Sep 27, 2024  
2016-2017 Catalog 
2016-2017 Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Course Descriptions



Courses numbered X37; X97; 300, 400, 500 are described in the University Academic Policies  section of this catalog. For more information about the courses and sections to be offered this year and next, please consult the online Timetable of Classes and the English department’s Website, for the English department course descriptions and information on majors and minors.

  • ENG 110 - Writing, Designing, Remixing with Western Reads

    In this computer-mediated writing course, students respond to the Western Reads text by constructing and designing different kinds of print, visual, and oral texts. This course is recommended for freshmen.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 195 - Introduction to Creative and Technical Writing

    An intensive introduction to creative and technical writing for entering freshmen.

    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • ENG 201 - Writing In Humanities

    Advanced instruction and practice in writing using ideas, texts and questions from a specified topic in the humanities. Areas and focus vary with section.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101 or 4/5 AP English Language Exam.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: CCOM
  • ENG 202 - Writing About Literature

    A writing course designed to help students develop the skills of close reading and careful analysis of literary texts, with particular attention to how language, style, and form contribute to a text’s social or political claims. Introduces students to the challenge of situating themselves in relation to a literary text and the critical conversation about that text, and crafting multi-draft critical essays with a focused, arguable thesis supported by thoughtful sequence of claims and carefully selected textual evidence.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCOM
  • ENG 214 - Shakespeare

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of a selected number of Shakespeare’s plays: histories, comedies, tragedies and romances.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 215 - British Literature

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of a range of texts in British literature with attention to cultural contexts.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 216 - American Literature

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of a range of texts in American literature with attention to cultural contexts.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 227 - Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Literature

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of a range of texts by gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered authors.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • ENG 234 - African-American Literature

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of written, spoken and visual texts by African-American men and women from the 18th century to the present.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • ENG 235 - American Indian Literatures

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of written, spoken and visual texts in English and translation by writers and storytellers of Native American descent.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • ENG 236 - Asian-American Literatures

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of written and visual texts in English and translation by and about Asian-Americans.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • ENG 238 - Society Through Its Literature

    A thematic approach to literature, with different themes exploring the relationship between literary forms and society. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics. May be taken only once for GUR credit.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 239 - Latina/o Literatures

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of a range of texts in English and in translation by Latina/o authors.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • ENG 270 - Language and Society

    A thematic approach to the study of language use in society, with different themes exploring the relationship between language, meaning, and the social contexts in which they occur. May be taken only once for GUR credit.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 282 - Global Literatures

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of a range of texts in global literatures with attention to cultural contexts.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 300 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • ENG 301 - Introduction to Writing Studies

    Inquiry and practice of writing in personal, public and academic contexts. Emphasis on expressive, analytical, critical, and collaborative forms of writing as appropriate. Repeatable with different topics up to 10 credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101; junior status
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 302 - Introduction to Technical and Professional Writing

    Introduction to major contemporary strategies and conventions used in written and oral communication for multiple audiences in professional settings. Covers a variety of written forms used in the preparation and design of technical and business documents, critical analyses of these forms and practices, and the ethical and social implications of a technical writer’s choices.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101; junior standing.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 307 - Seminar in Literature & Culture: Medieval

    A research and writing intensive course in the context of the literary history of the medieval period. Students will develop the skills to research and write about literary texts and participate in the critical conversations about them. (Only one of ENG 307 and ENG 317 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 308 - Seminar in Literature & Culture: Early Modern

    A research and writing intensive course in the context of the literary history of the Early Modern period. Students will develop the skills to research and write about literary texts and participate in the critical conversations about them. (Only one of ENG 308 and ENG 318 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 309 - Seminar in Literature & Culture: The Long 18th Century

    A research and writing intensive course in the context of the literary history of the long eighteenth century. Students will develop the skills to research and write about literary texts and participate in the critical conversations about them. (Only one of ENG 309 and ENG 319 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 310 - Seminar in Literature & Culture: The Long 19th Century

    A research and writing intensive course in the context of the literary history of the long nineteenth century. Students will develop the skills to research and write about literary texts and participate in the critical conversations about them. (Only one of ENG 310 and ENG 320 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 311 - Seminar in Literature & Culture: The 20-21st Century

    A research and writing intensive course in the context of the literary history of the 20-21st century. Students will develop the skills to research and write about literary texts and participate in the critical conversations about them. (Only one of ENG 311 and ENG 321 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 313 - Introduction to Critical and Cultural Theories and Practices

    Introduction to a range of critical and cultural theories in a historical context. Emphasis on critical reading and writing in preparation for 400-level courses in literary and cultural studies.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 317 - Survey in Literature & Culture: Medieval

