current cases testing the legal issue. Examples of possible topics include abortion, immigration, criminal law and procedure. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 311B or PLSC 311 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 319E - Advanced Topics in Popular Culture

    Advanced course studying major popular culture theorists and applying those theories to the study of popular culture from an interdisciplinary perspective. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A and FAIR 203A
    Credits: 2-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 322M - Memoirs and Memory: Childhood in America

    Using literature, film and theoretical readings, investigates the ‘idea’ of childhood and, using other cultures and historical periods as lenses, examines how today’s American society constructs the ideal and implements the reality. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A and FAIR 203A or equivalent or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 323G - Imaginative Writing II

    An opportunity to continue development of creative skills in fiction, poetry or writing for children, including the revision of promising works for publication. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 222G or FAIR 222H, creative writing course, or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 323H - Elements of Style II

    An exploration into the art of syntax and sentence-making. Builds on the exercises and concepts examined in Fair 223g Elements of Style. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 223g or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 325J - Studies in Myth and Mythology

    Literary and artistic archetypes, world mythology, comparative cosmology, symbols and the unconscious. Repeatable with various topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Background in humanities or cultural history.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 328M - American Lives

    Examines the lives and work of Americans. Subjects may include artists, environmentalists, writers, scientists, civil rights activists, athletes, children, and so on. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 202A or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 330D - Natural History and Environmental Issues of NW Washington

    This field course will introduce students to the natural history and environmental issues of Northwestern Washington. S/U grading.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 330E - Ethnobotany

    Study of how people use plants–as food, medicine, material goods, and symbolic and ceremonial elements of human culture. Includes a focus on plant identification, historical exploration of plant uses, and hands-on learning about wild edibles, plant domestication, herbal medicines, fibers and more. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A or equivalent.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334B - Transitional Justice

    This course examines different approaches taken by countries and the international community in dealing with past serious violations of human rights, and the process by which formerly repressive States transform themselves into societies based on democracy and the rule of law. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334C - International Human Rights

    This course examines the idea of human rights, its historical, philosophical and legal origins. It explores the notion of universal rights and examines the relativity debate. It will introduce students to rights that are guaranteed and selective substantive rights will be examined - civil and political rights; economic, social and cultural rights, and other classes of rights. Other considerations include national, regional and international institutions created to supervise implementation of and compliance with those rights. It will also consider the role of non-governmental organizations and activists who seek to enforce human rights. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203a or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334D - State Failure and State Collapse

    Exploration of State failure and State collapse; considers the causes and consequences of State collapse and related issues of anarchy, civil war and the emergence of strong non-State actors. It also examines the regional implications of State collapse and the possibility of predicting and preventing failure and collapse. Student cannot receive credit for both this course and Fair 334e. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334E - State Collapse and State Reconstruction

    Exploration of State failure and collapse and the prospects for reconstruction in these States. It examines the causes and consequences of State failure and collapse; the possibility of predicting and preventing failure or collapse; and various State rebuilding models. Focuses on contemporary cases of failure and collapse and State reconstruction. Student cannot receive credit for both this course and either FAIR 334D or FAIR 334G. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334F - International Law

    Introduction to public international law, which governs the relations of States and increasingly, other non-State actors. Covers the basic doctrines of public international law and the international legal system, which will be applied to contemporary issues of international law. S/U grading. Also offered as INTL 334.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334G - State Reconstruction

    This course considers the prospects for rebuilding failed and collapsed States. It examines various state-building models and focuses on contemporary cases of reconstruction in the aftermath of failure and collapse, and other post-conflict reconstruction situations. Students cannot receive credit for both this course and FAIR 334E. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 334D or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334H - Human Rights in Africa

    This course examines the state and contemporary practice of human rights in Africa. It reviews efforts aimed at human rights promotion and protection, in the context of colonialism and neo-colonialism, apartheid, the authoritarianism of the post-colonial African State and recent public health challenges that threaten the welfare and dignity of individual Africans. Topics to be covered include the role of the African Charter on Human and People’s Rights; human rights and democracy; the NEPAD initiative; economic, social, and cultural rights; the public health challenge – HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases; human rights of women, children, and other vulnerable groups; human rights and armed conflict in Africa; challenges to and future prospects for human rights in Africa. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or FAIR 334C or SSC GUR course or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: ACGM
  • FAIR 334J - Genocide

