Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions


Computer Science

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • CSCI 513 - Systems Programming and Operating Systems Internals

    Systems software such as linkers, loaders, system utility software and operating system internals. Investigation of real operating systems, augmentation or modification of the operating system source code. Process creation and management; interprocess communication; process scheduling; I/O hardware and software; memory management; file system design and implementation; security and protection mechanisms.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 352 or CSCI 460.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 514 - Research Methodology in Computer Science

    Research methodology topics identified as appropriate, emphasizing basic and applied research skills. This course will have research as its primary focus and will be taught by persons with research competencies and interests. Course content includes preparation of research studies, reports, and papers. Students are expected to generate a research or survey paper on their own research topic as a final project.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate Status.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 515 - Parallel Computation

    Topics in concurrent and parallel computation. Possible areas include formal specification methods for parallel systems, semantics and verification of parallel language programs, and analysis and implementation of parallel algorithms.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 510.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 520 - Advanced Compiler Design

    Theory and practice of compiler design. Detailed consideration of efficient parsing techniques; organization of semantic analysis and code generation phases; machine dependent and independent optimization techniques; organization of run time environment.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 510.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 525 - Advanced Topics in Operating Systems

    Various topics as they relate to distributed operating systems. Case study using a distributed operating system to perform experiments in class laboratory.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 460 or CSCI 513.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 527 - Embedded Systems

    Design and development of embedded microprocessors in instrumentation, controls, and user appliances.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 509
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 530 - Advanced Database Theory

    Advanced topics in database systems. Possible areas include transaction processing, concurrency control, recovery, security, query optimization, distributed systems, and logic-based systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 430 or equivalent
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 570 - Artificial Intelligence

    Advanced topics in artificial intelligence. Possible areas include knowledge representation, LISP or PROLOG, search strategies, heuristics, goal refinement, theorem proving, and symbolic problem solving.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate student status or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 571 - Machine Learning Algorithms

    Covers important machine learning research areas such as artificial neural nets, Bayesian learning, data mining, decision tree learning, evolutionary computation, reinforcement learning, version space learning, rough sets, and computational learning theory. Algorithms from these research areas will be analyzed. Each student will select one of the learned algorithms and apply it to the term project.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 572 - Robotics

    The materials of this class cover from hardware to software according to students’ need and available instructors. Each offer of the class will select one of the two (hardware and software) research areas or a combination of them. The syllabus includes, but is not limited to, architectures, navigation, and motion planning, control, vision, synthesizing, and algorithm design. Students will gain firsthand experience by working on a small robot. They will design algorithms or manipulate the hardware to make the robot do or learn a certain task.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate status.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 573 - Computational Linguistics

    Formal and computational models of the syntax, semantics and pragmatics of natural languages; rival approaches to semantic and pragmatic representation; applications to database queries and machine translation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 401 or CSCI 510.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 575 - Information Retrieval

    Index construction, vector space model, evaluation of relevance in IR systems, text classification, clustering, machine learning approaches to IR, applications to web search, current research topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 511
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 577 - Data Mining

    Techniques for extracting useful information from large data sets; attribute-value learning techniques (decision trees, association rules); relational mining techniques (inductive logic programming, efficient search of relational spaces); probabilistic techniques (Bayesian networks, conditional independence); statistical techniques; sampling strategies; applications in bioinformatics, personalization, information retrieval, web modeling, filtering, and text processing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 510, CSCI 511
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 578 - Cryptography

    Selected topics from number theory; simple, homophonic, polyalphabetic substitution ciphers; product ciphers, DES; exponentiation ciphers; knapsack ciphers; key management.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 509.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 579 - Spoken Language Processing

    Introduction to the automatic processing of spoken language. Fundamental theory and algorithms in speech processing, including speech analysis, recognition and synthesis, as well as the linguistic and mathematical theory on which spoken language processing systems rely. Implementation of spoken language processing systems is required.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 510, MATH 341 and CSCI 511 or concurrent; or instructor permission.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 580 - Advanced Computer Graphics

    Three-dimensional concepts, shading techniques, curves and surfaces, ray tracing, radiosity, texture mapping, fractals.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 480 or equivalent
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 584 - Scientific Visualization

    Introduction to the computer display of scientific datasets. Topics include visualizing 2D and 3D scalar and vector fields, visualizing nonlinear relationships, and user interface design.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 480 or equivalent
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 585 - Image Processing

    Digital image fundamentals, image transforms, image enhancements, image restoration, image encoding, representation and description, color image processing, morphological operations.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 480.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CSCI 590 - Graduate Seminar