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of texts in English or in translation from the medieval period with an attention to literary history. (Only one of ENG 307 and ENG 317 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 318 - Survey in Literature & Culture: Early Modern

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of texts in English or in translation from the Early Modern period with an attention to literary history. (Only one of ENG 308 and ENG 318 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 319 - Survey in Literature & Culture: The Long 18th Century

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of texts in English or in translation from the long eighteenth century with an attention to literary history. (Only one of ENG 309 and ENG 319 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 320 - Survey in Literature & Culture: The Long 19th Century

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of texts in English or in translation from the long nineteenth century with an attention to literary history. (Only one of ENG 310 and ENG 320 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 321 - Survey in Literature & Culture: The 20-21st Centuries

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of texts in English or in translation from the 20-21st centuries with an attention to literary history. (Only one of ENG 311 and ENG 321 may be taken for credit in English majors and minors.)

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 331 - Studies in Gender Theory

    This course will examine gender theory, with varying emphases, including but not limited to feminist, queer, trans, intersectional and critical race theory. Repeatable with different topics up to 10 credits including original course. Also offered as WGSS 331.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202 or WGSS 211
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 332 - Literature and Philosophy

    Comparative study of the concepts, techniques and concerns of philosophical inquiry and literary analysis as they arise in the philosophical essay and the literary forms of poetry, drama, fiction, creative nonfiction, film and electronic art in English and translation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 333 - Topics in Global Literature

    Studies in world literature in English or translation and of their historical and cultural contexts.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 334 - Literary and Creative Expression Across North America and Europe

    Analysis primarily of North American and European texts with engagement in issues of multiculturalism and cultural diversity. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics. May be taken only once for GUR credit.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101 or equivalent.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • ENG 335 - Literary and Creative Expressions Across Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Latin America

    Analysis primarily of texts of Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101 or equivalent.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: ACGM
  • ENG 336 - Scriptural Literatures

    Analysis of literary texts in one or more religious traditions, which originated in Asia, Africa, the Middle East and Latin America; study of scriptural literature as a source of cultural paradigms.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: ACGM
  • ENG 338 - Women and Literature in North America and Europe

    Study of women’s texts in various cultures primarily of North America and Europe, including thematic and stylistic development within cultural context.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: BCGM
  • ENG 339 - Mythology and Literature

    Comparative study of the patterns, motifs and techniques in world mythologies as they recur and evolve in poetry, drama, fiction, creative nonfiction, film and electronic media in English and translation.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
    GUR Attributes: HUM
  • ENG 341 - Studies in Children’s Literature

    Examination of the variety and diversity of literature written for children and adolescents; exploration of book format, major genres, and works by notable authors and illustrators.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 342 - Studies in Literary Genres

    Studies in literature from the perspective of genre and of topics in particular literary genres.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 347 - Studies in Young Adult Literature

    Studies in literature written for and/or by young adults. May focus on literary history, genres, theme, critical approaches or specific authors. Class assignments and discussion may focus on using this literature with young adults in secondary schools and in a home setting.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202 or permission of instructor.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 350 - Introduction to Creative Writing

    Examines the fundamentals of at least two genres, such as fiction, nonfiction, playwriting, or poetry. The course will include both lectures, focused on model texts, and workshop-style discussions, focused on student work.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 351 - Introduction to Fiction Writing

    Examines the fundamental tools available to writers of fiction: point of view, dialog, characterization and voice. The course introduces the terms and protocol of workshop critique.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 353 - Introduction to Poetry Writing

    Introduction to the techniques of poetry writing, including craft, practice and modeling.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 354 - Introduction to Creative Nonfiction Writing

    An introductory course in writing nonfiction prose, such as personal essay, memoir, autobiography, travel writing, and other forms.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 364 - Introduction to Film Studies

    Overview of the conventions and techniques of narrative cinema with some readings in film theory.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 365 - Topics in Film History

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of films belonging to a particular period in film history. Repeatable with different topics up to ten credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 364 or ENG 202
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 370 - Introduction to Language

    Overview of language structure and use. Topics include phonology, morphology, syntax and semantics, how language is acquired, and how it changes over space and time. Emphasis on English as a global language.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 371 - Introduction to Rhetorical Analysis

    Introduction to rhetorical theories and analysis.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 101 and junior status.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 381 - Academic Writing

    A course for international transfer students that focuses on multi-disciplinary, academic writing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Instructor permission
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 382 - University Culture

    An academic support class for international transfer students that focuses on the knowledge and critical thinking skills needed to be successful at WWU.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Instructor permission
    Credits: 2
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 385 - Sustainability Literacy II