    The course will explore the relationship between genocide and newer forms of mass violence, state-sponsored and non-state terror. Students will gain an understanding of: the background, causes and effects of genocide; how to define and the possibility of predicting and preventing genocide; and the multiple impacts of genocide on victims, perpetrators, bystanders and the society/country in which it occurs. Also offered as INTL 340.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or FAIR 334C or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334K - Human Trafficking and Smuggling

    Interdisciplinary examination of the various manifestations of human trafficking and human smuggling: human trafficking, bonded labor, forced labor, worst forms of child labor, organ trafficking, prostitution and sexual slavery. Examines the rise and growth, and the cross-sectoral consequences of trafficking and smuggling. Examines the challenges of addressing human trafficking and human smuggling, and the appropriate policy responses to the problem by State and non-State actors around the world. Also offered as INTL 335. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or INTL 201.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: ACGM
  • FAIR 334L - The Holocaust

    Interdisciplinary examination of the origins, course, and aftermath of the Nazi Holocaust. Situates the Holocaust within the multiple genocides around the world in the twentieth century. Examines the responses of targeted groups, survivor accounts (including the impact on children of the victims and perpetrators), and issues of memorialization, politicization, representation, and sacralization of the Nazi Holocaust. Also offered as INTL 336. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or INTL 201 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • FAIR 334N - Topics in Evolutionary Biology

    Explores evolutionary theory, the history of evolutionary thought, and the relevance of biological evolution to the modern human condition. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A.
    Credits: 4-8
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334P - Field Studies in Science

    Systematic studies of quantitative natural history, employing field techniques from biology, chemistry, physics, and interdisciplinary science. Repeatable to a maximum of 20 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A.
    Credits: 3-8
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334Q - The Science and Music of Natural Sounds

    Recording sounds in local natural settings with a focus on how and why animals produce sound, how sound travels through the environment, how we can use the sound for biological survey work and to estimate environmental degradation, how urban sounds differ from natural areas, and using recordings to compose and perform music. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334R - Olympic National Park Natural History and Ecology

    This field course introduces the natural history and ecology of the Olympic National Park through a weeklong camping trip including visits and study in old growth forest, beaches, montane, and river systems. Offered summer quarter only. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A or Permission of Instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 334S - Holocaust Film

    Focuses on cinematic treatments and complex issues surrounding the representation of the Holocaust. Highlights the representation in films of how the victims attempted to hide; how the Germans rounded them up, took them to camps and killed them, as well acts of courage and resistance by victims, perpetrators and bystanders. Examines how cinematic ‘kitsch’ and the voyeurism of uninformed audiences around the world have adulterated public memory of the Holocaust. Also offered as INTL 338.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A or ENG 101 or INTL 201.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • FAIR 335B - Global Inquiry

    Preparation for global studies and travel abroad. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 credits, including original course. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201a or equivalent
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 335C - Multicultural Psychology

    Interpersonal and intergroup mechanisms that can have the cumulative impact on the health, performance outcomes, and acceptance of various racial minority groups and Whites in the United States, the intersectionality between race, gender, social class, and other social group memberships will be examined.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203a or equivalent or instructor permission
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 335H - HIV and AIDS in a Global Context

    Students will learn the biology of HIV and AIDS as well as the social and political factors that affected the spread, positively or negatively, of HIV in a global context. Topics will include the typology of the HIV virus, how the virus interacts with the human host, the spread of HIV, the process of moving from HIV infection to an AIDS diagnoses, the history of HIV from an American perspective, the history of HIV from a non-Western perspective, the current approach to HIV treatment, and the future direction of HIV prevention and treatment programs. Links between the biology, social, political, and historical aspects of HIV in a global context will be emphasized throughout the course – as well as with other infectious diseases. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 335M - Nutrition and Public Health