    Students are expected to present and discuss state-of-the-art computer science research papers in various topics. All graduate students must present their MS research in this class before graduation. External speakers may be invited. The objectives are to expose students to a wide range of state-of-the-art research topics and to provide opportunities for students to share research experiences. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Graduate student status.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSCI 601 - Area of Specialization Research Experience I

    Work on ongoing research project. Credit given when CS 601, 602 and 603 completed. S/U grading.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSCI 602 - Area of Specialization Research Experience II

    Work on ongoing research project. Credit given when CS 601, 602 and 603 completed. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 601
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • CSCI 603 - Area of Specialization Research Experience III

    Work on ongoing research project. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 601, CSCI 602
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: S/U

Computer & Information Systems Security

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • CISS 247 - Computer Systems I

    An overview of basic computer organization and design. Introduction to C programming. Topics covered include data representation, boolean algebra, machine language, instruction sets, processor architecture, multi-processors, system-level I/O, pipelining, and the memory hierarchy. Includes lab.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 145
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 301 - Formal Languages and Functional Programming

    Introduction to discrete structures important to computer science, including sets, trees, functions, and relations. Proof techniques. Introduction to the formal language classes and their machines, including regular languages and finite automata, context free languages and pushdown automata. Turing machines and computability will be introduced. Programming using a functional language is required in the implementation of concepts. Includes lab.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CSCI 145
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 346 - Secure Software Development

    Techniques, methodologies and processes for development of robust, secure software. Security development process, threat modeling, common software vulnerabilities, web site vulnerabilities, defensive coding practices, security testing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 247
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 349 - Computer System Administration

    A study of the tasks, tools and techniques involved in the configuration and administration of heterogeneous networks of Windows and UNIX/Linux computers, with particular emphasis on system hardening, protection against attack, system monitoring and recovery.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 247
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 360 - Operating System Concepts

    A study of the principles and techniques employed in modern computer operating systems. The emphasis is on process and thread creation, management and scheduling; system calls; memory management, virtual memory and paging; file system implementation, input/output systems and device management.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 247
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 421 - Computer Forensics

    Computer security incident response. Investigation of security breaches of computer network, identification of causes and vulnerabilities. Recovery of data from memory dumps. Recovery of damaged file systems.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 461
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 422 - Dynamic Analysis of Software

    Tools and techniques for the investigation of suspect software by running it and watching its effect. Establishing a safe work environment, monitoring system behavior, network monitoring, file system monitoring, event reconstruction.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 247
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 423 - Software Reverse Engineering

    Tools and techniques for the static analysis of software by disassembly of executable code. De-obfuscation and decoding techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 247
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 461 - Computer Security

    An overview of computer security and detailed study of the theoretical foundations and practical implementations of some aspects of security, including policy specification, the role of cryptography, policy implementation and assurance, security threats and counter-measures.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 301
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 464 - Penetration Testing

    Tools and techniques for penetration testing of application software and computer systems, with the aim of identifying vulnerabilities for remedial action. Understanding common vulnerabilities, selection and trial of exploits, shellcode. Wireless penetration techniques.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 461
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 469 - Advanced Network System Security

    Discussion of current topics security aspects of industrial control, SCADA systems, cloud computing, mobile devices.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 360
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 478 - Cryptographic Techniques

    A study of the cryptographic techniques and tools commonly used in support of security for computer systems and networks.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 301
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • CISS 495 - Computer Security Project

    A capstone team-based project to enable students to apply the skills and knowledge attained during the program to real, significant industry-based applications.

    Prerequisites & Notes: CISS 461
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter


Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • DNC 100 - Mod-Hop I

    Entry level technique class that is a fusion of contemporary dance styles, including hip-hop, African jazz and modern dance. Emphasis on rhythm, conditioning, isolation and individuality. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • DNC 101 - Open Ballet

    No dance experience required. Basic principles of ballet as an artistic and physical medium. Introduction to ballet terminology, basic barre exercises, simple combinations in adagio and allegro. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • DNC 102 - Beginning Contemporary Dance

    No dance experienced required. The study of the basic principles of movement: space, time and effort. Emphasis on alignment and range of motion, creative movement and an appreciation of dance as an art form. Open to non-minors. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits. S/U grading.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • DNC 108 - Introduction to the Fine Arts: the Classics

    This course focuses on those artists whose greatness has withstood the test of time, in Art, Dance, Music and Theatre. Guest lecturers, readings, discussions and reflective papers will explore connective threads of those individual artists who have made extraordinary contributions to society and culture.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • DNC 111 - Ballet I - Level 1