    Advanced instruction and practice in applying systems thinking to writing projects related to the topic of sustainability.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENVS 116 or ENG 201 or ENG 202.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 400 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • ENG 401 - Senior Seminar in Writing Studies and Rhetoric

    Senior writing seminar on the theories and practices of rhetorical genres.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 301 or ENG 302 or ENG 370 or ENG 371, or instructor approval; senior status.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 402 - Advanced Technical and Professional Writing

    Writing-intensive class focusing on advanced problems of technical communications and their solutions. Strategies for identifying target readers and meeting their informational needs. Special emphasis on a technical writer’s responsibilities and the ethical, social and technical issues surrounding electronic publishing.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 302
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 406 - Topics in Critical and Cultural Theory

    An advanced course that examines one or more critical or cultural theories.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 313 plus two from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 408 - Cultural Studies

    An advanced course that applies semiotic and/or textual approaches to a wide range of cultural issues. Repeatable once with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 313 plus two from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 410 - Studies in Literary History

    A wide variety of studies in literary history. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202 plus three from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 415 - Special Topics in National Literatures

    Studies in a variety of topics, canons or national literatures, such as Irish, Canadian, African, Native or Asian American. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202 plus three from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371, possible additional prerequisites relevant to topic.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 418 - Senior Seminar

    An advanced seminar offering an in-depth exploration of specialized topics. Requires students to develop scholarly projects integrating course material with their own literary, historical, and theoretical interests. This course is not repeatable.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Senior status; ENG 313 and one from: ENG 307, ENG 308, ENG 309, ENG 310 or ENG 311.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 423 - Studies in Major Authors

    Studies in the texts of a writer or writers in English or in translation. Repeatable once as an elective with different authors.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 202 plus three from: ENG 304-347, ENG 364, ENG 370, ENG 371; possible additional prerequisites relevant to topic
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 427 - Queer Studies

    Analysis, interpretation and discussion of the representation of sexuality in a range of texts with an emphasis on same-sex desire and works by Queer writers.

    Prerequisites & Notes: One course from: ENG 227, ENG 313, ENG 351, ENG 353, ENG 354 or equivalent prerequisite coursework and instructor approval; and junior status.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 436 - The Structure of English

    Introduction to English sentence structure. Topics include clause structure, modification, complementation, and syntactic principles such as movement, coordinating and pronominalization.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 370 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 438 - Cultural History of English

    Examines the cultural, linguistic and literary influences on the development of Old, Middle, Early Modern and present-day English.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 370 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 439 - Topics in Language and Linguistics

    Explores topics in language and linguistics of interest to students of English literature, creative writing and English education. Repeatable once as an elective with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 370 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 442 - Studies in Literacy

    Examines shifting definitions of literacy and literacy practices from social, cultural, historical, and technological perspectives.

    Prerequisites & Notes: One course from ENG 301, ENG 302, ENG 370, ENG 371 or instructor approval.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 443 - Teaching English Language Arts in the Secondary Schools I

    Survey of theory, practice, resources and methods of assessment for the teaching of English language arts.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 301 or ENG 302; ENG 347; ENG 350; ENG 370; and two from ENG 307, ENG 308, ENG 309, ENG 310, and ENG 311.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 444 - Teaching English Language Arts in the Secondary Schools II

    Continuation of the survey of theory, practice, resources and methods of assessment for the teaching of English language arts. This course may include a two-week, one period a day teaching practicum in a middle or high school.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 443
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 451 - Creative Writing Seminar - Fiction

    An advanced course in the writing of fiction. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 351
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 453 - Creative Writing Seminar - Poetry

    An advanced course providing disciplined expression in a variety of modes of writing poetry. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 353
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 454 - Creative Writing Seminar - Creative Nonfiction

    An advanced workshop course in the writing of nonfiction, building on skills learned in prior courses. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 cr.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 354
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 455 - Living Writers

    An advanced course that combines study of the craft of writing in contemporary works of poetry, fiction, and/or nonfiction and literary expression. May include oral performances and lectures by visiting writers. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: One from: ENG 351, ENG 353, ENG 354.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 456 - Special Topics in Fiction Writing

    Intensive reading, writing and workshops in one or more specific modes of fiction, such as fantasy, flash fiction, or adapting fictional works to other media. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 351
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 457 - Special Topics in Poetry Writing

    Intensive study of poetic texts in traditional and experimental forms. Opportunity to compose in a variety of poetic forms. Study of appropriate models. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 353
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 458 - Special Topics in Creative Nonfiction Writing

    Intensive reading, writing and workshop in one or more specific modes of nonfiction, such as memoir, travel writing, autobiography and the personal essay. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 credits, including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 354
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 459 - Editing and Publishing