    This course will discuss the biology of nutrition and its impact on the individual, society, and the global community. Students will build an understanding of nutrition and various types of malnutrition, such as starvation, eating disorders, and obesity; as well as a variety of metabolic disorders and food allergies. This class will include discussions on the impact of diet on health with every topic covered. The class will also explore inequities in nutrition – why they might exist and what types of programs have been piloted to address the inequities.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A or instructor permission
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 335N - Visioning Sustainable Futures

    A critical examination of alternative futures envisioned by various writers representing the world views of diverse cultures and communities of interest, in light of present-day sociopolitical, economic and environmental realities. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A or ENG 101, and previous course work/experience in sociopolitical/environmental issues from sociopolitical perspective
    Credits: 4-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 335P - Global Biodiversity Science and Policy

    Introduction to the science of documenting, describing, categorizing, and measuring biological diversity globally, from genes and species to eco-regions and biomes. Includes an examination of 1) biodiversity’s importance for human welfare and 2) current policies and approaches for conserving and sustaining biological diversity worldwide. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A or equivalent.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 335Q - Qualitative Research Methods

    Students in this course will learn how to design qualitative studies, collect and analyze data, and write a report on qualitative findings. Each student will work with a team of other students on a topic of their choice. This study will be a quarter long project for each team of students – ending in a culminating presentation and research paper on the study findings at the end of the term. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206A.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 336B - Topics in Social Issues

    An interdisciplinary exploration of specific topics in the social sciences, including studies in economics, political science, international studies, social theory, ethnicity, race, culture, gender, class, law, psychology, and social activism. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203a or equivalent
    Credits: 4-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 336H - Topics in Performance

    Stories matter. An interdisciplinary exploration of specific topics in performance, including studies in economics, political science, international studies, social theory, ethnicity, race, culture, gender, class, law, psychology, and social activism and how they are represented through performance. Will include performance components; no performance experience necessary. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A.
    Credits: 2-6
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 336M - Topics in Music & Society

    An interdisciplinary exploration of specific topics in the social applications and context of music, including studies of varied music genres and their roles in society as entertainment, as cultural representation and as tools for social critique. Repeatable with different topics up to 12 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 336N - Topics in Science

    The interdisciplinary exploration of specific topics in science, including health, reproductive science, ecology, energy, natural history, animal studies, botany, sustainability, the history of science, and science and society. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 206a or equivalent
    Credits: 4-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 336V - Topics in Art

    An interdisciplinary exploration of specific topics in the arts, including music, art, creativity, dance, theatre, and performance. Approaches may be historical, theoretical, literary, cultural, or political, or through studio work. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 202a or equivalent
    Credits: 4-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 338P - Cultural and Biological Perspectives on Pregnancy and Childbirth

    The biology of pregnancy and childbirth, including the development of the fetus, morphological, physiological and psychological changes women experience during pregnancy and childbirth, and the co-evolutionary relationship between mothers and fetuses. Explores childbirth from cross-cultural and historical perspectives, and focuses on the ways American medicine has viewed and treated childbirth and recent changes in American childbirth practices. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A and 206A or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 339 - Folk and Traditional Music in the U.S.

    Students in this course will examine a wide range of folk and traditional music practices in the United States from bluegrass festivals to mariachi music to local punk scenes in settings ranging from urban night clubs to rural front porches. Students will examine these cultural events and practices through an ethnographic perspective and focus on the relationship between music production and participation and the broader cultural contexts in which they occur. Through the discussion of course readings, audio and video examples, and primary ethnographic research, students will both become more familiar with a number of specific folk and traditional music practices and also gain a clearer understanding of the roles these music traditions play in their specific performance contexts as well as the broader cultural systems with which they interact every day. It is also the aim of this study to enable students to more clearly understand their own participation in the folk and traditional music cultures of the United States and to more closely consider the role of this music in their own lives and cultural practices as well as in the lives of others both nearby and across the country. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A; FAIR 203 or social science equivalent; or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 341R - Psychology of Mindfulness and Well-Being