    Introduction to the basic principles of ballet as an artistic and physical medium. Emphasis on French terminology, basic barre exercises, simple combinations in adagio and allegro. Open to non-majors. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 112 - Ballet I - Level 2

    Builds on principles introduced in DNC 111, including the basic principle of ballet as an artistic and physical medium. Emphasis on French terminology, basic barre exercises, simple combinations in adagio and allegro. Open to non-majors. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 111 recommended.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 113 - Ballet I - Level 3

    Builds on principles introduced in DNC 112, including the basic principles of ballet as an artistic and physical medium. Emphasis on French terminology, basic barre exercises, simple combinations in adagio and allegro. Open to non-majors. Repeatable to a maximum of 4 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 111, DNC 112 recommended.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 121 - Contemporary Dance I - Level 1

    The study of the basic principles of movement: space, time, effort. Emphasis on alignment and range of motion, creative movement and an appreciation of dance as an art form. Repeatable to maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 122 - Contemporary Dance I - Level 2

    The study of the basic principles of movement: space, time, effort. Emphasis on alignment and range of motion, creative movement and an appreciation of dance as an art form. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 121 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 123 - Contemporary Dance I - Level 3

    The study of the basic principles of movement: space, time, effort. Emphasis on alignment and range of motion, creative movement and an appreciation of dance as an art form. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 121, DNC 122 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 200 - Mod-Hop II

    More advanced exploration of contemporary dance styles, including hip-hop, African jazz, and modern dance. Emphasis on complex rhythm, phrasing and performance. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 100 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 203 - Jazz Dance

    This course focuses on the technical and expressive aspects of jazz dance and develops awareness of line, speed, balance and strength. Attention is placed on alignment, conditioning, musicality, and synthesis of combinations.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Instructor permission; by audition.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 208 - Contact Improvisation

    This course explores the fundamentals of improvising with another dancer(s), primarily employing the momentum and support derived through physical contact with one’s partner. Improvisation and partnering are skills essential to a dancer’s development as genuine creators and performers. Repeatable up to 4 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Dance major or minor, or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • DNC 211 - Ballet II - Level 1

    Further development in principles of ballet. Increased difficulty and terminology. Preparation for advanced levels. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 111, DNC 112, DNC 113 recommended.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 212 - Ballet II - Level 2

    Further development in principles of ballet. Increased difficulty and terminology. Preparation for advanced levels. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 211 recommended.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 213 - Ballet II - Level 3

    Further development in principles of ballet. Increased difficulty and terminology. Preparation for advanced levels. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 211, DNC 212 recommended.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 221 - Contemporary Dance II - Level 1

    Further development in movement principles established in Contemporary Dance I. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 121, DNC 122, DNC 123 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 222 - Contemporary Dance II - Level 2

    Continues with further development in movement principles established in Contemporary Dance I. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 221 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 223 - Contemporary Dance II - Level 3

    Continues with further development in movement principles established in Contemporary Dance I. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 221, DNC 222 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 230 - Making Movement Art

    First-year students only. An investigation of how dances are made. Students will be exposed to movement art through readings, lectures, videos, live performances, interviews, out of class observations, and laboratory experiences. Students will also have the opportunity to interact with several dance faculty and guest artists as well as faculty in other departments of the College of Fine and Performing Arts.

    Prerequisites & Notes: First-year students.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • DNC 231 - Introduction to Dance in Western Cultures

    An historical and cultural overview, from the primitive to the contemporary, of the development of dance as an art form in Western civilization.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: CCOM
  • DNC 232 - Movement and Culture

    An investigation of movement and dance as a vehicle for understanding culture through movement labs, readings, films and discussions.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: ACGM
  • DNC 242 - Choreography I

    Introduction to basic principles of choreography: articulating a concept, finding movement vocabulary, and developing a structure. Prepares students to handle the rehearsal process from the point of view of a choreographer. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Concurrent enrollment in DNC 221 or instructor permission
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 243 - Dance and Technology I

    Introduction to sound and video editing software and filming/framing techniques for use in the creation of Dances for Camera and other time based art. Repeatable up to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 242.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 257 - Performance

    Direct instruction and experience in performance work. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 credits. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: being cast in a faculty-directed production
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • DNC 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • DNC 311 - Ballet III - Level 1

    Comprehensive barre and center floor work with emphasis on strength, flexibility, stamina, musicality, and performance projection in all areas of the class enchainements. Variations from classical ballet repertoire may be included. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including the original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 211, DNC 212, DNC 213 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 312 - Ballet III - Level 2