    Focuses on a variety of professional editing and publishing procedures, opportunities and venues; politics of the literary marketplace; and careers available to writers.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 351, ENG 353 or ENG 354
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 460 - Special Topics In Creative Writing - Multi-Genre

    Intensive study of topics in creative writing that cross genre boundaries, or that critique those boundaries. Opportunities to compose experimental or hybrid works. Repeatable with different instructors to a maximum of 10 credits.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 351, ENG 353 or ENG 354
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 461 - Internship in English: Professional Identity

    Students will intern in a local organization and participate in weekly seminar meetings designed to contribute to their internship experience and their own professional identities.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Senior status (135 credits) and instructor approval.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 462 - Topics in Professional and Technical Writing

    A rhetorical examination of various specific topics confronting technical and professional writers in a rapidly changing technological world. Topics change annually. Repeatable once.

    Prerequisites & Notes: One course from ENG 301, ENG 302, ENG 371; or equivalent experience and instructor approval.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 464 - Topics in Film Studies

    Examines various specific topics in film studies and theory. Repeatable once with different topics.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 364 or instructor permission.
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 480 - Methods for Writing Assistants

    Study and practice in theories and strategies for guiding writers, one-to-one or in groups, face-to-face or online. Repeatable up to 5 credits including the original course. S/U grading.

    Prerequisites & Notes: Selection as a Writing Center Assistant.
    Credits: 1-3
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • ENG 500 - Directed Independent Study

    An individualized course of study not available through or replacing existing curriculum, to be arranged between one matriculating student and sponsoring faculty member. All academic policies and registration deadlines apply. Directed Independent Study courses cannot substitute for General University Requirements and are not eligible for tuition waiver.

    Credits: 1-15
  • ENG 501 - Literary Theories and Practices

    Examination of theories as they affect the practice of literary criticism and scholarship. Some attention to methods of research and documentation in English studies. Practicum in critical writing.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 502 - Seminar in the Writing of Fiction

    Individual projects in fiction along with examination of recently published works of fiction. May be repeated under advisement.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 504 - Seminar in the Writing of Poetry

    Individual projects in poetry along with examination of recently published volumes of poetry. May be repeated under advisement.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 505 - Seminar in the Writing of Nonfiction

    Individual projects in nonfiction along with examination of classic and modern models of nonfiction. May be repeated under advisement. NOTE: Graduate seminars in playwriting are available from the Department of Theatre Arts.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 506 - Seminar in Creative Writing: Multigenre

    Studies in the theory and practice of creative writing that can encompass more than one genre, create hybrid genres, or cross genre lines. May be repeated under advisement.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 509 - Internship in Writing, Editing and Production

    Under advisement, students may receive credit while working as interns in both on-campus and off-campus assignments appropriate to their career plans. Repeatable to 5 cr. S/U grading.

    Credits: 1-5
    Grade Mode: S/U
  • ENG 510 - Seminar: Topics in Rhetoric

    Rhetorical theory and composition. Topics from classical tradition and modern developments. Applications for teaching of language, literature and composition. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 513 - Seminar in Teaching College Composition

    Offered once a year in the fall.

    Prerequisites & Notes: appointment as a teaching assistant or instructor permission
    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 515 - Studies in Literary and Critical Theory

    Examines major theorists or movements in literary and critical theory. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 520 - Studies in Poetry

    Examines the characteristics, history, uses and criticism of poetry. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 525 - Studies in Fiction

    Examines the characteristics, history, uses and criticism of fiction. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 535 - Studies in Nonfiction

    Examines the characteristics, history, uses and criticism of nonfiction. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 540 - Studies in Global Literatures

    Examines global literatures, involving topics such as war, imperialism, post-colonialism, religion, feminism, migration, and the politics of language. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 550 - Studies in American Literatures

    Examines writers, periods and topics drawn from the full diversity of literature written in America. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 560 - Studies in British Literature

    Examines writers, periods and topics drawn from the full diversity of British literature. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 570 - Topics in Cultural Studies

    Examines the relationship between culture and texts and applies semiotic and/or textual approaches to a wide range of issues in cultural studies. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 575 - Studies in Women’s Literature

    Examines writers, movements and topics in women’s writing that may cut across genres and nationalities. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 580 - Studies in Film

    Examines the codes and conventions of cinema with attention to critical theory. Repeatable with different topics.

    Credits: 5
    Grade Mode: Letter
  • ENG 594 - Practicum in Teaching

    Supervised teaching for MA or MFA candidates, under the direction of graduate faculty. Repeatable to a maximum of 5 credits including original course.

    Prerequisites & Notes: ENG 501
    Credits: 2-5
    Grade Mode: Letter

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