    Numerous studies show that ‘mindfulness,’ an ancient practice now widely used in the West, offsets stress and leads to health, focus, and feelings of well-being. This course examines the origins, techniques and effects of mindfulness. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A and psychology related course or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 343R - Death and Dying

    The implications of one’s death for philosophy, culture, art, literature, aging, economics, psychology, medicine and living. Draws upon books, essays, films, field trips and personal experience. S/U grading.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 343U - Advanced Topics in Mind and Body

    An advanced examination of specific mind-body topics. Repeatable with different topics. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 201A
    Credits: 3-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 344P - Asian-American Psychology

    This course examines the current psychological research on Asian American individuals and the community, with an emphasis on social psychological research. Topics will include the model minority myth, stereotypes of unassimilation, multicultural identities, perceived exemplary family values, and stigma and mental health. Also offered as AMST 344. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: AMST 205 or FAIR 215F or PSY 101.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • FAIR 345A - Principles of Social Entrepreneurship

    This course is an introduction to the principles and practices of social entrepreneurship. The emphasis is on understanding systems changes to improve the lives of people and the planet in the face of current local and global problems. The course will analyze social entrepreneur’s current efforts to address and solve these problems by through socially responsible and sustainable systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 203A or other introductory social theory/responsibility class approved by instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 349V - Art During Wartime

    This class will explore how various artists, composers and filmmakers have expressed enthusiasm and disdain for war and its injustices throughout history. We will discuss potential contemporary applications for art during wartime and create three art projects based upon reading and discussions. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 202a or equivalent
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 351V - Art, Race and Gender

    This combination studio art and seminar course explores how artists and theorists address issues of race and gender identity through art. Students will research numerous artists and theorists while creating artworks that explore and express their own identities. Strategies for creating dialogues through art will also be discussed. Offered every other year. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Either FAIR 220A or Art History, and one art studio course or instructor permission. Some familiarity with race or gender issues is recommended.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 351W - Printmaking Narratives

    Exploration of and experimentation with advanced printmaking techniques emphasizing the four-color technique. Relief, intaglio, drypoint, woodcut collagraph and monotype illustrating personal narratives and themes. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 254X or two design or two studio art courses.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 353V - Art in Public Sphere

    Explore history and concepts behind public art, create proposals and models for public art projects, and research artists who work within public space. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Introduction to drawing and one of: FAIR 355Y, FAIR 359V, FAIR 355W or permission. Background in art history recommended.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 353Y - Songwriting Workshop

    Examination of the elements of songwriting: discussing techniques, strategies and blocks; the roles and inter-relationships of melody, rhythm, and lyric; and song forms and styles. Through a series of exercises, development of a portfolio of songs. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 354V - Scriptwriting Workshop I

    Practice in the art and craft of writing for the dramatic media: theater, film, television and radio. Intensive writing and rewriting experience with a supportive group of other writers. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: previous course work or experience with creative writing or instructor permission
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 356V - Site-Specific Art

    Students will explore the creation of three-dimensional art installations, environments and/or performances developed for specific locations outside of the traditional art gallery paradigm. Students will research histories of prospective sites and communities in order to write proposals and create thematic and socially relevant artworks. S/U grading. Repeatable up to 8 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 202A and one studio art course or instructor permission. ART 109 recommended.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • FAIR 356W - Video, Performance & Sound Art

    Students will explore and develop ideas and existing skills in the areas of video, performance and/or sound art within the context of contemporary art; culminating in a public screening, exhibition or performance of a final project. Students will present proposals and timelines to the instructor, give regular progress reports to the class, and write artist statements for each of their projects. Experimentation and creative risk-taking is highly encouraged. Emphasis will be placed upon stepping outside of traditional and popular genres in order to challenge both artist and audience. S/U grading

    Prerequisites & Notes: FAIR 202A or one course in either music, art or theater/dance history, and previous course in either audio, video or performance practice.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U

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