    Comprehensive barre and center floor work with emphasis on strength, flexibility, stamina, musicality, and performance projection in all areas of the class enchainements. Variations from classical ballet repertoire may be included. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including the original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 311 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 313 - Ballet III - Level 3

    Comprehensive barre and center floor work with emphasis on strength, flexibility, stamina, musicality, and performance projection in all areas of the class enchainements. Variations from classical ballet repertoire may be included. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including the original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 311, DNC 312 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 321 - Contemporary Dance III - Level 1

    Advanced studies of movement principles established in Contemporary Dance II. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 221, DNC 222, DNC 223 DNC 339 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 322 - Contemporary Dance III - Level 2

    Advanced studies of movement principles established in Contemporary Dance II. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 321, DNC 339 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 323 - Contemporary Dance III - Level 3

    Advanced studies of movement principles established in Contemporary Dance II. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 321, DNC 322, DNC 339 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 334 - Music and Movement

    An interdisciplinary examination of music and movement that addresses rhythmic acuity for the dancer, accompaniment for the dance teacher and underscoring dance for the choreographer. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 221, DNC 222, DNC 223 or formal music instruction at the 100 level or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 339 - Functional Alignment

    An internal exploration of functional alignment and its practical application towards movement and dancing. Experiential exercises that will enable the development and increased awareness of anatomical alignment and its relationship to range of motion, flexibility, strength, and movement potential. Introduction to proper anatomical and kinesiological terminology. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 121, DNC 122, DNC 123 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 340 - Anatomy for Dancers

    An investigation of the human body and how it works. Through lectures, readings and laboratory experiences, students will analyze skeletal systems, individual differences, common dance injuries, and proper conditioning for dancers.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 339 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 342 - Choreography II

    Further study of the principles of choreography. In addition to concepts, movement, vocabulary and structure this class involves experimentation with theme and development, use of music, as well as construction/deconstruction/reconstruction of choreographic forms and content. Training the thinking artist and the artistic thinker. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 242.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 343 - Dance and Technology II

    Builds on skills learned in DNC 243 and applies an artistic process to the use of editing software and video equipment; combining visual design, choreographic skills and advanced filming and editing techniques to create Dances for the Camera and other time based art. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 223, DNC 243, DNC 342.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 345 - Fundamentals of Contemporary Partnering

    Students explore elements of contemporary partnering including transfer of weight, momentum/leverage, counter balancing and moving in harmony. The class is not gender specific. The warm-up includes exercises to enhance kinesthetic awareness and to facilitate ease and comfort in lifting and being lifted. Repeatable to a maximum of 6 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 221, DNC 222, DNC 223 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 357 - Repertory

    The process work, which leads to performance, involved in the creation and/or reconstruction of a major choreographic work. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 credits.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 398 - Integrated Arts for Elementary Educators

    This arts education course provides future teachers with a foundation in the elements and principles of Visual Art, Dance, Music and Theatre and their applicability to the elementary classroom. Also offered as ART 398, MUS 398 and THTR 398.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Admission to a teacher education program leading to an elementary endorsement.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • DNC 403 - Senior Seminar

    This course is designed for senior Dance majors to focus on skills and knowledge important for a successful transition to graduate school or professional employment in dance.

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 404 - Capstone Preparation

    This course is designed to assist BFA candidates with their rehearsal processes, as performers and as choreographers, in preparation for and presentation of their culminating Capstone performances.

    Prerequisites & Notes: BFA degree candidacy, senior status.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 421 - Contemporary Dance IV - Level 1

    A performance approach to dance techniques - phrasing, musicality and clarity of intentions are emphasized at this level. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 321, DNC 322, DNC 323 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 422 - Contemporary Dance IV - Level 2

    A performance approach to dance techniques - phrasing, musicality and clarity of intentions are emphasized at this level. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 421 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 423 - Contemporary Dance IV - Level 3

    A performance approach to dance techniques - phrasing, musicality and clarity of intentions are emphasized at this level. Repeatable to a maximum of 12 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Audition or level placement and instructor permission. DNC 421, DNC 422 recommended.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 430 - Real Life Skills for Dancers

    This course helps students to explore their personal goals, aesthetics involved in goal setting, and to develop a resume and Capstone portfolio. The course will examine emotional and physical well-being as well as graduate education and career opportunities in dance.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Dance major with junior/senior status.
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 431 - History of Western Dance Since 1450

    Ballet and modern dance forms of Western culture from the Renaissance into the era of contemporary movement art. Will include reviews of live performances, and study of leading dance artists and their historical significance. This course explores effective writing in the discipline of Dance through reflection, critical analysis, and historical research.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 231
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 433 - Creative Movement for Educators With Lab

