Student ID:__________________________ Student Name:_______________________ Adviser Name:_______________________ Catalog: 2013-2014 Catalog Program: American Cultural Studies, BA Minimum Credits Required:__________________

American Cultural Studies, BA

American Cultural Studies, Interdisciplinary Studies

70 Credits

Introduction/What is the Study of American Cultural Studies?

American Cultural Studies allows students and faculty to address issues such as race/ethnicity, educational equity, social and cultural theory, socio-economic class, as well as gender and sexual orientation while analyzing the formation of identities in societies. The program in American Cultural Studies concentrates on the Americanization process, American character, American cultural institutions and/or cultural values, particularly as these shape our concepts and society. ACS serves those students and faculty who are interested in the study of such questions, but find that important aspects of cultural theory, artifacts and values are not fully revealed by the course of study within a single department or college. The program allows students the opportunity to study issues arising specifically from the cultural diversity in American society. Whenever possible, the program takes advantages of the rich curricular offerings of the various departments and colleges within the university.

Why Consider an American Cultural Studies Major? 

Students who want a liberal arts education of breadth and depth will find that, because of its flexibility, the program adapts well to their needs. The ACS major combines the social sciences with humanities to prepare students with a rich undergraduate background for advanced study in law, domestic social services, public service, government service, education, and graduate work in American studies, ethnic studies and the social sciences.

 Contact Information

Program Director
Dr. Larry J. Estrada
Fairhaven 330

 Sample Careers

Attorney | Public Administration | Higher Education | Social Worker | Marketing Specialist | Firefighter | Teaching English as a Second Language | Consumer Advisor | Community Relations Director | Human Resource Coordinator | Police Officer | Non-Profit Agency Administrator | Public School Teacher

 Major/Career Resources

How to Declare (Admission and Declaration Process):

A formal program of study is initially designed by the student in consultation with a member of the American Cultural Studies faculty. The program is then approved by the Director of American Cultural Studies. No program of study may substantially duplicate an existing departmental or college program. Ordinarily, final approval of the course of study must be granted before senior status is reached.

The student may propose a broad, general program in American Cultural Studies, social science or education concentrations, or focus on one major aspect, for example: ethnic studies, sexuality, myth and folklore or Pacific Northwest studies. In any case, the proposed program must include substantial upper-division work in at least two curricular units of the University. These may include Fairhaven or Huxley colleges.

The faculty recommends that students use a minor to develop special career interests or foci (see, for example, the Asian American Studies minor), or to develop additional depth in one of the traditional academic disciplines or programs of the University.

Grade Requirements

A grade of C- or better is required for a student’s major or minor courses, and supporting courses for majors and minors.


Course NameTerm TakenGradeGen Ed

Core Courses: 39-44 credits

❑ One course from:

    AMST 301 - Comparative Cultural Studies
    FAIR 366E - Comparative Cultural Studies

❑ One course from:

    AMST 499 - Research and Writing
    LIBR 499 - Special Problems

❑ Choose a total of three courses from the following options:

    AMST 206 - The Jewish-American Experience
    AMST 242 - The Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered Experience

   One course from:

    AMST 202 - The American Indian Experience
    FAIR 263B - The American Indian Experience

   One course from:

    AMST 203 - The Hispano/a-American Experience
    FAIR 218C - The Hispano/A-American Experience

   One course from:

    AMST 204 - The African-American Experience
    FAIR 219D - The African-American Experience

   One course from:

    AMST 205 - The Asian-American Experience
    FAIR 215F - The Asian-American Experience

❑ Two courses from the social sciences, selected under advisement from:

    AMST 314 - Contemporary Latino/A Issues
    AMST 316 - Contemporary African American Issues
    ENVS 204 - Human Geography
    FAIR 212E - Coast to Coast on a Piece of Toast: Hoboism and the Great Depression
    FAIR 374B - The Cultural Creation of Identity
    PLSC 101 - Government and Politics in the Modern World
    PLSC 250 - The American Political System
    PLSC 347 - Race, Politics and Public Policy
    PLSC 421 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgendered Politics
    SOC 221 - Introduction to Population Issues
    SOC 255 - Social Organization of Criminal Justice
    SOC 260 - The Family in Society
    SOC 268 - Gender and Society
    SOC 269 - Race and Ethnic Relations

   One course from:

    AMST 315 - Contemporary American Indian Issues
    FAIR 399B - Contemporary American Indian Issues

   One course from:

    ANTH 104 - American Mosaic: The Cultures of the United States
    ANTH 353 - Sex and Gender in Culture

❑ Select one course from:

    AMST 362 - Asian-American History
    HIST 263 - African Americans Since 1865
    HIST 265 - Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Experiences in U.S. History
    HIST 275 - The Indian in American History
    HIST 353 - Latinas/os in the US West
    HIST 362 - Asian-American History
    HIST 365 - History of Sexuality in the United States
    HIST 367 - US Women to 1865
    HIST 368 - US Women from 1865
    HIST 461 - US Urban History
    HIST 467 - American Cultural History: 1790-1880

❑ Two courses from:

    ENG 216 - Introduction to American Literature
    ENG 227 - Introduction to Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual and Transgender Literature
    ENG 234 - Introduction to African-American Literature
    ENG 235 - Introduction to American Indian Literatures
    ENG 236 - Introduction to Asian-American Literatures
    ENG 239 - Introduction to Latina/o Literatures
    ENG 270 - Introduction to Language and Society
    ENG 338 - Women and Literature in North America and Europe

❑ Select one course from:

    A/HI 360 - Nationalism and Cultural Identity, 19th and 20th Centuries
    DNC 232 - Movement and Culture
    FAIR 451X - Resistance Art of the Indigena
    MUS 202 - Jazz: Genesis and Evolution
    MUS 205 - Survey of Non-Western Musical Cultures

Other Requirements

Individualized Program of Study 26-31 credits (selected under advisement) 

A formal program of study is initially designed by the student in consultation with a member of the American Cultural Studies faculty. The program is then approved by the Director of American Cultural Studies. No program of study may substantially duplicate an existing departmental or college program. Ordinarily, final approval of the course of study must be granted before senior status is reached.

The student may propose a broad, general program in American Cultural Studies, social science or education concentrations, or focus on one major aspect, for example: ethnic studies, sexuality, myth and folklore or Pacific Northwest studies. In any case, the proposed program must include substantial upper-division work in at least two curricular units of the University. These may include Fairhaven or Huxley colleges.

The faculty recommends that students use a minor to develop special career interests or foci (see, for example, the Asian American Studies minor), or to develop additional depth in one of the traditional academic disciplines or programs of the University.

University Graduation Requirements

General University Requirements (GURS) 
Writing Proficiency Requirement (WP)
180 Minimum Total Credits
60 Minimum Upper Division Credits
Residency Requirement
Minimum Grade Requirements
Final Quarter Requirement