    Methodologies of teaching creative movement to children. Exploration and integration of the elements of space, time, and effort as reflective of the Essential Academic Learning Requirements in the dance arts.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Permission of instructor.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 434 - Dance Arts in Education

    Materials for the methodology of teaching the formal dance techniques of modern dance and ballet for students of the dance major and additional teaching endorsement. Observations and teaching opportunities included.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 339, DNC 340; demonstrated competency at the advanced level of technique.
    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DNC 442 - Advanced Choreography

    Practical application of choreographic process in the performance setting. Experience in collaboration with costume and lighting designers to support and realize choreographic intention by means of the unity of supporting elements. Repeatable to a maximum of 8 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DNC 342 or instructor permission
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter

Decision Sciences

Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog. NOTE: Not all courses are offered every year. Several elective courses are offered only once each year. See the online Timetable of Classes for current offerings. Consult department for answers to specific questions.

  • DSCI 205 - Business Statistics

    Statistical methods used in business research, analysis and decision making; preparation and presentation of data, frequency distributions, measures of central tendency and dispersion, statistical inference, regression and correlation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: MATH 156 or MATH 114 or MATH 115 or MATH 118 or equivalent or higher.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DSCI 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • DSCI 305 - Applied Business Statistics

    Applications of business statistics to research, analysis, and decision making in business. Regression, correlation, analysis of variance, and nonparametric tests, with emphasis on the use of business-oriented computer statistical packages.

    Prerequisites & Notes: MATH 157 or MATH 124 or MATH 128; and DSCI 205.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DSCI 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • DSCI 405 - Simulation Models for Decision Making

    Introduction to building computer-based simulation models for business decision making. Data collection and input analysis, model building of both Monte Carlo and discrete event simulations, output analysis and validation, and experimental design. Development of computer models to solve complex business problems in MIS, operations, finance, or marketing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DSCI 305 or equiv; C- or better
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DSCI 407 - Predictive Analytics for Business

    Predictive analytics relates to extracting patterns, associations, and trends from data (commonly known as ‘data mining’). This course covers two main areas in predictive analytics: methods of regression for predicting quantitative variables and methods of classification for predicting qualitative variables. It also covers some multivariate statistical methods such as principal component analysis, cluster analysis, and association rules. This course aims to provide a theoretical and practical overview of recently-developed methods such as generalized additive models, bagging and boosting, shrinkage methods, support vector machines, and resampling methods as well as classical statistical learning methods.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DSCI 305.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DSCI 500 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15


Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog.

  • DSGN 111 - Design View

    Introduction to design thinking and how design practice affects everyday life in a diversity of cultures (graphic, industrial, architectural). Course will be a mixture of lectures with guest speakers as well as exams and assignments. Lecture format.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • DSGN 140 - Introduction to Visual Communication

    Introduction to visual communications concepts and applications incorporating type, design elements, design principles and software. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • DSGN 141 - Visual Communication

    Intended for high school students who are considering studying graphic design at the university level, this course will build on skills and further develop an understanding of the design process. The class will focus on typography, introduce modern branding methods, design research and design thinking. Digital design tools will be combined with other forms of image making to build on each student’s individual talents. Students will produce portfolio worthy designs using a selection of production methods. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: DSGN 140 (College Quest) or other similar pre-college graphics course, high school graphics course, high school yearbook course, or graphics work experience.
    Credits: 1
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • DSGN 211 - Foundations of Visual Communication

    Issues and topics related to the development of visual communication/graphic design with emphasis on the development of typographic and print culture.

    Credits: 3
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • DSGN 220 - Visual Communication I

    Introduction to and exploration of visual thinking experiences and the translation of ideas into sketches and drawings representing solutions to visual communication problems. Includes studies in graphic ideation, graphic languages, object drawing, orthographic views, perspective, the visualization process and storyboarding.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Major status.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DSGN 240 - Visual Communication II

    Introduction and exploration of visual literacy elements and principles. Emphasis on how these elements and principles are applied in visual communication problems pertaining to both graphic design and typography. Course will incorporate hands-on projects covering both analog and digital techniques of image and type manipulation. Lecture/lab.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Major status.
    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • DSGN 249 - Graphic Design Concepts

    Introductory course in layout, design, and software with an emphasis on typography. Course incorporates hands-on projects covering both analog and digital techniques of image and type manipulation. Lecture/Lab. For non-majors only.

    Credits: 4
    Grade Mode: Letter

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